Category Archives: Card Reading 101

Lenormand Cards Give a Literal Reading

When you draw cards every day like I do, it’s probable you are going to get ordinary information more often than not. I think this is because card readers, at least the ones I know, tend to be introspective and do not live a roller-coaster life where weird and wild things happen to them on a regular basis.

Many of my daily draws simply confirm something I already know.

A case in point:

My sister visited over the winter holidays. On the morning of her departure (while she was still snoozing on the sofa), I drew my cards for the day and got:


Lenormand 29 Woman - 20 Garden - 8 Coffin
29 Woman – 20 Garden – 8 Coffin

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here’s how I interpreted the spread, straight from my personal journal:

“The social activities/ festivities (Garden) with my sister (Woman) come to an end (Coffin).”

And that was exactly what happened. Later that afternoon, I drove my sister to the train station and watched her board for her trip back home. I felt a little depressed (Coffin). I love my sister (Woman) and I had enjoyed hanging out with her (Garden).


Mary Hawkins



Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Garden, Ship, Cross

One bitterly cold, dreary day last month, I awoke with one of my usual morning headaches (3.5 on a scale of 1 to 5). After chugging down two ibuprofens with a cup of black coffee, I proceeded to do my daily draw using the (rather enchanting) Enchanted Lenormand oracle cards by Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee.

Too unmotivated to ask a focused question, I simply asked the cards to tell me how my day would go.

I drew:

20 Garden - 3 Ship - 36 Cross
20 Garden – 3 Ship – 36 Cross

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here is the meaning I scribbled down in my journal that made the most sense:

Socializing/ frivolity (Garden), taking a break / moving away from (Ship) responsibilities / hardships/ duties / deadlines (Cross).

In other words, just goofing off….

Ha! I smirked. We’ll see about that! There were plenty of items on my to-do list I could tackle — if I set my mind to it.


Feedback: Wouldn’t you know, this is exactly what happened. I didn’t do anything I was “supposed” to do. I frittered the day away and completely avoided my duties/ responsibilities, despite knowing in advance the day was likely to play out this way and I could have changed the outcome through awareness.

This is part of the beauty of being able to read cards. You can increase your awareness of the prevailing energies and with this knowledge, if you make conscious choices and decisions, you have the opportunity to alter the outcome.

Obviously, I did not practice what I preach on that particular gloomy day.


Mary Hawkins


Playing Cards Answer Spread: Should I Sell the House?

In a few short months, it’s probable that my son will be moving out of state to attend grad school. I’ve been going back and forth with myself, stressing over whether I should sell my house and move into an apartment or stay where I am. There are strong pros and cons for either option.

I decided to throw an Answer Spread* using ordinary playing cards to address the question.


Answer Spread with Playing Cards
Answer Spread with Playing Cards


This spread is read in columns.

Column 1 = Near Past / Current Situation

2 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades
2 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades

I’m worried (spades) that I may lose (spades) money (diamonds) if I sell the house. 3 of Spades is a card of loss and 2 of Diamonds indicates a money exchange.


Column 2 = The Answer

2 of Hearts, Queen of Spades
2 of Hearts, Queen of Spades

Column 2 shows a woman (Queen) who is feeling distressed (spades) over the loss (spades) of a son (2 of Hearts). As “The Answer,” it suggests I may be too emotionally distraught (hearts followed by spades) to address the issue at this time.


Column 3 = Influences that May Affect the Answer (especially the bottom card in Column 3, known as the Pivot Card).

7 of Hearts, 6 of Clubs
7 of Hearts, 6 of Clubs

In Column 3 we have hearts followed by clubs, suggesting working through (clubs) emotions / emotional feelings (hearts). Kapherus* suggested that 7 of Hearts could represent second chances with a more positive outcome the second time around, and 6 of Clubs can represent an opportunity to resolve problems and issues.

Notice the spread contains three red cards and three black cards. This often signifies that the answer could go either way, or that the answer is currently up in the air. With the three black cards all topping the three red cards, I get the sense that, for the moment, no decision will or should be made. It’s a dead stop for now.

All in all, the spread seemed to suggest that I need to work through (clubs in the Pivot Position) thoughts and feelings of emotional (hearts) and financial (diamonds) loss (spades) before I can make a decision that’s right for me.


*I learned this spread from the excellent Art of Cartomancy site by Kapherus. As I write this, he has taken down his site, much to my dismay, and that of many other cartomancers. Should he decide to come back online, I will put up a link.


Would you have read the cards a similar way? I’d like to know.


Mary Hawkins

Shining the Light Spread Using Tarot Cards

This is a simple yet effective spread that will give you insight and guidance on a situation, issue or circumstance that is concerning you.

I’m using the Tarot Cards for this example but it could easily be adapted to any card deck including Lenormand, an oracle deck or playing cards.

Shining the Light Spread Using Tarot Cards Instructions:

1. Write down a brief, honest synopsis of the circumstance, issue or situation that is concerning you. (If you’re tempted to skip this step, don’t. You won’t have to write a book — just a few words or sentences will do, and the act of writing will help you focus on exactly what it is you want to know.)

2. Mix the tarot cards while thinking about your circumstance, issue or situation. Ask the cards to “shine the light” and give you some useful advice.

3. Continue mixing the tarot cards until it feels like you’re done. (Trust me, you will know when to stop.) Then turn the deck face up and search for IX-THE HERMIT. Select the cards to the immediate left and right and place all three cards face up on the table.

Here’s an example:

A 49 year old female querent who was unhappy at her day job wanted to know if she could turn her creative hobbies into a money making venture that would eventually be able to support her.

I asked a few questions to help her clarify the matter, then mixed the cards, asking them to “shine the light” and give the querent some practical guidance .

After turning the deck face up, I found IX-THE HERMIT and selected the cards to the immediate left and right:


Knight of Cups - IX Hermit - Page of Swords
Knight of Cups – IX Hermit – Page of Swords

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Knight of Cups is associated with creative ventures. It can indicate a need for faith in oneself and also speaks to following the path with heart. Page of Swords suggests a need for logical thinking and decisive action. In this tarot card reading, IX-THE HERMIT shines the light on the message, “if you have faith in yourself, follow your passions, pursue a path that is personally meaningful to you, and act decisively, you can achieve your goal.”

The key word in this message is “can.” The cards aren’t predicting the querent will achieve her goal, simply that she can. The suit of Swords is comparable to the playing card suit of Spades, which often correlates with worries, problems or fears. When a tarot card spread — even a short one like this example — ends in a card from the suit of Swords, it often indicates that the querent may encounter problems.


Mary Hawkins