Tag Archives: Page of Pentacles

Tarot and Lenormand Cards Discuss Family Altercation: 30 Lilies, 6 Clouds, 12 Birds, 13 Child, 25 Ring, 28 Gentleman

Lenormand cards are difficult to misinterpret. They pretty much “tell it like it is” in a matter-of-fact, plain and simple way. I love this quality about them and when I want or need a “quick read” on a situation, I almost always pull out a Lenormand deck first.

When I want to dig deeper, I turn to Tarot. Talk about juicy… Tarot virtually drips with psychological insights, motivations, expectations, mindsets and more. It continually amazes me how much information a handful of Tarot cards can reveal.

Recently, a female Querent (person asking the question) sought assistance regarding an altercation between herself and another family member over parenting practices. In the heat of a vicious quarrel (which had quickly gotten out of hand), harsh words had been spoken, leaving both family members feeling misunderstood, hurt and angry.

I decided to cast a Lenormand Line of 5, specifically wanting to see what help might be available:

Q: Family Altercation: Is There a Solution? If So, What?


Lenormand Line of 5 with Base Card 30 Lilies - 6 Clouds - 12 Birds - 13 Child - 25 Ring - 28 Gentleman http://livingwithcards.com
Lenormand Line of 5 with Base Card: 30 Lilies – 6 Clouds – 12 Birds – 13 Child – 25 Ring – 28 Gentleman

Mlle Lenormand Cartomancy Jeu du destin Deck of 36 Cards


As usual, the Lenormand cards mirrored the situation quite accurately. The Line of 5 described the conflict. The base card (bottom card of the shuffled deck), in conjunction with the hinge card (central card in the Line of 5), suggested a practical approach to resolution:

“Ongoing/ cyclical (Ring) bickering (Birds) between siblings and/or about a child/ children (Birds + Child) is causing misunderstandings and is disrupting family harmony (Lilies + Clouds). An agreement (Ring) must be reached before harmony (Lilies) can be restored.”

“A man (Gentleman) can help resolve the issue, perhaps a mediator (Birds + Gentleman).”


I found the “advice” — “a man can help, perhaps a mediator” (Birds + Gentleman) particularly encouraging because there was actually a professional man both family members knew and respected who fit the bill. This man would likely not only be willing to intervene, but would also likely be listened to by both parties. I passed the information along.


Still, wanting to learn more about the situation, I turned to Tarot. I was about to pick up one of my usual reading decks when a card image from the Thoth deck came to mind.

Thoth Tarot VIII-Adjustment (Justice) http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot VIII-Adjustment (Justice)

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck



According to noted anthropologist/ Tarot authority Angeles Arrien*, VIII-ADJUSTMENT (JUSTICE) in the Crowley-Thoth tarot deck reflects the principles of alignment, balance, negotiation and truth.  My desire to know the truth of the matter regarding this particular situation must have triggered the spontaneous visualization of this card image. Surely it was not coincidence… [*See Ms. Arrien’s classic exploration of the Thoth tarot deck: The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols ]



Note: As I’m sure you know, the Crowley-Thoth tarot deck is not for the faint-hearted. If you’re going to use it, you need to put on your thick skin. A couple dozen years ago when I was first introduced to C-T,  a wise friend shared this secret:

“Thoth never lies.”


Over the years, I have consistently found this to be true.



The extremely yang, in-your-face Crowley-Thoth tarot deck does not sugar-coat. When attuned to its “voice” (a challenge sometimes, especially if you’re emotionally involved in the reading’s subject matter), you may find it to be less vulnerable to misinterpretation than the majority of decks out there in the Tarotverse…

Since I was performing the reading as an outside observer and not personally in the thick of it, I decided to go ahead and see what Thoth had to say about the matter, using one of my go-to tarot spreads, The Five Pointed Star with Significator:

Q: Family Altercation: Psychological Dynamics and Probable Outcome

Five Pointed Star Tarot Spread with the Crowley-Thoth Tarot deck: Princess of Disks - 9 of Swords - Knight of Swords - 2 of Wands - 9 of Cups - Queen of Wands http://livingwithcards.com
Five Pointed Star Tarot Spread with the Crowley-Thoth Tarot deck: Princess of Disks – 9 of Swords – Knight of Swords – 2 of Wands – 9 of Cups – Queen of Wands

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck


Five Pointed Star with Significator Tarot Spread – The Positions

  • Significator – Theme or Subject Matter
  • Position 1 – Basis, Reason, Cause
  • Position 2 – Mindset, Beliefs, Expectations
  • Position 3 – Additional Information, Factors to be Considered
  • Position 4 – Answer/ Solution/ Advice
  • Position 5 – Probable Outcome

If you keep the positional meanings in mind, it is not hard to weave together the story.

The theme, or subject of the spread, involves child (Princess, Page) discipline (Disks, Pentacles).

Thoth Tarot Princess of Disks (Page of Pentacles) http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot Princess of Disks (Page of Pentacles)

Arguments/ cruel words between relatives have ensued because each party believes she is an authority on the matter (9 of Swords in Position 1 with MARS in Gemini; Knight of Swords in Position 2). Knights (the equivalent of Kings in Rider-Waite decks) have a “divine right” to rule. The Knight of Swords/ King of Swords mindset applies to both parties, leaving the other feeling disregarded, accused, exploited and/or intimidated. In conjunction with 9 of Swords, the caustic, sarcastic comments hurt. So we have an argument over child discipline (Princess of Disks/ Page of Pentacles) with each party wounding and being wounded/ emotionally hurt by the other’s sharp words (9 of Swords) because each believes she is an authority on the subject (Knight of Swords/ King of Swords).

Thoth Tarot 9 of Swords http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot 9 of Swords
Thoth Tarot Knight of Swords (King of Swords) http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot Knight of Swords (King of Swords)



2 of Wands in Position 3 supplies additional information and/or factors to be considered. Here, 2 of Wands shows dominion. This is the will to dominate. The card suggests that both parties want to impose their will (MARS in Aries) upon the other. Based on the preceding three cards, it appears that differences of opinion will outweigh any sense of balance or centeredness.

Thoth Tarot 2 of Wands http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot 2 of Wands


Position 4 shows the Answer, Solution or Advice. Here, the 9 of Cups shines a light on the querent’s deep desire for keeping the peace/ harmony. Read in relation to Queen of Wands in Position 5, I sense this could occur at the querent’s expense: the Probable Outcome suggests that at the time of this reading, the more fiery (aggressive) family member will prevail.


Thoth Tarot 9 of Cups http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot 9 of Cups


Thoth Tarot Queen of Wands http://livingwithcards.com
Thoth Tarot Queen of Wands


Clarification Cards

Five Pointed Star Clarification Cards using Thoth Tarot deck: 9 of Disks (9 of Pentacles) - XII-The Hanged Man - 10 of Cups http://livingwithcards.com
Five Pointed Star Clarification Cards using Thoth Tarot deck: 9 of Disks (9 of Pentacles) – XII-The Hanged Man – 10 of Cups

Simply interpreted, XII-The Hanged Man suggests a limiting pattern that needs to be broken. A suspension of activity may be in order. Perhaps more solitary time/ time apart from each other (9 of Disks) would ultimately aid the peacemaking process and/or help restore family harmony (10 of Cups). The Hanged Man also indicates that some time will pass before any solution or resolution is reached.



At this time, I have no feedback from the querent, so I don’t know the outcome.

  • Will the parties follow through with a mediator (Lenormand advice)?
  • Will the querent ultimately decide to back down, “sacrificing” her position for harmony’s sake, letting the other, more aggressive family member prevail (Thoth‘s prediction)?
  • Will the energies surrounding the situation change enough to facilitate another outcome?

