Category Archives: Tarot Cards

Tarot Clarification Cards Address Relationship Issue

You can almost always glean additional and helpful information from a Tarot spread by pulling clarification cards. While there are many ways to select clarification cards, below I will outline my preferred method.

First, let’s take a look at a simple 7 card Overview Spread* that reads fairly straightforwardly. Later, we’ll add the clarification cards.


Tarot spread, overview spread, card positions,
The Overview Spread – card positions

Card 1: Significator or Theme Card (Represents the Querent or describes an important aspect about the topic under consideration)

Cards 2 & 6: The Recent Past / Current Influences

Card 3: What is Above You (Describes what’s weighing on the Querent’s mind at the time of the reading)

Cards 4 & 7: Near Future/ What Happens Next

Card 5: What is Below You (Describes what the Querent dreads, doesn’t want to think about or wants to avoid)


The template above shows how to lay out the spread once you’re done shuffling the cards in your usual manner while thinking about the topic you’d like the cards to discuss. You can preselect Card 1 if you like (for example, choose the King or Queen who normally represents you, or choose VI-The Lovers for a relationship overview), or let the deck choose for you. I usually let the deck pick the Significator or Theme Card, but please do whatever feels comfortable to you. You’ll still get a valid reading.



In the following example, the Querent (person asking the question) was a single female who found herself unexpectedly pregnant. She wanted to know if marriage (which she and the man had discussed as an option) was a good idea. I drew the following cards:

Overview tarot spread Universal Waite tarot deck
Overview Spread – Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Card 1 – Significator or Theme Card: III-The Empress

Cards 2 & 6 – The Recent Past / Current Influences: 10 of Wands + 2 of Wands

Card 3 – What is Above You (What’s Weighing on Your Mind at the Time of the Reading): 8 of Swords

Cards 4 & 7 – Near Future/ What Happens Next: 3 of Pentacles + 4 of Swords

Card 5: What is Below You (What You Are Avoiding, Dreading or Don’t Want to Think About): 7 of Wands


Since the Querent was indeed pregnant, III-Empress as the Significator or Theme Card was certainly appropriate. I quickly noted, however, a lack of cards in the spread suggesting marriage and/or happiness.

10 of Wands and 2 of Wands in the Recent Past position (Cards 2 + 6) suggested feelings of overwhelm and off-centeredness. 8 of Swords in the Above position (Card 3) suggested a sense of entrapment, awkwardly countered by the independent, go-it-alone vibe presented by 7 of Wands in the Below “Don’t Want to Think About It” position (Card 5).

I noted that the Wands cards, which in general can indicate hope and inspiration, were in the Recent Past and Below positions (Cards 2, 6 and 5) while cards from the suit of Swords (indicating fear and worry) showed up in the Above position (Card 3) and as the last card of the Near Future (Card 7).

The child itself did not seem to factor in (no Pages), and once again I’ll mention the lack of cards indicating love, marriage, cooperation and/or happiness.

The Overview Spread confirmed the Querent’s sense of feeling conflicted. With 3 of Pentacles and 4 of Swords in the Near Future position (Cards 4 + 7), it seemed likely that any potential growth of the relationship between her and the baby’s father would come to a halt. Perhaps they would agree to take a break from each other. This interpretation seemed to be supported by 7 of Wands in the “Don’t Want to Think About It” Below position (Card 5) which speaks to what one is avoiding, dreading or not wanting to consider. I got the sense the querent didn’t want to admit to herself (let alone the baby’s father) that she would prefer to remain independent.

Before I went any further, I wanted to see the clarification cards, knowing they would either support or refute my intuitions.


How I Use Numerology to Calculate Tarot Clarification Cards

Each Major Arcana card has its own value, 0 – 22.

Each Minor Arcana card 1 – 10 has its own value.

In my system, Kings = 11, Queens = 12, Knights =13 and Pages = 14. Some readers do the reverse. Either way it’s up to you, just be consistent.


In this reading there were no court cards so the math was easy enough. I added up the numerical values of the cards in the layout and reduced the total to a number equaling 22 or below. Here, the cards added up to 37, which equals 3 + 7 = 10 = X-Wheel of Fortune.

The next step was to find X-Wheel of Fortune in the remaining deck and pull it out, along with the card before and the card after, giving me a three-card clarification:

Tarot clarification cards VII-Chariot, X-Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Pentacles
Tarot Clarification Cards


VII-The Chariot continued with the theme of independence and wanting to do one’s own thing while 5 of Pentacles suggested hardship and more restriction. X-Wheel of Fortune in the middle suggested to me the course had not yet been set. While I felt the fate of this relationship was in the querent’s hands (Chariot), that didn’t guarantee the change would be positive (especially with 5 of Pentacles following the Wheel). “Sleeping on it” (4 of Swords) was not bad advice. She owed it to herself to carefully consider her options and desires in light of what would ultimately prove best for all parties.


