Tag Archives: Queen of Pentacles

Intuitive Tarot Technique: Secret Message from your Inner Being

If you’ve ever wrestled over an issue or situation and wished your Higher Self would just jump out and give you some advice, you might want to give this tarot card technique a try. For best results, try it with a tarot deck you like, but don’t normally work with.

Begin by shuffling the cards, thinking about the topic or area of concern for which you seek guidance. Consider as many aspects of the situation as you can bring to mind, then ask your cards an open-ended question such as:

“How can I …?”
“What do I need to consider about …?”
“How might it go for me if …?”
“What advice can you give me about …?”

When you feel ready, quickly flip over each card of the thoroughly shuffled deck, placing those that appeal to you face down in a separate pile. DON’T THINK ABOUT THIS TOO HARD!! Just flip over cards and if you like the card for any reason whatsoever, place it face down in a separate pile.


Q: How Can I … (Insert Your Question Here) ?

Morgan-Greer Tarot cards: Queen of Pentacles, XVII-The Star, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands
Selected cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck: Queen of Pentacles, XVII-The Star, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands

Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

When you’re done flipping through the cards, pick up the pile of cards you selected (they should all be face down) and without looking at them and without changing the order in which you selected them, count how many you have.

The number of cards you selected correlates with the Major Arcana card of the same number, with 22 equaling 0-The Fool.

So, if like the example above, you pulled 5 cards, that would equal V-The Hierophant.  Seven cards would equal VII-The Chariot and 16 cards would equal XVI-The Tower.

If you managed to pull more than 22 cards, simply reduce to a number totaling 22 or less. For example, 27 cards = 2 + 7 = 9 = IX-The Hermit.

Now comes the fun part 🙂

Since you obviously looked at each card as you were flipping them, you will probably know right away whether the Major Arcana card that correlates with the number of cards you selected is in the shuffled deck or in the selection pile. Simply pick up the correct pile, find the card and take the one before it and the one after it as well: this is the Secret Message from your Inner Being, regardless of which pile it’s in.

The Secret Message:

Secret Message cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot: King of Cups, V-The Hierophant, 9 of Wands
Secret Message cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot: King of Cups, V-The Hierophant, 9 of Wands

Consider how the Secret Message from your Inner Being relates to the question you asked. If you have the time, consider turning over the cards you selected and read them separately and/or in combination with the Secret Message cards for more insight regarding the topic at hand. Time and again, I’ve found this particular tarot technique almost always brings some degree of insight I either didn’t have or couldn’t seem to put my finger on prior to casting the cards.


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Card Advice on Asking Questions

When it comes to reading tarot cards, a good rule of thumb to follow is:

If you don’t really want to know the answer, don’t ask the question.

If you choose to ignore this advice, one of three things will surely happen.

1. The cards will pick up on your subconscious hopes and wishes and reflect back to you what you want to hear. At first glance, you might feel joy and relief. Then you’ll get that “hey, wait a minute…that can’t be right” feeling and self doubt will kick in…

Q: Does X like me the way I like him?

A: You are the sunshine of his life. He sees you two as a couple. Your dreams will come true.

Your gut response: “Yeah, right…”.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XIX-The Sun - 2 of Cups - 9 of Cups
XIX-The Sun – 2 of Cups – 9 of Cups

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


2. The cards will pick up on your subconscious worries and fears and deliver worst case scenarios, sending you screaming for that carton of rocky road ice cream stashed at the back of the freezer (or for whatever your go-to comfort food happens to be).

Q: Does X like me the way I like him?

A: No way. He is lying to you. He will break your heart and leave you crying.

Your gut response: “Aw, come on … it couldn’t possibly be this bad…”

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 7 of Swords - 3 of Swords - 5 of Cups
7 of Swords – 3 of Swords – 5 of Cups

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


3. The cards, having picked up on your subconscious, vibrational broadcast that you don’t really want to know the answer, will arrange themselves in some gobbly-gook fashion, all but indecipherable, no matter how many times you reshuffle and draw again.

Q: Does X like me the way I like him?

A: Insights, inspirations, hopes fulfilled, new enterprise or beginning, success, completion, goals achieved, job well done .

Your gut response: “Huh??!!”

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XVII-The Star - Ace of Wands - XXI-The World
XVII-The Star – Ace of Wands – XXI-The World

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


You can avoid the above scenarios by only asking questions for which you are ready to hear the answer. Another approach would be to rephrase your questions — especially about subjects in which you may have an emotional investment — in ways that feel more empowering and less fated.

