All posts by Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Rider, Letter, Moon, Storks, Anchor, Birds

When I pull cards for a daily draw, I usually ask to be shown something that will happen that day, or something I need to know.

Yesterday morning, I pulled the following cards:


1 Rider - 27 Letter - 32 Moon - 17 Storks - 35 Anchor - 12 Birds
1 Rider – 27 Letter – 32 Moon – 17 Storks – 35 Anchor – 12 Birds

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


The Lenormand cards suggested I’d get an update or feedback (Rider) concerning some type of documentation (Letter) resulting in accolades (Moon), positive recognition (Moon + Storks) and/or successful completion (Anchor) of a project.

12 Birds as the clarification or additional information, in combination with 27 Letter and 32 Moon, brought to mind “advertising” or “promotional” documentation, which instantly alerted me that I might receive news (Rider) concerning a PowerPoint presentation I’d recently created for a former colleague.


What Actually Happened:

The cards manifested quickly. About three hours after the draw, I received feedback (Rider) via an email (Letter) regarding the PowerPoint presentation (Letter + Moon + Birds) I’d prepared. The feedback recognized (Moon) the improvements (Storks) I’d made to my former colleague’s original concept and he complimented me on a job well done!

Once again, my cards provided an accurate “heads-up” on what to expect as the day unfolded.


Mary Hawkins


Playing Cards Answer Spread: Will the Yarn Come In by Friday?

In addition to living with cards, cats, and my soon-to-be-elsewhere son, I live with yarn.

Lots of it.

The most usual thing I do with yarn is crochet afghans. Nothing too complicated, just a simple double crochet zigzag pattern I found on the internet a few years ago. It’s a pleasant, relaxing, mindless, sit-in-front-of-the-television activity I enjoy doing.

While crocheting my latest afghan, I realized I was running out of one of my colors and would need one more skein of yarn. I started looking for it a couple weeks ago but the color I needed was out of stock. Not only that, no other color came close enough to match it.

So last Wednesday, I went to my local Michael’s and asked an associate whether the yarn I needed was on order. She checked her inventory and told me it would either arrive that Friday, or the next Friday, she couldn’t be sure.

By Wednesday evening, I’d gotten dangerously close to the row where I’d have to switch to the needed color. Thursday morning, I decided to ask the playing cards:


“Will the yarn I need to finish my afghan arrive at the store this Friday?”

Here are the cards I drew:

Jack of Clubs - 6 of Hearts - 5 of Diamonds - 9 of Hearts - 8 of Hearts - 10 of Clubs
Jack of Clubs – 6 of Hearts – 5 of Diamonds – 9 of Hearts – 8 of Hearts – 10 of Clubs

Answer Spread using Playing Cards

The color pattern across the top row is B-R-R, indicating a problem will be solved.

The color pattern across the bottom row is R-R-B, suggesting a problem may be on the horizon.


With contradictory information, I needed to dig further. Further analysis showed there were no Spades, indicating there would be no major problems or delays, and since four of the six cards, including the two cards in Column 2 (the Answer) were red, there would likely be a good outcome.

I could now go on to read the columns and get my answer.

Column 1 shows the Near Past or Current Situation:

Jack of Clubs - 9 of Hearts
Jack of Clubs – 9 of Hearts

Jack of Clubs can mean practical thoughts, or thoughts about a practical matter, and 9 of Hearts is the “wish card.” This column showed I am wishing (9 of Hearts) to complete my project (Clubs), or my thoughts about finishing my project (Jack of Clubs) will be fulfilled (9 of Hearts).


Column 2 is The Answer:

6 of Hearts - 8 of Hearts
6 of Hearts – 8 of Hearts

I will make good progress (6 of Hearts) regarding an existing relationship (8 of Hearts). In other words, I will be able to finish my afghan because the store will have the yarn in stock.


Column 3 shows what might influence the answer.

5 of Diamonds - 10 of Clubs
5 of Diamonds – 10 of Clubs

10 of Clubs as the Pivot Card suggested the completion (10) of a practical project (Clubs). One of the meanings for 5 of Diamonds is shopping. Because 10 of Clubs (completion) tops 5 of Diamonds (shopping), I deduced that the project would be completed after a successful shopping trip.

The two hearts in Column 2 (The Answer) suggested that my wish (9 of Hearts) to complete my project (10 of Clubs) would be easily accomplished.

Because there were no Spades in the spread, I did not anticipate any delays. The cards clearly indicated that the yarn should arrive “this Friday” as opposed to “next Friday.”


What Actually Happened:

Early Friday afternoon, I went to Michael’s and, as the playing cards had predicted, the yarn I needed had indeed arrived!


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Address Money Question: Sun, Whip, Lilies, Clouds

A female querent recently deposited a significant (to her) amount of money into a money market account and wanted to know “Will the money grow?” Basically, she wondered whether she’d be able to leave it be, gathering interest, or whether she would have to begin withdrawing amounts here and there, sadly watching it dwindle away.

