Category Archives: Card Spreads

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 2

If you own the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck or are thinking of purchasing it, there are a few things you might want to consider:

1. While the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards are not Tarot cards, you can use your favorite tarot layouts and spreads and get useful information.

2. Because all 52 playing cards are represented (along with 3 Jokers), you can substitute this deck for any normal playing cards deck and read it accordingly.

3. Since 35 of the 36 Lenormand card titles are included — and with a little creative license, you can substitute GWFTPC #43 Lightning for Lenormand 36 Cross — you can pull these 36 cards out of the deck and substitute them for a regular Lenormand deck. That is, as long as you don’t mind the fact that for the most part, the playing card insets for the GWFTPC are different from those on the Lenormand, as are the numbers assigned to each card. For example, the Lenormand Scythe features the Jack of Diamonds and is numbered as card 10 while the GWFTPC Scythe features the 10 of Diamonds and  is numbered as card 8.

4. You can use the cards as an Oracle Deck since “fortunes” or “prophecies” are written on each of the cards.

5. If you’re up for the challenge and enjoy flexing your intuitive muscles, you can “mix things up” so to speak and read the cards on more than one level.

6. Be prepared to toss the LWB (Little White Book) that comes with the deck into a drawer. It is beyond useless…


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards


By now you are probably getting the idea that the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards do not follow the rules, a fact that can make using them frustrating or perplexing to say the least. Despite this, the cards have a curious draw. They seem to possess a palpable soul that wants to engage with you. If you take the time to get to know them, you might be amazed at the depth of information they are willing to impart.

In Part 1, I promised I’d show you an Overview Spread I did with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards concerning Male X’s ongoing employment saga. You can read his back story here.


Several months after the situation that prompted the first reading, Male X (who wound up not pursuing educational courses that could have  resulted in a career change) was once again feeling disenchanted with his job. Once again, he decided to apply for a similar position at yet another company for slightly more pay and assurances that he would not have to perform certain onerous tasks he was obligated to perform at his present job. Mrs. X told Mr. X that she just wanted him to be happy and if he wanted to take the new job that was fine with her. To her surprise, a week went by and Mr. X still hadn’t made up his mind, leaving her wondering what was really going on with him. Since Mrs. X contacted me at the exact same time the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards had nagged themselves back into my life, I decided to cast an Overview Spread using this deck for more insight.


The Overview Spread consists of 7 cards laid out as follows:


Tarot spread, overview spread, card positions,
The Overview Spread – card positions



Here are the cards I pulled for Male X’s situation using the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck:


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Overview Spread - Job Situation,
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Overview Spread – Job Situation


The Significator or Theme Card – Card 1: The Gentleman


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards - 2 of Hearts
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards – 2 of Hearts

Notice the Significator or Theme Card is the 2 of Hearts, the card in the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck that is assigned to “the gentleman whose fortune is being told.” I did not preselect this card. The GWFTPC deck picked it for me. I took this as confirmation that the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards were indeed addressing Male X’s situation.

What Is Above You (On Your Mind) – Card 3: The Lion


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 6 of Diamonds
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 6 of Diamonds

Four of the seven cards in the spread were Diamonds, giving a sense of restless, scattered energy. Diamonds also refer to money. Diamonds in the Above position (Card 3) suggested that money was on Male X’s mind, and the 6 of Diamonds in particular suggested “not enough money.” The image on this card is The Lion and the “fortune” reads: The lion presages a sudden shock from bad news. I got the sense that Male X was worried that if he took this job, he’d come to realize the small gain in hourly wage would not offset the bonuses he now enjoyed with his current job.

The Recent Past – Cards 6 + 2: The Money Safe and the Scythe


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 3 of Diamonds - 10 of Diamonds
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 3 of Diamonds – 10 of Diamonds

Cards 6 + 2 in the Recent Past position showed a small amount (3 of Diamonds) vs a large amount (10 of Diamonds) of money. In the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck, the 3 of Diamonds is The Money Safe and the 10 of Diamonds is The Scythe. The “fortune” for The Money Safe reads: The money safe indicates riches; if shut side is toward the person, it denotes loss by speculation. The “fortune” for The Scythe reads: The scythe presages disappointment… Because The Money Safe‘s shut side was closest to the Gentleman (Card 1), I surmised that Mr. X feared “loss by speculation,” which seemed to be confirmed by The Scythe, which foreshadowed “disappointment.”