The tarot is exceptionally good at providing deep insight into your situation/ circumstance/ issue. Instead of asking questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No,” practice phrasing your questions in empowering ways. Empowering questions such as “What’s the most important thing I need to know about [situation/ circumstance/ issue]?” or “What’s the best approach I can take regarding this [situation/ circumstance/ issue]?” are much more helpful and considerably less stress-provoking than the typical yes-or-no questions people tend to ask.

 * * * * * * * * * *

A great spread for ascertaining helpful advice and guidance is a variation of “The Veil” spread described in the Tarot de Marseille LWB (little white book). The first three positions are per the instructions. I added positions 4 and 5 because I think the additional information is helpful.

Position #1: What you are seeing.

Position #2: The Veil, or what you are not seeing, or the reason you are not seeing the entire truth.

Position #3: The truth, or how things really are.

Position #4: The advice.

Position #5: The Probable Outcome if you follow the advice.



Pertinent background leading up to the question: Recent blood work shows my cholesterol’s too high and the doctor’s scale confirms my bathroom scale is accurate (sigh).

My question: “What am I seeing / not seeing concerning my health and what is the truth?”

 The Veil Spread with Extra Positions

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Queen of Pentacles - 8 of Pentacles - II-The High Priestess - Ace of Swords - 0-The Fool
Queen of Pentacles – 8 of Pentacles – II-The High Priestess – Ace of Swords – 0-The Fool

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Position #1: What I am seeing.

Queen of Pentacles - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
Queen of Pentacles – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

QUEEN OF PENTACLES: I am seeing myself as healthy. After all, my cholesterol is not that high, and my weight is not that excessive.  The doctor didn’t even lecture me about either one. I want to believe I am healthy enough.

Position #2: The Veil, or what I am not seeing.

8 of Pentacles
8 of Pentacles – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

8 OF PENTACLES: Eight is the number that signifies balance vs. imbalance, and pentacles are physical. As such, they are often related to health issues. There is some type of imbalance going on, likely physical, whether I want to admit it or not.

Position #3: The truth, or how things really are.

II-The High Priestess - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
II-The High Priestess – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

II-THE HIGH PRIESTESS: I am not listening to my gut feelings surrounding this issue. I am ignoring the inner voice that keeps nagging me that all is not well and that I really need to start doing something about it, preferably sooner rather than later.

Position #4: The Advice.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Ace of Swords
Ace of Swords – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

ACE OF SWORDS: I need to find ways to release pent-up emotions, stress, anxieties and worries. Working out on a regular basis will go a long way in helping me bring my physical and mental energies back into balance. Exercise needed!

Position #5: The Probable Outcome if I follow the Advice.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 0-The Fool
0-The Fool – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

0-THE FOOL: A new beginning, starting afresh. All things are possible, jump in with both feet. Improved health.


I had to admit the cards were right. I told myself, the next time I got a flyer from a local gym offering promotional pricing, I’d join. And wouldn’t you know it, a flyer from the fitness center closest to my house arrived in the afternoon mail…

 * * * * * * * * * *

I’d really like to encourage you to ask questions that help you sort things out, empower you, and lead you to your own conclusions. The answers you’ll receive by taking this approach will be much more insightful and helpful than any yes-or-no answers could ever hope to be.


Mary Hawkins

You Don’t Have to be Psychic to Read Cards

You don’t have to be psychic to learn how to read cards. All it takes is intention, some intuition, and a good dollop of common sense.

If you learned how to read English — which I assume you did if you’re reading this post — you can learn how to read cards. This is because cards, like English (or French or German or any other language), speak in languages that you can learn to read.

Each card system (tarot, Lenormand, playing cards, etc.) has its own language. Just like any language, there may be similarities — and there are sure to be differences.

For example, XVI-The Tower in the tarot does not have the same meaning as 19 Tower in the Lenormand. The former has the connotation of a shock or disruption of some sort, perhaps a crisis point. The latter has many meanings including legal matters, bureaucracy, isolation, ego, and official buildings among other things, and absolutely no connotations of shock, disruption or crisis.


