Tag Archives: 8 Coffin

Lenormand Cards Give a Literal Reading

When you draw cards every day like I do, it’s probable you are going to get ordinary information more often than not. I think this is because card readers, at least the ones I know, tend to be introspective and do not live a roller-coaster life where weird and wild things happen to them on a regular basis.

Many of my daily draws simply confirm something I already know.

A case in point:

My sister visited over the winter holidays. On the morning of her departure (while she was still snoozing on the sofa), I drew my cards for the day and got:


Lenormand 29 Woman - 20 Garden - 8 Coffin
29 Woman – 20 Garden – 8 Coffin

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here’s how I interpreted the spread, straight from my personal journal:

“The social activities/ festivities (Garden) with my sister (Woman) come to an end (Coffin).”

And that was exactly what happened. Later that afternoon, I drove my sister to the train station and watched her board for her trip back home. I felt a little depressed (Coffin). I love my sister (Woman) and I had enjoyed hanging out with her (Garden).


Mary Hawkins