The Near Future – Cards 4 + 7: The Rapiers and The Broken Glass


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: Ace of Spades - 8 of Diamonds
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: Ace of Spades – 8 of Diamonds

These cards suggested that a decision (Ace of Spades) based on money (Diamonds) would come up in the near future. Ace of Spades is The Rapier in the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck, warning of assaults which threaten and will occur sooner or later, according to the distance from the person. Since this card was immediately preceded by The Gentleman, I sensed the “assaults,” or decision, would come sooner rather than later. The 8 of Diamonds, known as The Broken Glass in this deck, foretells ill luck for long years if near… Together, these two cards suggested to me that Male X was very worried (Spades) he might make the wrong decision, thus his hesitation.

What is Below You (Fear, Dread or Avoid) – Card 5: The Clover Leaf


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 5 of Clubs
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 5 of Clubs

When I looked at the Below position (Card 5) to see what Male X might have been avoiding, fearing or dreading, or simply not wanting to think about, I couldn’t help but think The Clover Leafbearer of good tidings, was the job offer itself! Because he was obviously worried about potentially making a bad decision / bad financial decision (Cards 3, 4 and 7), Male X was delaying (avoiding) responding to the job offer (Card 5).

Overall, I got the sense Male X was worried (Ace of Spades) that the small increase in pay (3 of Diamonds + 10 of Diamonds with 6 of Diamonds and 8 of Diamonds in the spread) would not justify (Ace of Spades) his acceptance of the job offer (5 of Clubs).

A few days after the reading, I found out that Male X had decided not to take the new job.


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Clarification Cards Address Relationship Issue

You can almost always glean additional and helpful information from a Tarot spread by pulling clarification cards. While there are many ways to select clarification cards, below I will outline my preferred method.

First, let’s take a look at a simple 7 card Overview Spread* that reads fairly straightforwardly. Later, we’ll add the clarification cards.


Tarot spread, overview spread, card positions,
The Overview Spread – card positions

Card 1: Significator or Theme Card (Represents the Querent or describes an important aspect about the topic under consideration)

Cards 2 & 6: The Recent Past / Current Influences

Card 3: What is Above You (Describes what’s weighing on the Querent’s mind at the time of the reading)

Cards 4 & 7: Near Future/ What Happens Next

Card 5: What is Below You (Describes what the Querent dreads, doesn’t want to think about or wants to avoid)


The template above shows how to lay out the spread once you’re done shuffling the cards in your usual manner while thinking about the topic you’d like the cards to discuss. You can preselect Card 1 if you like (for example, choose the King or Queen who normally represents you, or choose VI-The Lovers for a relationship overview), or let the deck choose for you. I usually let the deck pick the Significator or Theme Card, but please do whatever feels comfortable to you. You’ll still get a valid reading.



In the following example, the Querent (person asking the question) was a single female who found herself unexpectedly pregnant. She wanted to know if marriage (which she and the man had discussed as an option) was a good idea. I drew the following cards:

Overview tarot spread Universal Waite tarot deck
Overview Spread – Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Card 1 – Significator or Theme Card: III-The Empress

Cards 2 & 6 – The Recent Past / Current Influences: 10 of Wands + 2 of Wands

Card 3 – What is Above You (What’s Weighing on Your Mind at the Time of the Reading): 8 of Swords

Cards 4 & 7 – Near Future/ What Happens Next: 3 of Pentacles + 4 of Swords

Card 5: What is Below You (What You Are Avoiding, Dreading or Don’t Want to Think About): 7 of Wands


Since the Querent was indeed pregnant, III-Empress as the Significator or Theme Card was certainly appropriate. I quickly noted, however, a lack of cards in the spread suggesting marriage and/or happiness.