What you need if you want to read cards:

1. Intention

I-The Magician - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
I-The Magician – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck


You have to want to read cards, otherwise, why would you bother? It is not a huge investment of money to pick up a tarot deck at a local bookstore or order one online. Lenormand cards are not particularly pricey and can also be ordered online. A pack of playing cards costs less than $5.00 at big box stores and drugstores. If you don’t already own a deck of tarot, Lenormand or playing cards, decide which card system you want to start with and purchase one deck. If you’re already familiar and comfortable with one or more card systems, consider trying your hand at another.

Here are some deck suggestions to get you started:

Tarot decks:

  • Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
  • Robin Wood Tarot Deck
  • Universal Waite Tarot Deck
  • Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck
  • Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck

Lenormand decks:

  • Piatnik Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115
  • Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand
  • Mystical Lenormand


2. Intuition

II-The High Priestess - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
II-The High Priestess – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck


Everyone has intuitive capabilities. While some people may be more intuitive than others, every person has the ability to “intuit” to some degree — and the capacity to build their intuitive muscle. The more you learn about how your own particular intuitive abilities work, the better you will be able to work with them. Card reading is a great way to uncover and strengthen your intuitive abilities. When you look at a tarot card, you may find certain symbols in the picture capture your attention. You might ask yourself, “why has that symbol captured my attention?” One thought may lead to another and before you know it, you could be stringing together a meaning and/or a thought might occur to you that summarizes the message the cards seem to be giving you. This is intuition in play. You will develop and/or strengthen it by reading cards on a regular basis.


3. Common Sense

Queen of Pentacles - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
Queen of Pentacles – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

It helps to have your head set squarely on your shoulders. It doesn’t make any sense to me to get upset, worried or scared outta your mind by a card reading. Come on, people, use your heads. They’re just cards. Cards are rectangular pieces of cardboard with pictures on them. The power is not in the cards. You own the power.


Queen of Swords - Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck
Queen of Swords – Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck


I’ll share more of my approach to card reading in subsequent posts. If there’s something you’d like me to  comment on or discuss in more depth, please let me know.


Mary Hawkins


Tarot Advice for Health Issue

The querent is a female in her mid-60s who has been experiencing some health issues. She is skeptical of allopathic medicine because she feels such practitioners tend to “treat the symptoms and not the cause,” and because she “doesn’t want to start taking a bunch of drugs.” Recently she heard about  a female chiropractor with an intuitive, energetic approach and she wants to know if this individual could help her resolve her issues.

I decided to throw a Five Pointed Star tarot spread with a significator* to get some insight into her question.

[Note: in addition to representing either the querent (the person asking the question) or the quesited (that which is inquired about), a significator card can give insight regarding the major theme of the question.]


Tarot Health Issue - 5 Pointed Star Spread with Significator
Tarot Health Issue – 5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread with Significator and Clarification Card


Significator card: the central card, 8 of Pentacles, describes the theme of the reading. For a health related question, this card suggests an imbalance (8) of some sort may be causing the physical (Pentacles) issues the querent is experiencing.

Position #1 – Queen of Pentacles:

The card in this position describes the basis of the question. It reveals the issue under consideration, but will not affect the outcome. I felt the Queen of Pentacles was describing the chiropractor the querent was considering consulting as an intuitive, practical, results-oriented professional with a hands-on manner. In fact, out of the 78 cards of the Tarot, I can think of no other card which would better describe a female chiropractor!

Position #2 – 6 of Pentacles:

The card in this position reveals the querent’s thoughts or mindset regarding the matter, whether she anticipates success or failure, what the querent may fear and/or what is causing concern. Typically, the card in this position shows how the querent is influencing the question by her thoughts. 6 of Pentacles in this position suggests an equitable exchange of money for services rendered and also indicates the querent expects to receive valuable assistance from this practitioner. In other words, the querent’s mindset regarding this practitioner is positive and she is anticipating positive results.

Position #3 – 10 of Swords:

The card in this position reveals additional information about the situation, of which the querent may or may not be aware, that needs to be considered. 10 of Swords in Position #3 speaks to the querent’s displeasure with allopathic practices and emphasizes a change of doctors or an alternative therapy may be warranted.

Position #4 – 10 of Pentacles:

The card in this position answers the question. This card may also provide advice and/or guidance on how to handle the situation. As “The Answer,” 10 of Pentacles suggests satisfaction with the treatment the querent will receive from the chiropractor, and that contracting her will be a good investment of the querent’s money.

Position #5 – 8 of Cups:

The card in this position shows the Probable Outcome, going beyond the answer found in Position #4, to a final conclusion. 8 of Cups in Position #5 points to the issue of balance vs. imbalance (8), likely in hormones (Cups). My sense was that the chiropractor would be successful in identifying hormonal imbalances in the querent’s body, which, once identified, could be corrected.


