Category Archives: Card Spreads

Tarot Card Spread Reveals How to Get Your Wish

In my family, regardless of age, the “Birthday Boy” (or Girl) always makes a wish before blowing out the candles. The kids believe their wishes will come true. The adults, not so much.

The simple explanation for why this is so is that making wishes (and expecting them to come true) is a form of “make-believe,” a.k.a. magickal thinking. Children (usually) believe in magick. Grown-ups (usually) do not. (I’ll admit there were years when I only pretended to make a wish so as not to spoil the festive mood…)

The Wish Card: 9 of Cups

Alchemical Tarot Revisited by Robert M. Place 9 of Cups - The Wish Card http://livingwithcards.comAlchemical Tarot Renewed by Robert M. Place 9 of Cups - The Wish Card

The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Fourth Edition

Although I’m not sure what prompted the thought, earlier this week my mind drifted to a recent family birthday party where the “Birthday Boy,” excited and smiling, squeezed his eyes shut and made what looked to be a very important wish. It was clear from the expression on his face that he expected his wish to come true. The memory made me smile.

It then occurred to me that the Tarot could explain how the whole “wish-getting” thing works, which made me smile even more. All I had to do was ask!

I decided to use The Alchemical Tarot Renewed tarot deck by Robert M. Place. After a thorough shuffle while concentrating on my question, I pulled seven cards and placed them according to the layout shown below:

Q: How Can I Get My Wish (What is the Formula)?


Alchemical Tarot 7 card Wish Spread: 9 of Cups - Page of Wands - Queen of Cups - 3 of Pentacles - XII-The Hanged Man - 2 of Pentacles - 2 of Cups http://livingwithcards.comAlchemical Tarot 7 card Wish Spread: 9 of Cups - Page of Wands - Queen of Cups - 3 of Pentacles - XII-The Hanged Man - 2 of Pentacles - 2 of Cups

The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Fourth Edition


Position 1 – The Subject or Focus: 9 of Cups

9 of Cups tarot card from The Alchemical Tarot Renewed http://livingwithcards.comTarot Wish Spread Position 1: 9 of Cups - The Wish Card

To my amazement, the first card drawn was the Wish Card itself — 9 of Cups. It seemed to be a clear confirmation that the Tarot was in tune with my question.


Positions 2, 3, 4 – The Answer: Page of Wands, Queen of Cups, 3 of Pentacles


Tarot Wish Spread Positions 2, 3, 4: Page of Wands - Queen of Cups - 3 of Pentacles http://livingwithcards.comTarot Wish Spread Positions 2, 3, 4: Page of Wands - Queen of Cups - 3 of Pentacles

Thoughts (Page of Wands) immersed in feelings/ emotions (Queen of Cups) manifest into things (3 of Pentacles). Notice that a Page is a “beginner” — lower in order than a Queen. Thoughts (Pages) come first. Page of Wands shows the inspirations, hunches and messages that develop into “wishes.” Queens denote a deeper, more mature energy. The Queen of Cups symbolizes developed feelings and emotions. Together, the cards suggest that a considerable amount of feeling/ emotion (Queen of Cups as a more developed energy) has to be infused into the thoughts (Page) to make the spark catch fire (Wands). The result would be a physical manifestation (Pentacles).


Position 5 – Caution, Challenge, Obstacle: XII-The Hanged Man

XII-The Hanged Man tarot card from Alchemical Tarot Renewed http://livingwithcards.comTarot Wish Spread Position 5: XII-The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man suggests the need to look at things from a different perspective and illuminates the need to change one’s perception. The card reminds us that it all starts on the inside. Inner reality creates outer reality, not the other way around. I find it interesting that the only Major Arcana card in the spread happens to be the Challenge Card: its message cannot be ignored or worked around.