10 of Wands and 2 of Wands in the Recent Past position (Cards 2 + 6) suggested feelings of overwhelm and off-centeredness. 8 of Swords in the Above position (Card 3) suggested a sense of entrapment, awkwardly countered by the independent, go-it-alone vibe presented by 7 of Wands in the Below “Don’t Want to Think About It” position (Card 5).

I noted that the Wands cards, which in general can indicate hope and inspiration, were in the Recent Past and Below positions (Cards 2, 6 and 5) while cards from the suit of Swords (indicating fear and worry) showed up in the Above position (Card 3) and as the last card of the Near Future (Card 7).

The child itself did not seem to factor in (no Pages), and once again I’ll mention the lack of cards indicating love, marriage, cooperation and/or happiness.

The Overview Spread confirmed the Querent’s sense of feeling conflicted. With 3 of Pentacles and 4 of Swords in the Near Future position (Cards 4 + 7), it seemed likely that any potential growth of the relationship between her and the baby’s father would come to a halt. Perhaps they would agree to take a break from each other. This interpretation seemed to be supported by 7 of Wands in the “Don’t Want to Think About It” Below position (Card 5) which speaks to what one is avoiding, dreading or not wanting to consider. I got the sense the querent didn’t want to admit to herself (let alone the baby’s father) that she would prefer to remain independent.

Before I went any further, I wanted to see the clarification cards, knowing they would either support or refute my intuitions.


How I Use Numerology to Calculate Tarot Clarification Cards

Each Major Arcana card has its own value, 0 – 22.

Each Minor Arcana card 1 – 10 has its own value.

In my system, Kings = 11, Queens = 12, Knights =13 and Pages = 14. Some readers do the reverse. Either way it’s up to you, just be consistent.


In this reading there were no court cards so the math was easy enough. I added up the numerical values of the cards in the layout and reduced the total to a number equaling 22 or below. Here, the cards added up to 37, which equals 3 + 7 = 10 = X-Wheel of Fortune.

The next step was to find X-Wheel of Fortune in the remaining deck and pull it out, along with the card before and the card after, giving me a three-card clarification:

Tarot clarification cards VII-Chariot, X-Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Pentacles
Tarot Clarification Cards


VII-The Chariot continued with the theme of independence and wanting to do one’s own thing while 5 of Pentacles suggested hardship and more restriction. X-Wheel of Fortune in the middle suggested to me the course had not yet been set. While I felt the fate of this relationship was in the querent’s hands (Chariot), that didn’t guarantee the change would be positive (especially with 5 of Pentacles following the Wheel). “Sleeping on it” (4 of Swords) was not bad advice. She owed it to herself to carefully consider her options and desires in light of what would ultimately prove best for all parties.


Mary Hawkins

*I learned the Overview Spread from The Art of Cartomancy website by Kapherus, which is now back online, I’m happy to say 🙂

Lenormand Cards Address Health Issue: 30 Lilies, 15 Bear, 23 Mice, 6 Clouds, 35 Anchor, 22 Crossroads

Using Tarot cards or Lenormand cards to answer health questions can be a little dicey. First, if the question impacts you personally, you might inadvertently project your greatest fears or hopes into the reading which could possibly spiral you into a panic attack (!!) or lull you into a false sense of security. Second, if you’re reading for another person and you are not a doctor or a medical professional, you could be putting yourself at legal risk.

While I usually back off from health questions, lately I’ve been concerned about my elderly mother who suffers from dementia and congestive heart failure. Historically, the month of February is not kind to her, adding to my feelings of apprehension. This morning, however, feeling fairly objective, I decided on the spur of the moment to inquire about her health.

I asked:

Q: How will my Mother be doing health-wise over the next three months or so?

I pulled:

Piatnik Lenormand 30 Lilies - 15 Bear - 23 Mice - 6 Clouds - 35 Anchor - 22 Crossroads
30 Lilies – 15 Bear – 23 Mice – 6 Clouds – 35 Anchor – 22 Crossroads

Piatnik Jeu du destin Mlle Lenormand Cartomancy Deck of 36 Cards

My first thought upon seeing these cards was “How literal!” My mother’s (Bear) aging issues (Lilies) remain constant (Anchor). She continues to suffer from anxiety (Mice) and dementia (Clouds).

