Category Archives: Lenormand Cards

Lenormand Daily Draw: Mountain, Clouds, Paths, Tree, Child, Book, Coffin

When using Lenormand cards for my daily draw, I often throw a Line of 5, then select the base card (bottom card of the shuffled deck) for clarification or additional information.

This morning, after shuffling while asking the Lenormand cards to show me something that would happen today or something I needed to know, I inadvertently selected six cards for my Line of 5:


21 Mountain - 6 Clouds 22 Paths - 5 Tree - 13 Child - 26 Book - 8 Coffin
21 Mountain – 6 Clouds 22 Paths – 5 Tree – 13 Child – 26 Book – 8 Coffin

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand (c) 2008 Konigsfurt-Urania


At first, I was unsure of how I wanted to deal with this unexpected situation. Should I disregard the mistakenly drawn 6th card? Use it as the base card showing clarification or additional information (even though I’d already peeked at the bottom card)?

I left it in the line up for several minutes as I contemplated what the cards might be telling me, keeping in mind the base card I had peeked at, 8 Coffin

Basically, I got the sense today would be a day of procrastination (Mountain + Clouds) with no clear focus (Clouds + Paths) and passing weather conditions (Clouds) — it was cloudy and rainy when I pulled my cards — and that maybe I’d go back to bed for a couple hours (8 Coffin as clarification or additional information), bored outta my mind (Tree).

I would probably lay low (Coffin), not much would get done (Mountain + Clouds + Paths), and I’d experience a slow, boring (Tree) day, at least until later in the afternoon when I would leave the house to pick up Grandson #1 (Child) from school (Book).


Note: After realizing the first three cards (Mountain + Clouds + Paths) went together, making the 4th card 5 Tree (slow, boring day) the central card of the spread, the reading quickly clarified and I had to “tip my hat” to my subconscious, which surely had orchestrated the selection of six, rather than five, cards.


What Actually Happened:

As the cards had suggested, the day started out slow and boring (Tree) and I didn’t accomplish much of anything (Mountain + Clouds + Paths). Somehow, however, I managed to stay out of bed (Coffin)!

Around lunchtime, the boredom (Tree) ended (Coffin) when I happened to notice a new book I’d purchased but hadn’t gotten around to reading laying on the kitchen table under a pile of paperwork. As I picked it up, I instantly realized Child + Book in the morning draw was completely literal: new (Child) book (Book). Also, as planned, I picked up my grandson (Child) from school (Book) later in the day, so the last two cards of what was supposed to be a five card draw wound up pulling double duty.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Daily Draw: Child, Bear, Storks, Birds

Last week my older daughter asked me to babysit Grandson #2 on Thursday of this week (yesterday). By Wednesday, I still hadn’t heard from her, so I wondered if perhaps she had changed her mind. I decided to throw some cards to find out.

Prior to shuffling, I mentally charged 13 Child to represent my grandson, so whatever card I pulled would be read as if it had landed in the House of 13 Child and the meanings would be combined.

I pulled the following cards:


15 Bear - 17 Storks - 12 Birds
15 Bear – 17 Storks – 12 Birds

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


In the context of the question, “Will I have to babysit tomorrow?”, 15 Bear shows a maternal figure (me!), literally “sitting” on a child. In other words, 15 Bear in the House of 13 Child is a babysitter.

Storks bring babies and Birds are communications, texts and phone calls. The cards suggested I’d get a text or phone call (Birds) from my daughter informing me she’d be bringing my grandson over (Storks) for our babysitting date (Bear in the House of 13 Child).


What Actually Happened:

Wednesday evening my daughter sent me a text (Birds) reminding me of my babysitting commitment (Bear in the House of 13 Child), and alerting me that she’d be dropping my grandson off (Storks) the following morning around 9:00 a.m. All went as planned and I spent a delightful morning coloring, chatting, eating, and watching Nick Jr. with the little guy, as the Lenormand cards had suggested.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Daily Draw: Whip, Mountain, Garden, Ring, Sun, Tree

Tuesday afternoon my younger daughter texted, inviting me over for coffee. I blew her off, weakly promising her catch up with her “tomorrow.”

Wednesday morning, I pulled the following Lenormand cards for my daily draw:

11 Whip - 21 Mountain - 20 Garden - 25 Ring - 31 Sun - 5 Tree
11 Whip – 21 Mountain – 20 Garden – 25 Ring – 31 Sun – 5 Tree

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


As the central card in the draw, 20 Garden suggested some socializing was on the agenda. 11 Whip + 21 Mountain showed the recent past: action (Whip) delayed (Mountain), and the cards to the right of 20 Garden suggested a commitment (Ring) would be kept or honored (Sun).