Mary Hawkins

*I learned the Overview Spread from The Art of Cartomancy website by Kapherus, which is now back online, I’m happy to say 🙂

Card Reading 101: Predictions and Probable Outcomes Part 2

In my previous post I discussed the correlation between predictions and probable outcomes and cautioned against inadvertently creating self-fulfilling prophecies for yourself.

Despite what I said, the ability to predict with the cards is a valuable skill and one well worth learning. If you’d like to explore that path, you may find the following guidelines useful:

Draw cards every day.

A time-tested way to learn how a particular card system speaks to you is to perform and record a daily draw in the morning, interpret it, then record feedback at the end of the day. If you make this daily ritual part of your routine, your ability to read cards correctly will greatly improve.

Record your daily card draws!

What is the point of pulling some cards, making an awesome, intuitive connection that actually pans out correctly in real life, only to “forget” how the card combination spoke to you? Make it a habit to record your daily card draws!

Record your daily card draws in a dedicated journal

The easiest way to record daily draws (especially if you’re short on time in the morning) is to use one of those weekly planners that has spaces for each day of the week in a two-page spread. All you need to do is jot down your daily cards in the space for the day and add your interpretations or predictions. Because a years’ worth of dates are already printed in the book, you get the extra bonus of being able to record a years’ worth of daily draws all in one book, making it easy to go back and see how things played out. Pick a planner that “speaks” to you; one you will enjoy using.

(If time is not an issue, or if you prefer, you could purchase and use a lined journal or notebook dedicated to recording your daily draws.)

Consider using a weekly planner to record your daily tarot card or Lenormand card predictions -
Consider using a weekly planner to record your daily tarot card or Lenormand card predictions

At-A-Glance Vienna Weekly and Monthly Planner 2015, Wirebound, 5.5 x 8.5 Inch Page Size (622-200)

Only pull 2 or 3 cards for your daily draw.

One card is hard to interpret and more than 3 is overkill. Record the cards and jot down a brief interpretation and 1 or 2 predictions. At day’s end, review your entry. What actually happened during your day? How did the cards play out? Was your prediction accurate or were you way off base?

Add your card combinations or interpretations to your favorite reference books.

Jot down card combinations or interpretations that prove accurate into the margins of favorite reference books and place your initials and the date in parentheses. That way, over time, you will have developed rich, personalized and customized, master reference books of your own. (I write in the margins of Sylvie Steinbach’s Secrets of the Lenormand Oracle and Trish MacGregor & Phyllis Vega’s Power Tarot.)

Practice, practice, practice!

The key to improving your ability to predict correctly is consistent, daily practice. Don’t let early failures or faulty predictions deter you. Over time you will find your “hit rate” improving. As with any other skill you may be trying to develop, daily, consistent practice is essential.

Consider recording your card combination interpretations in the margins of a favorite reference book.
Consider recording your card combination interpretations in the margins of a favorite reference book.

Predictions and Probable Outcomes

You may also find, much to your amazement and delight, that your improved ability to predict with tarot cards, Lenormand cards, playing cards or oracle decks helps enormously in tracking your own subconscious or unconscious motives, beliefs and thoughts, making it easier to practice conscious creation as you attempt to manifest good things into your life. Because you already know that a probable outcome is just that: a probable outcome, you will develop the ability to catch yourself in a negative mindset, question your motives, thoughts and beliefs and make another (hopefully more positive) choice for yourself.


Mary Hawkins

Card Reading 101: Predictions and Probable Outcomes Part 1

It’s natural to be attracted to, or intrigued by, the uncanny ability Tarot Cards, Lenormand Cards, Playing Cards and Oracle decks seem to possess. Logical or not, cards appear to be able to predict the future. That’s what draws many people to card divination in the first place. We want to know what’s going to happen today, whether he or she likes us, will we get the job, what if the money doesn’t come through in time, etc., etc.

If you are even semi-serious about card reading, that particular  mindset can be less than helpful. This is because any card draw, using any deck, for any question, at any given moment in time, is simply reflecting the prevailing energies in motion at the time of the question.

In other words, 9 times out of 10, what you are seeing is a probable future and not one that is set in stone.

Furthermore, if you don’t monitor them, your own thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the message(s) you got from the cards will influence what actually transpires. Sometimes, without even realizing it, you wind up setting a “self-fulfilling prophecy” into motion. This can have either good or bad results depending on whether your thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the question asked and answer received are predominantly positive or negative.