As I’ve mentioned in many previous posts, when I cast a Lenormand Line of 5, I usually also pull the base card (bottom card of the shuffled deck) because I’ve found it almost always provides helpful additional information.

Here, 22 Crossroads as the base card indeed brings some useful information into play. Crossroads can indicate multiples. Lying under Mice with Clouds to the right of Mice, it seems to be emphasizing my mother’s multiple fears and/or anxieties. This made me feel sad, but not surprised.

From a health standpoint, Crossroads can also refer to arteries, veins and the circulatory system in general. Mice as deterioration and Crossroads as the circulatory system certainly could be interpreted as congestive heart failure and the cards could simply be suggesting that this issue continues to be a factor in my mother’s declining health. With 35 Anchor ending the Lenormand Line of 5, however, I think my mother’s health will remain stable during the time period in question.


Mary Hawkins

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards Predict Help is on the Way!

When I woke up this morning, a look out the window quickly revealed that Mother Nature had dumped at least a foot of snow in my driveway.

Undaunted, I bundled up and stepped outside, ready to brave the elements, optimistically focusing on snow removal success.

Silly me.

A half hour later, frozen to the bone with little to show for my work, I dragged myself back inside, fixed a cup of coffee and sighed. Wondering if I could expect any help, I picked up my Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards deck and threw an Answer Spread.*

“If I Ask, Will I Get Any Help Shoveling the Driveway Today?”

The Answer:

Answer Spread with Bicycle Club Tattoo playing cards 2 of Hearts - Ace of Diamonds - King of Hearts - 8 of Clubs - 6 of Diamonds - 3 of Diamonds
Answer Spread* with Bicycle Club Tattoo playing cards 2 of Hearts – Ace of Diamonds – King of Hearts – 8 of Clubs – 6 of Diamonds – 3 of Diamonds

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards

Preliminarily, five red cards looked to be a good sign, as did two red cards in the “Answer” column (column 2). I also noted no spades were present, suggesting “no problems.” Just as I was about to begin delineating the spread, Daughter #1 called to let me know she, her hubby and their snowplow were on the way to shovel me out!!!

To say this was serendipitous would be an understatement. 🙂

Later, still smiling over my good fortune, I looked over the spread I’d cast and jotted down the following notes:

Column 1: Circumstances Leading Up to the Question

Answer Spread Column 1: 2 of Hearts - 8 of Clubs
Answer Spread Column 1: 2 of Hearts – 8 of Clubs

Column 1 of the Answer Spread represents the situation or circumstances leading up to the question. It can show the very recent past or the actual current circumstances.

Here we see the 2 of Hearts and 8 of Clubs. The 2 of Hearts can symbolize a family member or loved one and the 8 of Clubs can symbolize thoughts, discussions, or thinking about taking some action. The cards in Column 1 succinctly expressed that I was thinking about asking my daughter for help but had not yet done so.


Column 2: The Answer

Answer Spread Column 2: Ace of Diamonds - 6 of Diamonds
Answer Spread Column 2: Ace of Diamonds – 6 of Diamonds

Column 2 of the Answer Spread answers the question. Here we see double Diamonds suggesting great energy is in play, as well as quick results. Diamonds often symbolize money but that is not applicable to my question, so we’ll go with thoughts, energy and immediacy.

In the context of my question, the Ace of Diamonds suggests a new thought or communication, written or verbal, to be given or received. The number 6 suggests harmony and the 6 of Diamonds can refer to psychic energy, among other things. The sense I got from this combination was that a message, thought or communication of some sort (Ace of Diamonds) would show that my loved ones (2 of Hearts) and I were “on the same page,” or psychically attuned (6 of Diamonds) in some way. It so happened that even as I was thinking of asking (8 of Clubs) for help from a family member (2 of Hearts), I received a phone call offering the very assistance I was about to ask for!

Column 3: Something that may affect the Outcome, or Clarification of the Answer

Answer Spread Column 3: King of Hearts - 3 of Diamonds
Answer Spread Column 3: King of Hearts – 3 of Diamonds

Column 3 of the Answer Spread gives additional information that often helps explain the answer found in Column 2. Sometimes it describes why the answer is what it is. The bottom card in Column 3 is called the Pivot Card because often the answer “pivots” on whatever that card represents. Here, the Pivot Card is the 3 of Diamonds, topped by the King of Hearts.