I note that four of the six cards in this draw are Pentacles, which is a physical suit dealing with money and health. Interestingly, both issues were on the querent’s mind — her health issues and the money she might need to spend to address them. Additionally, IX-The Hermit as the clarification card is associated with the zodiacal sign of Virgo, a physical Earth sign associated with health.

Queen of Pentacles in Position #1 described the chiropractor as a practical and results-oriented, intuitive professional woman and 6 of Pentacles in Position #2 showed the querent’s expectations that she would receive good value for her money by consulting this practitioner. 10 of Swords in Position #3 suggested the querent felt she was “the end of her rope” concerning her issues and that it was time to try an alternative therapy. 10 of Pentacles in the 4th Position confirmed contracting the chiropractor would be an excellent investment that promised a satisfactory outcome in resolving her health issues. 8 of Cups in Position #5 suggested the treatments would uncover a hormonal (Cups) imbalance (8) which could then be addressed. Finally, IX-Hermit as the Clarification Card suggested that a health (Virgo) issue needed to be further analyzed and that she had been intuitively guided to this particular practitioner. I encouraged her to act on her intuitions.


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Guidance Using the 5 Pointed Star Spread

The querent is a female artist who’s hit a dry spell. Lately she’s been worrying, thinking maybe she’s lost her edge. She fears she’ll never be able to produce the quality of work she’s produced in the past.

“It feels like my creative well is dry,” she confided. “At first I thought I could shake this off, but it’s been a few weeks now and it’s starting to scare me.”

Her question was simple: How Can I Replenish the Well?

I decided to cast a 5 Pointed Star tarot spread to address her question. This is a positional spread where each point of the Star discusses a certain aspect of the problem/ situation/ circumstance of concern.

After thoroughly mixing the cards, I selected the following cards to address her question:


5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread - Replenish the Well
5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread – Replenish the Well


Position 1: The nature or basis of the situation/ issue/ circumstance, or the reason for the question:

Page of Cups as the nature or basis of the situation suggests a couple of things to me. First, it literally suggests creative (Cups) thoughts (Pages). Second, it gives a sense of perhaps being overly emotional about the situation and not trusting her own intuitions, which certainly could put a damper on generating new ideas.

Position 2: The querent’s thoughts or mindset, conscious or unconscious:

Quite literally, 0-The Fool is zero. Nothing. Coupled with Page of Cups as creative thoughts, we see the querent’s situation capsulized in the first two cards: as far as creative thoughts / new inspirations are concerned (Page of Cups), there are none (0-The Fool).

Position 3: Additional information or comment that may impact the situation (can be known or unknown):

2 of Pentacles in the third position suggests a sense of uneasiness/ imbalance, and perhaps a fear of disappointing self or others. There is also a sense of discouragement. These feelings could be causing her to bounce back and forth, between hope and despair, accomplishment and the lack thereof, which could be stifling her creative faculties and affecting her ability to make careful, balanced decisions.

Position 4: The Answer, Advice or Solution:

Knight of Cups suggests the real problem is a lack of faith in herself and her abilities. She needs to re-develop her self confidence. Knight of Cups suggests she should learn to recognize whether she’s acting on fear-based emotions or out of genuine enthusiasm for her passions and interests.

Position 5: The Probable Outcome based on the current energies surrounding the situation/ issue/ circumstance:

Queen of Pentacles furthers the advice of Knight of Cups. If the querent follows the advice of Knight of Cups and resurrects her faith in herself and her abilities, she’ll be better equipped to take on her challenges and figure out effective ways to deal with them.

Clarification Card: Ties the reading together and often gives a direction to consider for achieving a suitable outcome:

V-Hierophant is a card of tradition, encompassing specific, daily routines and rituals. Instead of worrying about a lack of inspiration or a dearth of ideas, perhaps the querent could set a daily schedule that would put her in front of the computer (she does digital design) whether she feels inspired or not. Sometimes the Hierophant can represent an older or more experienced person who passes his or her knowledge on to a student or apprentice. Perhaps the querent could consider offering online classes to beginners who would love to learn the basics of digital design, and in doing so, recover some of the spark and excitement she believes she’s lost.

Hopefully, one or more of the insights provided by this reading will help the querent in resolving this issue.


Mary Hawkins