Positions 6, 7 – Considerations, Additional Information, Advice: 2 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups

Tarot Wish Spread Positions 5, 6: 2 of Pentacles - 2 of Cups http://livingwithcards.comTarot Wish Spread Positions 6, 7: 2 of Pentacles - 2 of Cups

When it comes to manifestation, 2 of Pentacles suggests if one is “juggling and struggling,” flip-flopping back and forth between wanting something and then doubting they can get it, eventually they’ll wind up “dropping the ball.” Full alignment, harmonization and connection with the desire is essential (2 of Cups).

To summarize:

The Tarot reveals that the “Formula” for getting your wish is to recognize that thoughts start the process and deeply-felt emotion grows it.  This may require a change in your perception: the realization that “inner reality creates outer reality,” and not the other way around. Inconsistent thinking/ actions tends to cancel each other out — you can’t be wishing for (or working towards) what you want one minute then doubting your ability to get what you want the next and still expect success. Full vibrational alignment with your desire is essential.


If the Formula seems simple, that’s because it is. Simple, however, doesn’t necessarily mean easy, as any Student of the Law of Attraction can attest. 🙂


My suggestion is to try this spread with a particular “Wish” in mind. For Position 1, you can pre-select the Wish Card (9 of Cups) or use another card that symbolizes your desire, whichever you prefer. Or, you can simply let the deck pick the card for you… If you pre-select a card, remove the card of your choice from the deck before thoroughly shuffling the remaining cards while asking the Tarot “How Can I Get My Wish?” (or some variation of that question).

Position #1 – Focus card (describes or represents what you are wishing for)
Positions #2, 3, 4 – The Answer (how-to instructions, what you need to do or not do to get what you are wishing for)
Position #5 – The Caution, Challenge or Obstacle
Position #6, 7 – Additional Information, Considerations, Advice

You can lay out the spread like I did in the diagram above or in any way that makes sense to you. Give it a try and see what you come up with. You might be amazed at how accurately the Tarot provides the answers you seek.


Mary Hawkins

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Meanings and Combinations: 44 Broken Glass

The image depicted on Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 44 The Broken Glass immediately elicits an “Oh, no!” reaction. The first thought that may pop into your mind is the seven years’ bad luck associated with the old superstition about breaking a mirror. This interpretation is certainly supported by the “fortune” that’s written on the card: “The broken glass foretells ill luck for long years if near; but if distant, death of a friend.”


But is Gypsy Witch 44 The Broken Glass really all that bad? And is it all that bad all of the time?

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 44 The Broken Glass (8 of Diamonds) http://livingwithcards.comGypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 44 The Broken Glass (8 of Diamonds)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

The first clue Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 44 The Broken Glass isn’t always negative comes from its playing card inset, 8 of Diamonds, which speaks of balance. It is only when things get out of balance that one’s world-view becomes distorted, as the following illustration will show.

The second clue comes from the examination of the numerological vibration associated with this card, the 44/8 vibration, which is an exceptionally powerful one. 44 is a Master Number and the number 8 is associated with power, as well as balance.

The 44/8 vibration suggests (among other things):

(+) Perseverance through discipline… conforming to and making the best of the situation… resourcefulness… planning in advance… ability to employ common sense and logical thinking… overcoming obstacles through sustained effort

(-) Overly materialistic mindset… chasing fame and fortune to the detriment of one’s health, resulting in discontent and frustration


With the above two clues in mind, let’s take a closer look at how Gypsy Witch 44 The Broken Glass might play out in a simple two-card spread:

Female X, a small business owner, has taken some steps to increase sales. She has generated some customer interest but so far it hasn’t translated into actual sales. She’s feeling a bit apprehensive and wants to know what she should focus on or consider.


I drew two Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards to illuminate her situation:

Q: What Should Female X Focus On (need to know)?


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 5 Tree (3 of Clubs) and 44 The Broken Glass (8 of Diamonds) http://livingwithcards.comGypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 5 Tree (3 of Clubs) and 44 The Broken Glass (8 of Diamonds)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards


According to the “fortunes” written on the cards, Gypsy Witch 5 TREE symbolizes “good health” and “fulfillment of highest hopes” while 44 BROKEN GLASS “foretells ill luck for long years.”