If up until now you’ve been reading cards from a basically predictive mindset, you don’t need to stop. But you might want to consider exploring a different layer of information the cards may be suggesting. Are they really answering your question as you stated it or could they be answering another, underlying, question?

I’ve found that’s often the case and if I dig around a little, and/or revise my question based on fresh insights I’ve gotten from the spread, I can ferret out information and advice that’s inordinately more helpful than the “answer” to the question I originally asked.


Mary Hawkins


Tarot 5 Pointed Star Spread Addresses Creativity Issue: 4 of Cups, 0-The Fool, Knight of Wands, Queen of Swords, XIX-The Sun, Page of Swords

For the last twenty years or so, I’ve been the victim of a love-hate relationship with my artistic endeavors.

I’ll go through prolific periods where I’m producing artwork on an almost daily basis only to have it all come to a screeching halt, catapulting me into a bottomless, artless pit where it feels like I’ll never pick up a colored pencil or paintbrush again.

When I find myself in one of these dry, artless spells, I literally feel dried up and, frankly, a little bit dead.

Tarot Self-Empowerment Overcoming Artist's Block
Tarot Self-Empowerment Overcoming Artist’s Block


Earlier this month, after suffering through a dry spell that had gone on so long I couldn’t even remember how long it’d been since I held a pencil in my hand for more than a minute, I decided to consult the Tarot cards.

My question was simple enough: What do I need to do to get the creative juices flowing again? I decided to use the 5 Pointed Star with Significator spread because it provides clear and practical information.


Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread 4 of Cups - 0-The Fool - Knight of Wands - Queen of Swords - XIX-The Sun - Page of Swords
5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread: 4 of Cups – 0-The Fool – Knight of Wands – Queen of Swords – XIX-The Sun – Page of Swords

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Significator Card  (Theme): 4 of Cups

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 4 of Cups
4 of Cups

The significator card gives information about the theme of the reading. This is important information that should not be ignored and the five cards that make up the actual 5 Pointed Star should be delineated in light of the information contained within the theme.

The theme expressed by 4 of Cups pulls no punches: it bleakly speaks of the devaluation of one’s gifts and talents. It is a card of depression, discontent and self-pity.


The problem isn’t that I’m not talented enough, it’s that I am not recognizing the skills, gifts and talents I’ve been blessed with. I am suffering from a serious lack of gratitude.


Position #1 (Basis, Reason or Cause of the Question): 0-The Fool

Position #2 (Mindset, Motivation, Expectations): Knight of Wands

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 0-The Fool
0-The Fool


Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Knight of Wands
Knight of Wands

If I look at 0-The Fool in light of the theme card, 4 of Cups, I can easily see the reason why I am feeling empty and unfulfilled: I haven’t been valuing my gifts, skills and talents. A quick look at Position #2 (mindset) shows I want to take swift action (Knight of Wands) to reduce or eliminate this feeling of emptiness and lack of progress (0-The Fool).


Position #3 (Additional Information or Comment): Queen of Swords

Position #4 (Answer, Solution, Advice): XIX-The Sun

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords
Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XIX-The Sun
XIX-The Sun

Before I discuss what kind of information or comment Queen of Swords may be providing, keep in mind this card is my personal Tarot significator. When it comes up in a spread I cast for myself, it always refers to me and not to some other random logical, loner-type, probably divorced or widowed, sharp-tongued woman who may or may not wear glasses…

I think I have to read Queen of Swords in tandem with Position #4, XIX-The Sun. Those two cards seem to be telling me that whether or not I’m successful (XIX-The Sun) is entirely up to me (Queen of Swords).

Recall the question was: What do I need to do to get the creative juices flowing again? Queen of Swords in the additional information position clearly suggests it is under my control. Maybe I should stop being so judgmental of myself. The suit of swords suggests the problem is likely mental or intellectual. Since thoughts can be changed, perhaps I should consider changing my thoughts, which would ultimately change my results. XIX-The Sun in the answer, solution, advice position confirms success is at hand if that’s what I decide (swords) I want.


Position #5 (Probable Outcome): Page of Swords

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Page of Swords
Page of Swords

Here we have a double edged sword (pun intended), for this Page has a tendency not to take himself seriously when perhaps that’s exactly what he should do. I suppose that’s something that can happen frequently when one does not value the skills, gifts and talents (4 of Cups) they inherently possess.

See how all the cards in this spread play together to give a cohesive, empowering and practical answer? Basically, by not valuing my gifts and talents (4 of Cups) and not taking myself seriously (Page of Swords), I’m shooting myself in the foot. In reality, it’s all up to me (Queen of Swords as my personal significator card) and the decisions (swords) I choose or decline to make.

There is nothing “out there” that is preventing me from taking action (Knight of Wands) towards starting anew (0-The Fool) and getting or having what I want (XIX-The Sun).