I decided to draw three Lenormand cards plus a clarification card to address her issue. Prior to selecting the cards, I mentally superimposed 15 Bear on the central card position, since 15 Bear represents financial resources and investments. That way, whatever card appears in the central position is located in the House of the Bear, and its meaning is combined with the meaning of 15 Bear.

I drew:

31 Sun - 11 Whip - 30 Lilies - 6 Clouds
31 Sun – 11 Whip – 30 Lilies – 6 Clouds

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


The cards suggested there could be financial gain (Sun) through repetitive deposits or regular monthly interest (Whip, in the House of 15 Bear) to the account, resulting in a slow build-up (Lilies) of money. Whip + Clouds, however, raised a red flag that the querent may lack a certain sense of direction. 6 Clouds by itself as clarification or additional information suggested the outcome may be changeable or unpredictable.


Notice that if you add the numerical values of the chosen Lenormand Cards, 31 + 11 + 30 + 6, you get 78 = 7 + 8 = 15 which equals 15 Bear — the subject of this reading and the card that was mentally superimposed upon the central card (Whip) of the 3 card draw.  This gives more weight to the necessity of regular deposits to the account and/or monthly interest to produce the outcome the querent desires.


I told the querent I was  concerned about the lack of direction and/or uncertainty indicated by the clarification card, 6 Clouds. It seemed to me that the money could grow slowly, either through regular deposits to the account and/or repeated monthly interest (Sun + Whip + Lilies), but that she hadn’t made a firm decision yet (Clouds) as to whether she would begin withdrawing from the account before it had a chance to grow. I suggested she might want to focus on finding ways to prevent withdrawal from happening, assuming her prevailing desire was to have the funds grow.

The querent agreed the cards mirrored her situation quite accurately, as at the present time, she was uncertain (Clouds) as to whether she could continue to fund the account or if she was going to have to begin withdrawing from it.


Mary Hawkins

Playing Cards Advice on Weight Loss

One of the not-so-fun things about getting older is that weight loss becomes more difficult. In the past, dropping five pounds was easily achievable. Now, it seems to be nearly impossible.

This morning I decided to ask the cards to comment on my desire to lose weight. I specifically wanted to know what might help and what wouldn’t help at all.

I decided to use the playing cards and the Hedgewytchery Cross spread, where the first three cards from left to right show the past, present and future. The card above indicates “what to do” and the card below shows “what not to do.”

I drew:


Queen of Hearts - 4 of Clubs - 10 of Clubs - Queen of Spades - 5 of Hearts
Queen of Hearts – 4 of Clubs – 10 of Clubs – Queen of Spades – 5 of Hearts


The playing cards pulled no punches.

In the past, I was a younger woman (Queen of Hearts) and losing weight was not a problem (hearts). 4 of Clubs in the present position shows I am working (clubs) on it and 10 of Clubs in the future position suggests I will have to work (clubs) a whole lot harder (10) to achieve any results. 4 of Clubs in the present position also suggests I am sedentary — sitting at a desk — which is pretty accurate. I don’t move around much these days….

At first I was confused as to why I pulled two Queens, but suddenly the light went off. Queen of Hearts in the past position refers to me as a younger woman and Queen of Spades in the “what to do” position shows that I am now an older woman, and I need to come to terms with that. What won’t work is wishful thinking (5 of Hearts)!!!

Basically, the playing cards counseled that because I am now older (Queen of Spades), inactivity (4 of Clubs) isn’t going to cut it and I am fooling myself by engaging in wishful thinking (5 of Hearts). I will have to work my butt off  (10 of Clubs) if I expect to lose any weight at this stage of the game.



Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Comment on the New Babies: Birds, Paths, Tree, Book, Key, Anchor

This morning I was wondering how the newly born little twin girls were doing and pulled the following cards:


12 Birds - 22 Paths - 5 Tree - 26 Book - 33 Key - 35 Anchor
12 Birds – 22 Paths – 5 Tree – 26 Book – 33 Key – 35 Anchor

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand (c) 2008 Konigsfurt-Urania


12 Birds + 22 Crossroads, both carrying the connotation of “2” refers to the twins. 5 Tree is their health and 5 Tree + 26 Book indicates tests and/or examinations. 33 Key as the final card in the Line of 5 lends a positive, successful vibe, indicating the tests showed all is well with the baby girls.

35 Anchor, as the card providing clarification and/or additional information, along with 5 Tree, further confirms stable health and strong immune systems.

To confirm my interpretation of the Lenormand card message, I texted my older daughter (who had visited the Mom and babies yesterday) and asked about the test results. She replied the tests were good, all was well, and the babies were perfectly healthy.

So nice to get the good news!


Mary Hawkins