So which is it? A thriving business (TREE) or “might as well close up shop today because it’s all going to hell in a hand-basket” (BROKEN GLASS) and there’s nothing she can do about it?

I decided to dig deeper, considering some of the standard meanings for the playing cards depicted on these cards:

3 of Clubs

Playing card 3 of Clubs http://livingwithcards.com3 of Clubs
  1. Good luck
  2. Fortunate circumstances
  3. Opportunities for growth
  4. Investing in the future
  5. Situations that start small but have the capacity to grow and expand
  6. Expanding one’s knowledge base by learning new things
  7. Investing (in general)
  8. A practical development


8 of Diamonds

Playing cards 8 of Diamonds http://livingwithcards.com8 of Diamonds

8 of Diamonds is a card of balance, or a struggle to find balance, in financial matters. The card can also show where additional money can be earned. Other interpretations include:

  1. Being insightful
  2. Looking into the future
  3. Eyes, eyesight, wearing glasses
  4. A person who is related to you
  5. Keeping to a budget
  6. Planning for the future


In the context of Female X’s question, if TREE equals “good luck” and BROKEN GLASS equals “bad luck” while 3 of Clubs equals “opportunities for growth, investing in the future, growing one’s business,” and 8 of Diamonds equals “being insightful, looking into and planning for the future,” what might we surmise?

You can’t see your reflection in a broken glass
Distortion of what-is
(A need to) Fix or replace the (broken) mirror



The Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards seem to be advising Female X to take a closer look at what the circumstances (disappointing sales figures) are reflecting  (BROKEN GLASS) back at her. She needs to re-examine her thoughts (Diamonds) about her goals and expectations (and deliberately choose to focus on the positive aspects of what she wishes to achieve) in order to thrive (TREE), attract good luck (3 of Clubs), and actually grow (TREE) her business.


Note: Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Card 5 Tree is the only Gypsy Witch card that shares the same card number as a standard Lenormand card, although the playing card insets are different.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Card 5 Tree (3 of Clubs) compared to Lenormand 5 Tree (7 of Hearts) http://livingwithcards.comGypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Card 5 Tree (3 of Clubs) compared to Lenormand 5 Tree (7 of Hearts)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards
Mlle Lenormand Jeu du destin Cartomancy Deck of 36 Cards


In essence, the Gypsy Witch cards seem to be pointing out that “good luck” (TREE) vs “bad luck” (BROKEN GLASS) is all in how one sees or perceives it. In other words, no matter what “reality” is showing you, it’s really “all in your head.” Your perception (8 of Diamonds) is your reality.

According to the Law of Attraction, the Universe simply delivers the physical counterparts of what we are thinking and feeling. (Thoughts are things.) In this light, the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards seem to be advising Female X that what is currently needed is not another promotional campaign. It’s not even necessarily a new idea. Female X first needs to re-examine the lens through which she is viewing her reality (BROKEN GLASS) so she can see clearly.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 44 The Broken Glass (8 of Diamonds) http://livingwithcards.comGypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 44 The Broken Glass (8 of Diamonds)

What is Female X really expecting to happen as far as her business is concerned? Does she “see” new customers pouring in the door or is she focusing on her wares gathering dust as they languish on the shelves? Awareness of what she is envisioning is critical because that’s what she will likely get. If her “vision” (8 of Diamonds) is out-of-skew/ distorted (BROKEN GLASS), she will need to adjust or balance (8 of Diamonds) her mindset/ expectations in a positive direction. Business growth (TREE, 3 of Clubs) will then follow, regardless of what particular promotion or idea she decides to implement.