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Card Reading Reveals Truth of the Matter: 5 of Pentacles, XVI-The Tower, XVII-The Star, 5 of Cups, XXI-The World

The subconscious mind is a curious thing. If you fill it with fear, doubt and apprehension, it will tend to bring frightening and perhaps undesirable situations, circumstances and events back to you. If you’re successful at adopting a more positive attitude, it will be happy to deliver more positive situations, circumstances and events to your doorstep.

Another way to put this: You will (probably) get what you think about all day long.

Tarot card advice self empowerment
Tarot card advice – self empowerment


Sometimes it’s hard to know what kind of messages you’re feeding your subconscious mind. That’s where the Veil Spread proves itself useful. I just love how this spread gets to the heart of the matter and helps you to see what’s really going on behind the scenes of your thought process.

As I’ve mentioned here and here, I added extra positions to this spread because I’ve found the information they provide to be quite helpful. The Veil Spread with Extra Positions is a five card spread that can be adapted to many card systems. Here, I’ll use the Tarot to demonstrate.


Annie’s Dilemma

Annie is a long-time tarot reading friend of mine. She’s creative, artistic and imaginative. I’ve disguised her name to protect her privacy.

One day Annie stopped by looking for a second opinion on a new idea she wants to develop. She explained the project then added that she’s been unable to convince herself she can pull it off. I immediately thought this would be a good opportunity to put the Veil Spread with Extra Positions to the test. We crafted the following question for the tarot cards:

What is the truth about my ability to successfully complete this project?

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck: 5 of Pentacles - XVI-The Tower - XVII-The Star - 5 of Cups - XXI-The World
5 of Pentacles – XVI-The Tower – XVII-The Star – 5 of Cups – XXI-The World

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Position #1: What Annie Sees: 5 of Pentacles

The first position of the Veil Spread with Extra Positions shows what the querent (person asking the question) sees. Annie picked 5 of Pentacles for this position.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 5 of Pentacles
5 of Pentacles

This is a card of poverty, lack and inability to acquire what she needs. Annie immediately acknowledged her tendency to doubt her own abilities to manifest what she wants.


Position #2: What Annie Does Not See: XVI-The Tower

The second position of the Veil Spread with Extra Positions shows what the querent is not seeing (the Veil). Annie chose XVI-The Tower for this position.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XVI-The Tower
XVI-The Tower

Quickly brainstorming, Annie rattled off the following concepts: breakthrough, destruction, all will blow up my face, ability to break loose, collapse of a structure.

“Oh my God,” she said. “When I put the first two cards together, I get ‘the ability to break loose and destroy my poverty thinking’!”
It was exciting to watch her identify what she was not seeing!


Position #3: The Truth: XVII-The Star

The third position of the Veil Spread with Extra Positions uncovered XVII-The Star.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XVII-The Star
XVII-The Star

By now Annie was grinning from ear to ear. “How empowering is that,” she chuckled. “I could be ‘the star of my own show,’ so to speak!” XVII-The Star is a card of hope, inspiration, joy, promise and protection. In position #3 of the Veil Spread with Extra Positions, it shows that the truth of the matter is that Annie has the ability to achieve her goals and plans for the future. It also points to creativity and special skills, both of which Annie possesses.


Position #4: The Advice: 5 of Cups

The fourth card of the Veil Spread with Extra Positions is the Advice Card. It suggests what one should do or not do to achieve the desired objective. Annie had picked 5 of Cups.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 5 of Cups
5 of Cups

“Oh my God,” Annie said again. “Stop, stop, stop focusing on what I don’t have, what I think I’ve lost, and start focusing on what I really want!”

I couldn’t have agreed with her more. We took a minute to talk about the subconscious mind and how it’s like a little robot whose only function is to deliver what we order from the Menu of Life. Feed it negativity, fear and doubt and it will surely bring the circumstances, events and situations that mirror that thought process. Annie needed to consciously instruct her subconscious mind to bring her more of what she wants and less of what she doesn’t want.


Position #5: The Probable Outcome: XXI-The World

The fifth (and final) position of the Veil Spread with Extra Positions shows the Probable Outcome, based on the current energies surrounding the querent at the time of the question. Annie chose XXI-The World.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XXI-The World
XXI-The World

The ultimate card of completion and success, XXI-The World advised Annie that full achievement of her goal was well within the realm of possibility at this time, as long as she busted through (Tower) her negative thinking (5 of Pentacles) and started focusing on what she really wants instead of what she doesn’t want (5 of Cups).


Once again, the Veil Spread with Extra Positions proved itself to be a valuable tool in my Tarot arsenal. Give it a try the next time you’re having difficulty discerning the truth of the matter in any given situation.


Mary Hawkins