Tag Archives: Piatnik Lenormand

Lenormand Cards Weekly Draw: Tower, Coffin, Scythe, Mountain, Clover, Rider

On Sundays, instead of doing a daily draw, I usually take a look at the week ahead, asking for a heads up on what might occur.

Here are the cards I pulled this morning:


19 Tower - 8 Coffin - 10 Scythe - 21 Mountain - 2 Clover - 1 Rider
19 Tower – 8 Coffin – 10 Scythe – 21 Mountain – 2 Clover – 1 Rider

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


The Lenormand cards seemed to be following up on a situation I’d heard about yesterday when I was alerted that an older gentleman friend had wound up in the hospital after experiencing what appeared to be a stroke.

This morning’s cards showed the sudden (Scythe) hospitalization (Tower + Coffin), and went on to indicate a potentially slow and possibly challenging recovery (Mountain + Clover). Rider as the base card suggested I will get an update on the situation sometime this week.

While Clover at the end of the Line of 5 is encouraging and suggestive of recovery, I know this card has a temporary influence, so I can’t help but worry a bit about my friend’s long term prospects.

On the other hand, perhaps Clover is simply saying that this old boy will luck out & be sent home as good as new. I think I’d rather focus on that outcome for now.


Mary Hawkins