Mary Hawkins


  1. Like many cartomancers, the meanings I’ve derived from the various playing cards come from a blending of various sources and my own intuitions and experience. I particularly recommend The Art of Cartomancy (Kapherus), Ask My Cards (Madame Seaqueen), Hedgewytchery (Dawn Jackson) and Regina Russell’s Card Reader’s Handbook. You’ll find links to these sites in my Blog Roll.
  2. I’ve started posting brief card draws (1 to 3 cards) on Instagram, along with a thought or two on how I would interpret them. I’m using various decks — Lenormand, Tarot, Gypsy Witch, Oracle Cards — whatever strikes my fancy any particular morning. 🙂 Sometimes I throw in something astrological. Occasionally, you might catch a snapshot of  one (or both) of the Rescue Kitties, the grandkids, or one of my Angel drawings. If you’d like to follow along, I’m @mary_hawk12.
  3. If you’ve missed my previous posts on the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards, you can click on the links below or use the Gypsy Witch link under Categories in the side bar to your right.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 1

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 2

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 3

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 4

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 5

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Meanings and Combinations: 24 Hand in Hand

Forensic Cartomancy: Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Offer Possible Clues to Gabriella Doolin Murder



Lenormand Cards Weight Loss Advice: 1 Rider, 19 Tower, 15 Bear, 33 Key, 2 Clover, 12 Birds, 17 Storks, 25 Ring, 34 Fish

Those of us who tend to view life through a magickal lens know we each have, to some degree or another, the power to change our circumstances. This is why I lean towards using the cards (Tarot, Lenormand, Playing cards or Oracle cards) for self-understanding rather than prediction — although there certainly are times when prediction is exactly what is needed!

On that note, last Sunday morning, after yet another night of mindless munching in front of the television set, I pulled out my recently-acquired Celtic Lenormand card deck by Chloe McCracken and Will Worthington and asked (in a pitiful, whiny voice): “WHY am I overeating when I really want to lose weight?!”

I decided to cast a Lenormand Square of 9 where Row 1 would represent the problem, Row 2 would give the solution, and Row 3 would provide advice or further commentary. Additional information gleaned from the way the cards fell would be icing on the cake (Gahhhhhhh!!!)

Here’s what I got:

Q: Why am I Overeating (& What Can I Do about It)?

Celtic Lenormand 1 Rider - 19 Tower - 15 Bear - 33 Key - 2 Clover - 12 Birds - 17 Storks - 25 Ring - 34 Fish
Celtic Lenormand Weight Loss Advice:1 Rider – 19 Tower – 15 Bear – 33 Key – 2 Clover – 12 Birds – 17 Storks – 25 Ring – 34 Fish

Celtic Lenormand by Chloe McCracken & Will Worthington

Side noteI think I am in love with these cards! They are gorgeous!

Row 1 – The Problem: 1 Rider, 19 Tower, 15 Bear

Celtic Lenormand 1 Rider - 19 Tower - 15 Bear
Celtic Lenormand Weight Loss Advice Row 1: 1 Rider – 19 Tower – 15 Bear

Since 15 BEAR, an appropriate card for weight gain, falls at the end of Row 1, I sensed the first two cards in the row were the factors leading up to the condition of being overweight: namely, lack of movement (RIDER) and isolation (TOWER). As usual, the Lenormand cards pulled no punches. I spend too much time alone (TOWER) and I don’t move around enough (RIDER).

Row 2 – The Solution: 33 Key, 2 Clover, 12 Birds

Celtic Lenormand 33 Key - 2 Clover - 12 Birds
Celtic Lenormand Weight Loss Advice Row 2: 33 Key – 2 Clover – 12 Birds

This row prompted two thoughts:

  1. The solution (KEY) is to look for opportunities (CLOVER) to socialize (BIRDS), particularly in the evenings (I noticed the Moon on the BIRDS card), which is when I do most of my overeating.
  2. My key to dieting success (KEY) would be to focus on salads, leafy green vegetables (CLOVER) and fowl (i.e., chicken & turkey) (BIRDS). Low-carb dieting came to mind. I’d had success with that approach in the past and these cards suggested I’d profit from giving it another try.