It was easy to see that the King of Hearts represented my son-in-law, a generous, kind-hearted family man. Because I sometimes (but not always) equate the 3 of Diamonds with the Tarot 3 of Wands, which is the “ships coming in” card, it was easy for me to make the jump to “snowplow coming in.” Column 3 clearly showed my son-in-law (King of Hearts) and his snowplow coming to my rescue!

Once again, I’m happy to report, the Answer Spread* came through with flying colors. Give it a try on your next question if you haven’t already done so, and to those of you living in snow zones, may your driveways stay clear!


Mary Hawkins

*I learned the Answer Spread from The Art of Cartomancy blog by Kapherus.

Card Reading 101: Predictions and Probable Outcomes Part 2

In my previous post I discussed the correlation between predictions and probable outcomes and cautioned against inadvertently creating self-fulfilling prophecies for yourself.

Despite what I said, the ability to predict with the cards is a valuable skill and one well worth learning. If you’d like to explore that path, you may find the following guidelines useful:

Draw cards every day.

A time-tested way to learn how a particular card system speaks to you is to perform and record a daily draw in the morning, interpret it, then record feedback at the end of the day. If you make this daily ritual part of your routine, your ability to read cards correctly will greatly improve.

Record your daily card draws!

What is the point of pulling some cards, making an awesome, intuitive connection that actually pans out correctly in real life, only to “forget” how the card combination spoke to you? Make it a habit to record your daily card draws!

Record your daily card draws in a dedicated journal

The easiest way to record daily draws (especially if you’re short on time in the morning) is to use one of those weekly planners that has spaces for each day of the week in a two-page spread. All you need to do is jot down your daily cards in the space for the day and add your interpretations or predictions. Because a years’ worth of dates are already printed in the book, you get the extra bonus of being able to record a years’ worth of daily draws all in one book, making it easy to go back and see how things played out. Pick a planner that “speaks” to you; one you will enjoy using.

(If time is not an issue, or if you prefer, you could purchase and use a lined journal or notebook dedicated to recording your daily draws.)

Consider using a weekly planner to record your daily tarot card or Lenormand card predictions -
Consider using a weekly planner to record your daily tarot card or Lenormand card predictions

At-A-Glance Vienna Weekly and Monthly Planner 2015, Wirebound, 5.5 x 8.5 Inch Page Size (622-200)

Only pull 2 or 3 cards for your daily draw.

One card is hard to interpret and more than 3 is overkill. Record the cards and jot down a brief interpretation and 1 or 2 predictions. At day’s end, review your entry. What actually happened during your day? How did the cards play out? Was your prediction accurate or were you way off base?

Add your card combinations or interpretations to your favorite reference books.

Jot down card combinations or interpretations that prove accurate into the margins of favorite reference books and place your initials and the date in parentheses. That way, over time, you will have developed rich, personalized and customized, master reference books of your own. (I write in the margins of Sylvie Steinbach’s Secrets of the Lenormand Oracle and Trish MacGregor & Phyllis Vega’s Power Tarot.)

Practice, practice, practice!

The key to improving your ability to predict correctly is consistent, daily practice. Don’t let early failures or faulty predictions deter you. Over time you will find your “hit rate” improving. As with any other skill you may be trying to develop, daily, consistent practice is essential.

Consider recording your card combination interpretations in the margins of a favorite reference book.
Consider recording your card combination interpretations in the margins of a favorite reference book.

Predictions and Probable Outcomes

You may also find, much to your amazement and delight, that your improved ability to predict with tarot cards, Lenormand cards, playing cards or oracle decks helps enormously in tracking your own subconscious or unconscious motives, beliefs and thoughts, making it easier to practice conscious creation as you attempt to manifest good things into your life. Because you already know that a probable outcome is just that: a probable outcome, you will develop the ability to catch yourself in a negative mindset, question your motives, thoughts and beliefs and make another (hopefully more positive) choice for yourself.


Mary Hawkins