It would be interesting to find out…



Mary Hawkins


Tarot and the Law of Attraction Part 1

When you throw a Tarot spread, whether for yourself or someone else, the cards typically pick up on the prevailing energies or vibrations surrounding the issue, circumstance or situation at the time of the question. Any probable outcome or prediction shown by the cards is usually what you or your querent may expect to happen based on the energies or vibrations in play at the time of the reading. Because energies or vibrations are always in flux and can be changed through deliberate and conscious intention, the probable outcome or prediction shown in the Tarot cards can usually change as well.

Herein lies the real value of the Tarot or any other divination system. Rather than focusing on predicting the future, consider using the Tarot to delve below the surface and shine a spotlight on the prevailing energies and vibrations that are in play at the time of the question, attracting a particular probable outcome, wanted or unwanted, into manifestation in your life.

Simply defined, the Law of Attraction states ‘Like attracts like’. Without going into layers of detail, the Law of Attraction boils down to you get what you think about whether you want it or not.

The problem is, it’s not always easy to figure out what you are thinking about or how you are thinking (and feeling) about it. Here’s where the Tarot comes in. Because the Tarot uncannily and consistently picks up on the energies and vibrations surrounding the issue, circumstance or situation, it can be a highly valuable and effective tool that can help you figure out what you are thinking and feeling, what you are in the process of attracting, and what strategies can you develop to get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

I asked the Tarot cards to describe a strategy of how one might proceed in order to manifest more of what they want and less of what they don’t want into their lives. Using the Five Pointed Star with Significator spread, I pulled the following cards:

Q: What Strategy Will Best Support Desired Manifestation?
Five Pointed Star Tarot Spread: Page of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, 6 of Wands, Queen of Swords, Knight of Pentacles
Five Pointed Star Tarot Spread: Page of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, 6 of Wands, Queen of Swords, Knight of Pentacles

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

I immediately note there are no Major Arcana cards in the spread which suggests the matter at hand is under one’s control. “Fate” (majors) has nothing to do with it. I also note there are three 6’s in the spread, drawing attention to the fact that balance and harmony are important characteristics to consider. Everything must work together.

Significator or Theme: Page of Pentacles
tarot page of pentacles
Page of Pentacles

In the context of the question, the Significator or Theme card describes the strategy.  Page of Pentacles suggests a willingness to learn. The card seems to suggest one might approach the subject from a student’s perspective, remaining open-minded and willing to study the process.

Position 1 – Basis, Reason, Cause: 6 of Pentacles
tarot 6 of Pentacles
6 of Pentacles

Again, keep in mind that according to the context of the question, the cards are describing a strategy that can help one begin to manifest more of what they want and less of what they don’t want. The 6 of Pentacles is the “attitude of gratitude” card. It suggests that appreciation and gratitude for what one already has is the starting point for attracting more of the same.

Position 2 – Mindset, Expectations: 6 of Cups
tarot 6 of Cups
6 of Cups

When attempting to manifest a desire, one must expect to receive that which they are asking for. 6 of Cups suggests happy anticipation will go a long way in helping one manifest their heart-felt desires.

Position 3 – Additional Information or Comments: 6 of Wands
tarot 6 of Wands
6 of Wands

The Tarot 6 of Wands, also known as the Victory card, suggests that another part of the process is to envision success and enjoy how that feels.

Position 4 – Answer, Solution, Advice: Queen of Swords
Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords

Of all the Tarot Queens, the Queen of Swords is a solitary figure. She reminds us that working on one’s ability to manifest is a solitary endeavor. No one else can do it for you. The Queen of Swords also counsels that clarity is essential. The clearer one can describe, visualize, and joyously anticipate the arrival of a desire or goal, the more likely a positive manifestation will take place.

Position 5 – Probable Outcome: Knight of Pentacles
tarot Knight of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles indicates slow, steady progress with tangible results. This is the “plan the work, work the plan” card. By putting the procedure outlined by the previous cards into play, positive results may be expected.

The clarification cards (not shown) that I pulled for this reading further suggest to take the process one day at a time. Believe in yourself and your ability to learn a new trick or two. 🙂 Keep at it and you’ll be rewarded.

In Part 2, I’ll share a simple tarot card spread that may help you keep yourself on track should you desire to work on improving your manifestation ability.


Mary Hawkins