Row 3 – Advice, Factors to Consider: 17 Storks, 25 Ring, 34 Fish

Celtic Lenormand 17 Storks - 25 Ring - 34 Fish
Celtic Lenormand Weight Loss Advice Row 3: 17 Storks – 25 Ring – 34 Fish

The first two cards, STORKS and RING, seemed easy enough to interpret: “positive changes come with commitment” or “commitment is needed to bring about positive changes.” 34 FISH at the end of the row threw me off. Eat more fish? That would go along with the low-carb dieting approach indicated in Row 2.

Perhaps FISH was also referencing the concept of “quality over quantity” (FISH is plentiful, expansive). Maybe if I were to focus more on the quality of the food I eat, I’ll have a better shot at reaching my goals.

Additional Info I Pulled from this Reading:

In addition to socializing, BIRDS represent electronic communication, the media and anything that travels over the airwaves including television. I couldn’t help but notice that Row 3 read vertically (BEAR + BIRDS + FISH) suggested “an excess (FISH) of television watching (BIRDS) leading to weight gain (BEAR).”

True dat.

Conversely, FISH + BIRDS + BEAR suggested an expansion (FISH) of social activity (BIRDS) could help resolve the weight issue (BEAR). This also rang true. Maybe I could schedule evening activities once or twice a week to break up the pattern. A Continuing Ed dance class? A Meet-Up group? Those ideas had crossed my mind before, not that I had given them much more than a passing thought.

2 CLOVER, the central card in the Lenormand Square of 9, seemed to be showing me that a wealth of opportunities to get a handle on my problem existed. Move around more (RIDER). Stop isolating yourself (TOWER). Get out more often & socialize (BIRDS). Improve the quality of your eating (STORKS, FISH, BEAR); eat more greens (CLOVER), fowl (BIRDS) and fish (FISH). Commit (RING) to a diet plan that will bring you success/ improvements (KEY, STORKS).

Lenormand Clarification Cards for Weight Loss

The information I pulled out of the reading wasn’t dramatic. Rather, it was quite matter-of-fact. Lenormand cards are known for “telling it like it is” and they rarely beat around the bush. This is an attribute I very much appreciate. That notwithstanding, it didn’t stop me from wondering whether the cards had anything else to say, so I decided to  pull clarification cards using my go-to method, which is to add up the card values in the spread and reduce them to a number equaling 36 or below:

1 + 19 + 15 + 33 + 2 + 12 + 17 + 25 + 34 = 158 = 1 + 5 + 8 = 14 = 14 FOX.

I then located 14 FOX in the remaining deck and selected it along with the card before and the card after.

Celtic Lenormand Clarification Cards 20 Garden - 14 Fox - 6 Clouds
Celtic Lenormand Clarification Cards – Weight Loss Advice: 20 Garden – 14 Fox – 6 Clouds

I immediately noticed two things: all that food laid out so temptingly on the blanket in the GARDEN card — and the fact that the FOX was looking right, toward the CLOUDS. Despite the food feast on the GARDEN card, I also had to consider its standard meanings: socializing, parties, public activities, etc.

Two important messages came to mind:

  1. My fears/ doubts about socializing / reluctance to socialize (GARDEN, CLOUDS) are contributing to the problem (FOX).
  2. “If you’re trying to convince yourself this is not about overeating (GARDEN), you are deceiving yourself (FOX + CLOUDS).”

Once again, in plain language, the Lenormand cards provided a highly informative analysis regarding a matter of concern. With CLOVER as the central card in this Square of 9, I realized I’d need to act on the messages Lenormand so graciously provided, and not just let the “wealth of opportunities” to resolve my issue fade away from lack of attention.


