Tag Archives: how to read Lenormand cards

Lenormand Predicts Skylanders Game for Christmas: 12 Birds, 8 Coffin, 2 Clover, 1 Rider, 13 Child

If you’ve been reading Tarot cards, Lenormand cards, Playing cards or Oracle cards for a while now, you’ve likely noticed the cards are perfectly happy to answer pretty much any type of question. It’s just as valid to ask “Will I have fun at the party?” as it is to question whether or not your job is secure, your significant other is cheating on you, or if you’ll pass the real estate licensing exam.

For example, my 7 year old grandson really, really, really wants a particular Skylanders game for Christmas…

Skylanders Trap Team Starter Pack – Wii U

And he’s really, really worried he won’t get it…

I decided to throw a few Mystical Lenormand cards to see what his prospects are:

Mystical Lenormand 12 Birds - 8 Coffin - 2 Clover - 1 Rider - 13 Child http://livingwithcards.com
12 Birds – 8 Coffin – 2 Clover – 1 Rider – 13 Child

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2006 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

This is one of the most direct, literal spreads I’ve ever thrown. Coffin ends things and Birds can show stress, anxiety or worry that is often short-lived. In the context of my question, I can see that Birds + Coffin easily translates to “Don’t worry!”

Clover is the central or hinge card, giving a very positive spin to this spread. Clover indicates good luck and positive opportunities. Followed by Rider, it’s easy to see that good things are on their way to my grandson (Child).

I had to smile at this very pleasant probable future. “Don’t worry, Sweetie,” I told him. “Just tell Santa you really, really, really want that game and I’m sure he’ll bring it to you.”

Of course, I’ll be sure to put in a good word with his mother…….


Mary Hawkins