All posts by Mary Hawkins

Shining the Light Spread Using Tarot Cards

This is a simple yet effective spread that will give you insight and guidance on a situation, issue or circumstance that is concerning you.

I’m using the Tarot Cards for this example but it could easily be adapted to any card deck including Lenormand, an oracle deck or playing cards.

Shining the Light Spread Using Tarot Cards Instructions:

1. Write down a brief, honest synopsis of the circumstance, issue or situation that is concerning you. (If you’re tempted to skip this step, don’t. You won’t have to write a book — just a few words or sentences will do, and the act of writing will help you focus on exactly what it is you want to know.)

2. Mix the tarot cards while thinking about your circumstance, issue or situation. Ask the cards to “shine the light” and give you some useful advice.

3. Continue mixing the tarot cards until it feels like you’re done. (Trust me, you will know when to stop.) Then turn the deck face up and search for IX-THE HERMIT. Select the cards to the immediate left and right and place all three cards face up on the table.

Here’s an example:

A 49 year old female querent who was unhappy at her day job wanted to know if she could turn her creative hobbies into a money making venture that would eventually be able to support her.

I asked a few questions to help her clarify the matter, then mixed the cards, asking them to “shine the light” and give the querent some practical guidance .

After turning the deck face up, I found IX-THE HERMIT and selected the cards to the immediate left and right:


Knight of Cups - IX Hermit - Page of Swords
Knight of Cups – IX Hermit – Page of Swords

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Knight of Cups is associated with creative ventures. It can indicate a need for faith in oneself and also speaks to following the path with heart. Page of Swords suggests a need for logical thinking and decisive action. In this tarot card reading, IX-THE HERMIT shines the light on the message, “if you have faith in yourself, follow your passions, pursue a path that is personally meaningful to you, and act decisively, you can achieve your goal.”

The key word in this message is “can.” The cards aren’t predicting the querent will achieve her goal, simply that she can. The suit of Swords is comparable to the playing card suit of Spades, which often correlates with worries, problems or fears. When a tarot card spread — even a short one like this example — ends in a card from the suit of Swords, it often indicates that the querent may encounter problems.


Mary Hawkins

Welcome to Living with Cards

I like to read cards. Tarot cards. Lenormand cards. Playing cards. Oracle cards. Angel cards. Medicine cards. All kinds of cards.

I read cards every day. Usually every morning. I record them in journals. It’s just something I do. Because more often than not, the cards give me insight into whatever circumstances, issues, problems and concerns are on my mind at any given time. They help me understand my belief patterns, motivations, strengths, weaknesses and fears. They offer direction, advice and guidance. They help me make better decisions.

Because I like to read cards, I decided to start a website where I can chronicle the process.

If that sounds interesting to you, stick around, there’s more to come.


Mary Hawkins