“An opportunity is only positive if we seize it; otherwise, it will disappear as quickly as it came.” -Celtic Lenormand LWB (Little White Book) re: 2 CLOVER


***Note from Mary: The reading prompted me to start the Atkins “40” low carb diet plan which is a “tweak” of the plan outlined in “The New Atkins for a New You,” link below. Wish me luck 🙂

As to whether my social calendar will begin to fill up, that remains to be seen…


Mary Hawkins


***Another Note: The Celtic Lenormand card deck offers three versions for 12 BIRDS: Songbirds, Chickens and Owls. Chickens would have really driven home the message about eating fowl, but if I hadn’t pre-selected Owls as the BIRDS card, I would have missed the “night-time eating” clue provided by the Moon on the Owls card image.

The Celtic Lenormand card deck features three versions of 12 BIRDS: Songbirds, Chickens and Owls
The Celtic Lenormand card deck features three versions of 12 BIRDS: Songbirds, Chickens and Owls

Insights Spread Using Lenormand Cards: 29 Woman, 30 Lilies, 32 Moon, 16 Stars, 19 Tower, 10 Scythe

Both Lenormand cards and Tarot cards are particularly useful tools that can provide a clear snapshot of what’s really going on behind your conscious thought process. While larger, more complicated spreads have their place, you might be surprised at how insightful a simple Line of 5 can be– using either Tarot or Lenormand cards– although for the purposes of this post, I will use Lenormand cards to illustrate the method.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, when using a Line of 5, I’ve consistently found that adding the base card (bottom card of the shuffled deck) to the spread almost always fine tunes the message the cards want to bring to your attention.

This simple Line of 5 Insights Spread with Base Card works well when you are seeking clarity regarding a particular problem, situation, concern, goal or desire that’s been on your mind and it works equally well when you’re not sure what to focus on.

It’s all in how you word the question.

If you have a particular subject matter in mind, your question could be “Insights, please: What do I most need to know about [subject] right now?”

If you’re not exactly sure what to focus on, ask something like “What’s the most important thing for me to focus on right now?” and let the cards define the subject matter.

Suppose you have decided to ask the Lenormand cards an open-ended question and have drawn the following cards:

Q: What do I most need to know about right now?


Celtic Lenormand Line of 5: 29 Woman - 30 Lilies - 32 Moon - 16 Stars - 19 Tower - 10 Scythe
Celtic Lenormand Line of 5 with base card: 29 Woman – 30 Lilies – 32 Moon – 16 Stars – 19 Tower – 10 Scythe

Celtic Lenormand by Chloe McCracken


Here’s the way I would approach these cards:

Step 1 – Consider the “Hinge” and “Base” Cards and Determine a Theme or Meaning

First consider the central, or “hinge” card, and the base card beneath it and jot down the keywords that come to mind. In this example, we have 32 MOON and 10 SCYTHE, which will provide the theme or subject matter. The remaining cards will flesh out the reading.

Celtic Lenormand 32 Moon - 10 Scythe
Celtic Lenormand 32 Moon – 10 Scythe

MOON: emotions, habit patterns, career, fame, reputation, mother, intuition, cycles, hormones, fluctuations, feminine, femininity, yin, receptive

SCYTHE: cut, break, sever, eliminate, decision, shockwaves, accidents, surgery, separation, rejection, violent act, sharp, quick, analytical, hurtful, interrupt

Right away you can see several “themes” or meanings are possible. Which theme or meaning makes sense to you will largely depend on your own question, concerns and personal circumstances / reality.

For example, MOON + SCYTHE could mean (among other things):

…breaking up with a woman

…eliminating or ending a bad habit

…putting some distance between yourself and a female

…analyzing emotional problems

…interruption or ending of the menstrual cycle

…damaging a reputation/ ending a career

Step 2 – Consider the Remaining Cards and Weave Together a Story Line that Supports the Theme

Next, you’ll want to consider the remaining cards in the spread and weave together a story line that supports the premise shown by the central and base cards. If you are female, you will want to determine whether 29 WOMAN represents you or another female. If you are male, this card may either be giving you information about a woman in your life or suggesting you take a more intuitive (feminine) approach to the matters at hand.  You’ll need to decide whether 19 TOWER describes 29 WOMAN (mirroring technique) or if it’s the ‘end of the sentence.’ There is no one true and always-correct way to read cards.