As I’ve mentioned before, in addition to drawing a Line of 5, I often use the base card (bottom card of the shuffled deck) to clarify the reading or show additional information. In this draw, 5 Tree as the clarification or additional information suggested I would “reach out” (Tree) and fulfill my social obligations (Mountain + Garden + Ring).


What Actually Happened:

It turned out to be a bright, sunny day (Sun). This went a long way in  improving my mood and bolstering my energy levels, making it easier for me to get off my duff, overcome my inertia (Whip + Mountain) and fulfill my social obligations (Mountain + Garden + Ring) by “reaching out” to family (Tree).

The visit (Garden) with my younger daughter and grandson turned out to be fun and I was glad I had “reached out” (Tree).


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Rider, Letter, Moon, Storks, Anchor, Birds

When I pull cards for a daily draw, I usually ask to be shown something that will happen that day, or something I need to know.

Yesterday morning, I pulled the following cards:


1 Rider - 27 Letter - 32 Moon - 17 Storks - 35 Anchor - 12 Birds
1 Rider – 27 Letter – 32 Moon – 17 Storks – 35 Anchor – 12 Birds

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


The Lenormand cards suggested I’d get an update or feedback (Rider) concerning some type of documentation (Letter) resulting in accolades (Moon), positive recognition (Moon + Storks) and/or successful completion (Anchor) of a project.

12 Birds as the clarification or additional information, in combination with 27 Letter and 32 Moon, brought to mind “advertising” or “promotional” documentation, which instantly alerted me that I might receive news (Rider) concerning a PowerPoint presentation I’d recently created for a former colleague.


What Actually Happened:

The cards manifested quickly. About three hours after the draw, I received feedback (Rider) via an email (Letter) regarding the PowerPoint presentation (Letter + Moon + Birds) I’d prepared. The feedback recognized (Moon) the improvements (Storks) I’d made to my former colleague’s original concept and he complimented me on a job well done!

Once again, my cards provided an accurate “heads-up” on what to expect as the day unfolded.


Mary Hawkins


Lenormand Cards Address Money Question: Sun, Whip, Lilies, Clouds

A female querent recently deposited a significant (to her) amount of money into a money market account and wanted to know “Will the money grow?” Basically, she wondered whether she’d be able to leave it be, gathering interest, or whether she would have to begin withdrawing amounts here and there, sadly watching it dwindle away.

I decided to draw three Lenormand cards plus a clarification card to address her issue. Prior to selecting the cards, I mentally superimposed 15 Bear on the central card position, since 15 Bear represents financial resources and investments. That way, whatever card appears in the central position is located in the House of the Bear, and its meaning is combined with the meaning of 15 Bear.

I drew:

31 Sun - 11 Whip - 30 Lilies - 6 Clouds
31 Sun – 11 Whip – 30 Lilies – 6 Clouds

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


The cards suggested there could be financial gain (Sun) through repetitive deposits or regular monthly interest (Whip, in the House of 15 Bear) to the account, resulting in a slow build-up (Lilies) of money. Whip + Clouds, however, raised a red flag that the querent may lack a certain sense of direction. 6 Clouds by itself as clarification or additional information suggested the outcome may be changeable or unpredictable.


Notice that if you add the numerical values of the chosen Lenormand Cards, 31 + 11 + 30 + 6, you get 78 = 7 + 8 = 15 which equals 15 Bear — the subject of this reading and the card that was mentally superimposed upon the central card (Whip) of the 3 card draw.  This gives more weight to the necessity of regular deposits to the account and/or monthly interest to produce the outcome the querent desires.


I told the querent I was  concerned about the lack of direction and/or uncertainty indicated by the clarification card, 6 Clouds. It seemed to me that the money could grow slowly, either through regular deposits to the account and/or repeated monthly interest (Sun + Whip + Lilies), but that she hadn’t made a firm decision yet (Clouds) as to whether she would begin withdrawing from the account before it had a chance to grow. I suggested she might want to focus on finding ways to prevent withdrawal from happening, assuming her prevailing desire was to have the funds grow.

The querent agreed the cards mirrored her situation quite accurately, as at the present time, she was uncertain (Clouds) as to whether she could continue to fund the account or if she was going to have to begin withdrawing from it.


Mary Hawkins