Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Meanings & Combinations: 40 Wine

The Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Card 40 Wine does not always mean “cheerfulness and gaiety” as described in the “fortune” on the card. For one thing, it’s a person card: the Queen of Clubs. As such it could be referencing an Earth sign person (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or a person who largely operates in a friendly, helpful manner or one who possesses a practical, results-oriented mindset.

Consider also what happens when someone (Earth sign or not) becomes inebriated. Their thinking process may be interrupted, possibly blocked. They may find it difficult to think logically and/or make well-thought-out decisions. Actions they may take while “under the influence” may not turn out so well, etc.


Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Card 40 Wine – Living with Cards


All card readings are contextual. By that I mean you must take into consideration not only the actual question/ situation/ circumstance being explored, but also the energies surrounding either the Querent (if it’s their question) or the subject/ person  the Querent is seeking to gain information on.

Below I will discuss a reading showcasing Gypsy Witch 40 Wine and show you the card combinations that led me to my conclusions regarding the matter.

The Situation That Prompted the Reading

Two family members (A & B) are somewhat at odds regarding how to address a situation impacting a third family member (C) who is not capable of making their own health decisions. Family Member A’s approach seems “way over the top” to Family Member B, who as the local family member will be the person who ultimately handles the matter. Family Member B wants to get a better understanding of the energy surrounding the situation in light of Family Member C’s real needs at this time.

The Question: What Does B Need to Know about C’s Situation and the Way A is Dealing with It?


Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Cards address a family member’s health situation and another family member’s reaction to it. – Living with Cards © 2019


After a thorough shuffle of the cards, I pulled the nine card spread seen above, laying the cards out starting with the central card (Anchor), Left (Mountain), Above (Scythe), Right (Heart), Below (Key), Top Left Corner (Wine), Top Right Corner (Railroad), Bottom Right Corner (Lightening) and Bottom Left Corner (Lion).

I then flipped over cards in the remaining deck one by one until I uncovered Tree (health) which I selected along with the card before (Lilies) and the card after (Snake).

The Analysis


In order to intelligently explore this question we first need to determine Family Member C’s general state of health, which would be indicated by Gypsy Witch 5 Tree.

Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Cards Lilies + Tree + Snake - Living with Cards
Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Cards Lilies + Tree + Snake – Living with Cards


Here we are seeing health issues (Tree + Snake) that are exacerbated due to aging (Lilies). Quite simply, Family Member C is getting older. Their declining health is to be expected. I saw no red flags that would indicate Family Member C was on death’s doorstep.

With that portion of the analysis clear, we go on to the nine card spread which addresses Family Member A’s reactions to the situation and explores the energy behind how they are dealing with it:

Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Cards family member's health issue - Living with Cards © 2019
Gypsy Witch Fortunetelling Playing Cards family member’s health issue – Living with Cards © 2019


Two cards immediately struck my attention: the central card Anchor and the first card Wine. Equally interesting, both these cards suggested two layers of meanings to me.

Anchor, as the central card told me that Family Member C’s health was stable at the moment. It also suggested that Family Member B, the Querent, was the stabilizing force in the matter.

It was immediately obvious that the first card, Wine, did not symbolize “cheerfulness and gaiety” within the context of this question/ situation. I noted with interest that Family Member A, the person under examination, was both female and an Earth sign, making Wine which features the Queen of Clubs an appropriate significator.

A quick look at the four corners brought more insight: Railroad is a distance card; this could denote actual physical distance as well as emotional and/or psychological distance. Here it appropriately mirrored Family Member A’s physical distance from the situation as they lived out of state. Lightning in the bottom right corner suggested a “disagreeable surprise,” fortified by Lion in the bottom left corner, presaging “a sudden shock from bad news.” Just the four corners alone suggested Family Member A was thrown off their game by this situation concerning C’s health. I wrote in my notes:

Q♣ is catastrophizing from afar.

Wine (Q♣ representing Family Member A) + Scythe (snap decisions) + Railroad (distance).

Where’d I get “catastrophizing”? That came from the “testimonies” of Lion and Lightning which together with Scythe give the sense of jumping to conclusions (out of fear).

The cards went on to describe Family Member A’s fear and trepidation (Lion, Lightning) that C’s heart might stop (Heart, Mountain). Key shows the certainty in their mind that the worst would happen.

In a way, Family Member A’s mind was “bubbling over” (Wine) with every disturbing, unpleasant thought possible concerning C’s situation, which they were sure meant C was not long for this world, a “diagnosis” that is contradicted by Tree and its surrounding cards.


Please note: I am not making any medical diagnosis here and the altercation between the two family members does not involve a health crisis. Rather, the two family members need to make decisions concerning C’s future health care in general and they have differing views on how to proceed.



As a result of this reading Family Member B decided to put more effort into alleviating A’s fears by helping them better understand the procedures B was considering putting in place regarding C’s future health issues.



Mary Hawkins

Note: in this reading the Gypsy Witch Wine card did not testify that Family Member A was actually “inebriated” or acting out of any drunken stupor. However, in light of the card combinations, it was pointing out a similar type of reaction one might observe in a person who was “under the influence:” namely, blurred, blocked, fuzzy or delayed thinking (Wine + Mountain), interrupted thought process (Wine + Scythe), agitated, fear-based thinking (Wine + Lion with Lightening in the spread), etc.


Note: Learn more about working with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards by clicking on the links below or using the Gypsy Witch link under Categories in the side bar to your right.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 1

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 2

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 3

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 4

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