Some Considerations…

For females, WOMAN + LILIES could be yourself if you are older or are concerned about aging issues. It could also be a descriptor of your serenity or peace of mind, regardless of age. For both female and male querents, this combination could point to an older woman, a parent, a grandmother, or someone in authority like a boss.

16 STARS + 19 TOWER could be speaking of business goals or climbing the corporate ladder. It could alternately be showing a need to set boundaries (TOWER) in order to reach one’s goals (STARS). It could describe losing out (SCYTHE) on a recording contract (MOON + STARS) due to age discrimination (LILIES).


If you’re asking a health-related question, keep in mind the following:

MOON + TOWER could indicate high blood pressure.

TOWER can represent a medical facility, hospital, clinic, emergency room or doctor’s office.

MOON + STARS could represent a skin condition (STARS) exacerbated by emotions (MOON), such as eczema, psoriasis, shingles, etc.


Example Interpretations…

  1. A need to eliminate (SCYTHE) an entrenched habit (LILIES + MOON) that is interfering with (SCYTHE) or is not supportive of (MOON) one’s serenity/ peace of mind (LILIES) and career goals (STARS + TOWER).
  2. A woman’s decision (SCYTHE) to examine her feelings (MOON) and set emotional boundaries (MOON, TOWER) so she can achieve more serenity (LILIES) and get more of what she wants (STARS).
  3. The need to separate oneself (SCYTHE) from an older woman/ mother/ grandmother (WOMAN + LILIES + MOON) or even a female boss (WOMAN + LILIES with TOWER) who is not emotionally supportive (MOON + STARS).
  4. Female/ hormonal problems (MOON) in an older woman (WOMAN + LILIES) that may require further diagnostic testing (STARS) and possible surgery or biopsy (SCYTHE, TOWER).


I could go on, but I’m sure you can see how this works. It’s pretty much just a matter of identifying the theme or central message as it relates to your question/ issue/ life circumstances, then fleshing out the rest of the “story.” You’ll be using your intuition as well as the standard card meanings you’ve learned from various sources. If you give this simple yet very effective spread a try, I think you’ll be pleased with the results you get.


Blessings, Mary Hawkins

Forensic Cartomancy: Lenormand Cards Discuss Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr

As anyone who’s ever cast and read a simple three card Past-Present-Future spread knows, the cards can certainly “speak” to something that has happened in the past, as well as suggest the probable future concerning the question(s) at hand.

I normally use astrology to ascertain the energies surrounding missing person cases. From time to time, however, when prompted, I may also throw a card spread or two, to clarify, confirm or refute information I’ve gleaned from astrological analysis.

If you follow missing persons cases, you likely know that on July 10, 2015 in Leadore, Idaho, DeOrr Kunz, Jr., a healthy 2-1/2 year old child, disappeared into nowhere while on a camping trip with his mother, father, great-grandpa and family friend. As of the date and time of this post, DeOrr Kunz, Jr. has not been found.

DeOrr Kunz, Jr. missing from Leadore, Idaho July 10, 2015
DeOrr Kunz, Jr. missing from Leadore, Idaho July 10, 2015

Theories as to what happened to this child include (in no particular order): stranger abduction; harm suffered at the hands of one or more of the caretakers and subsequent cover-up; wandering away from the campsite and either (a) drowning or (b) getting carried off by a mountain lion.

The problem with all these theories is that there is no credible evidence that any of them could have happened. Yet, on the other hand, children (or adults for that matter) simply do not “disappear into nowhere.”

So what really happened here?

I’m not going to go into what I first ascertained from careful analysis of the pertinent astrology charts other than to say that there were strong indications of death, likely due to drowning. A few days later, still mulling over the charts and their “testimony,” it occurred to me that perhaps a Lenormand Square of 9 could provide additional information. I cast the spread specifically to address these questions:

The Questions for Lenormand:

  1. What (really) happened to DeOrr Kunz, Jr.?
  2. Who (or what) is responsible?
  3. Will he be found?

I pre-decided that the cards in Row 1 would address the first question, the cards in Row 2 would address the second question and the cards in Row 3 would address the third question. Any other information I could gather from the way the cards fell would be a bonus.

Here’s what I got:


Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz, Jr.: 11 Whip - 23 Mice - 6 Clouds - 34 Fish - 12 Birds - 17 Storks - 30 Lilies - 21 Mountain - 16 Stars
Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz, Jr.: 11 Whip – 23 Mice – 6 Clouds – 34 Fish – 12 Birds – 17 Storks – 30 Lilies – 21 Mountain – 16 Stars


What Happened? 11 WHIP – 23 MICE – 6 CLOUDS


Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Row 1: 11 Whip - 23 Mice - 6 Clouds
Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Row 1: 11 Whip – 23 Mice – 6 Clouds

These cards suggested a frantic runaround: frenzied activity, running around in circles, stress, exhaustion, confusion. In simplest terms, the Lenormand cards seemed to suggest that the child wandered off and got lost.

Who (or What) is Responsible? 34 FISH – 12 BIRDS – 17 STORKS


Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr Row 2: 34 Fish - 12 Birds - 17 Storks
Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr Row 2: 34 Fish – 12 Birds – 17 Storks

I immediately keyed into the people cards: King of Diamonds (34 FISH) and Queen of Hearts (17 STORKS) — dad and mom. With 12 BIRDS in the middle of the row and as the central card in the Square of 9, there was likely a communication issue with Great-Grandpa (King of Spades – 30 LILIES), who from news accounts may have been suffering from some degree of confusion (6 CLOUDS). Because of the positioning of 23 MICE + 6 CLOUDS, I sensed a miscommunication or a lack of communication.

It’s interesting to note this row starts with 34 FISH. The “story” surrounding DeOrr’s disappearance is that the mom, dad and family friend decided to go fishing. The parents allegedly asked the child if he wanted to come along or stay behind with Great-Grandpa (30 LILIES) and DeOrr chose Great-Grandpa, who somehow lost track of DeOrr (6 CLOUDS) and then mistakenly assumed the child had changed his mind and followed the parents.

Will the Child Be Found? 30 LILIES – 21 MOUNTAIN – 16 STARS


Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr. Row 3 - 30 Lilies - 21 Mountain - 16 Stars
Lenormand Square of 9 for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr. Row 3 – 30 Lilies – 21 Mountain – 16 Stars

Both LILIES and MOUNTAIN suggest a long time, with MOUNTAIN additionally suggesting obstacles and delays. [Note: LILIES can sometimes be a death marker. WHIP, FISH and LILIES read vertically suggests a struggle in water that leads to the grave.] 16 STARS at the end of the row points to success, so I think, yes, DeOrr Kunz, Jr. will eventually be recovered, after a “long time” and many delays and obstacles.

I noted with interest that the card numbers assigned to Row 3 reduce to 13 (30 + 21 + 16 = 67 = 6 + 7 = 13), which equals 13 CHILD. That prompted me to flip over cards in the remaining Lenormand deck until I found 13 CHILD, which I selected along with the card before and the card after:


Clarification Cards for Lenormand Square of 9 Spread for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr - 22 Crossroads - 13 Child - 10 Scythe
Clarification Cards for Lenormand Square of 9 Spread for Missing Child DeOrr Kunz Jr – 22 Crossroads – 13 Child – 10 Scythe

This combination suggests the child may have suffered an accident or, in some other way, was suddenly separated him from his caregivers (SCYTHE) while “on a journey / taking a walk” (CROSSROADS). The cards appear to support the message contained in Row 1 which indicated the child simply wandered away and got lost. Unfortunately, SCYTHE to the right of CHILD does not point to an eventual happy resolution.


Mary Hawkins