Tag Archives: Lenormand Line of 5

Lenormand Cards Discuss a Book: Snake, Lilies, Book, Whip, Scythe, Paths

When I throw cards for my daily draw, I usually just ask for a heads-up on how my day will go. This morning, however, I had an exact question.

There is a book I want to purchase. Yesterday I went online and discovered this particular book would take two to three weeks to ship. I didn’t want to wait that long, so I thought maybe I would check out the local Barnes & Noble and get the book there. As it turned out, schedule conflicts interfered and I never made it to the store. So this morning, I asked the cards if the book I wanted would be available at the bookstore.

I decided to use the Mystical Lenormand deck and I energetically charged 26 Book while shuffling the cards. After finding that card in the deck, I chose the two cards preceding and following it to complete my draw. As usual, I also pulled the base card (bottom card of the deck) for additional information.

Here’s what I got:

7 Snake - 30 Lilies - 26 Book - 11 Whip - 10 Scythe - 22 Paths
7 Snake – 30 Lilies – 26 Book – 11 Whip – 10 Scythe – 22 Paths

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


The cards described the situation — and the book — perfectly. The reason I asked the question was because I considered the long delivery time (Lilies) had I ordered the book online yesterday as planned problematic (Snake). The Line of 5 went on to show that the book (Book) concerns the termination/ cancellation/ elimination (Scythe) of sex/ sexual (Whip) hormones.

As I considered the cards, I further realized that 7 Snake + 30 Lilies could be indicating an aging problem — likely about females since Snake can indicate an older woman — due to termination/ cancellation/ elimination (Scythe) of sexual (Whip) hormones.

I was amazed at how accurately the Lenormand cards described the book, which is about managing and naturally restoring the loss of female hormones experienced after menopause through the use of topical bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

22 Paths as the base card suggested that since Barnes & Noble was only a short jaunt from my house, why not take a ride and find out if the book I’m looking for is there?

Seeing 10 Scythe as the last card in the Line of 5 felt confusing. I wasn’t sure if Scythe was indicating a “harvest,” and that yes, the book would be in stock, or if it meant the book had been “cut” from the inventory. I’ll have my answer later today and will update this post.


Mary Hawkins

UPDATE:  My local bookstore did not have the book I want in stock, confirming the Scythe’s traditional (negative) meaning of a cutting or elimination.

All was not lost, however. I was able to put the book on order at the same price I could have gotten it for online, with delivery promised within five to seven days and no shipping costs!

So, as a card giving clarification or additional information, perhaps 22 Paths was also indicating that an alternative route/ direction to getting the book I desired was available.

Lenormand Daily Draw: Snake, Garden, Key, Sun, Dog, Lilies

Unlike Tarot, Lenormand is a literal, not symbolic, cartomancy system. Sometimes a dog is just a dog, as shown in today’s daily draw:


7 Snake - 20 Garden - 33 Key - 31 Sun - 18 Dog - 30 Lilies
7 Snake – 20 Garden – 33 Key – 31 Sun – 18 Dog – 30 Lilies

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


My usual morning routine consists of asking my cards to show me something that will happen, or something I need to know.  Today’s cards suggested some type of problem (Snake), possibly a publicity problem (Garden), that would have an effective resolution (Key + Sun). Key plus the base card Lilies suggested the solution (Key) would be long-lasting (Lilies). Since Dog often represents my son, I thought maybe he would have something to do with the effective resolution of the problem.

What Actually Happened:

Mid-morning or so, my son (Dog) poked his head into my computer room to tell me that a runaway dog (Snake + Dog = dog problem; problem involving a dog) had been captured in our back yard (Garden)! Apparently the dog had gotten loose somewhere in an adjacent neighborhood and a concerned citizen took it upon herself to follow the dog as it zig-zagged across streets and yards. She also called the police, who sent out someone from animal control.

Eventually, the dog, the woman and the animal control guy all wound up in my back yard, where the animal control guy (an older (Lilies) man), successfully apprehended the dog without further incident (Key + Sun).


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Confirm Death of a Pet

This is an entry from my daily journal:


On August 3, 2013, I asked the Lenormand cards,

‘What is in my immediate future – the next 35 days or so?’

I pulled:

30 Lilies - 8 Coffin - 3 Ship - 18 Dog - 13 Child - 2 Clover
30 Lilies – 8 Coffin – 3 Ship – 18 Dog – 13 Child – 2 Clover

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


Here’s how I interpreted the cards:

Death of a pet. My dear kitty Sasha is on her way out. Dog + Child = puppy, small pet. (Dog can refer to pets in general, including cats.)

She’s old (Lilies), small (Child), a pet (Dog), and she’s on her way out (Coffin + Ship).

Clover indicates 2 months / 2 weeks / 2 days.


What Actually Happened:

My sweet, little 18 year old kitty, Sasha, had been losing weight over the summer at an alarming rate, and I was just beginning to realize she’d lost her hearing as well. I knew something was up. Despite the cards I had drawn, I remained in denial. I wasn’t ready to let her go.

Sasha took a turn for the worse approximately two weeks (Clover) after the date of the draw. The week of 8/19 was very bad. By Sunday, 8/25, it was certain she was dying. On Monday, 8/26, I called a local vet and arranged to bring her in for euthanasia. Sasha was given a lethal injection at 10:45 am on Monday, 8/26/2013.


Sasha Michelle Kitty 1995 - 2013
Sasha Michelle Kitty
1995 – 2013


I cried all day.

All week.

On and off through September, and into October…

Approximately two months later (Clover), Charlie and Midnight came into my home and my life.


Charlie & Midnight
Charlie & Midnight


Charlie and Midnight are Rescue Kitties, abandoned when their family pulled up stakes and left town. Charlie, the orange guy, is about 3 or 4 years old and as friendly and cuddly and playful as can be. Midnight, an older, toothless gent of about 7, purrs up a storm, eats like there’s no tomorrow, and wakes me up every morning by poking his paw in my face . I still miss my sweet Sasha, and always will, but I’ve grown to love my new Kitty Boys.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Weekly Draw: Tower, Coffin, Scythe, Mountain, Clover, Rider

On Sundays, instead of doing a daily draw, I usually take a look at the week ahead, asking for a heads up on what might occur.

Here are the cards I pulled this morning:


19 Tower - 8 Coffin - 10 Scythe - 21 Mountain - 2 Clover - 1 Rider
19 Tower – 8 Coffin – 10 Scythe – 21 Mountain – 2 Clover – 1 Rider

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


The Lenormand cards seemed to be following up on a situation I’d heard about yesterday when I was alerted that an older gentleman friend had wound up in the hospital after experiencing what appeared to be a stroke.

This morning’s cards showed the sudden (Scythe) hospitalization (Tower + Coffin), and went on to indicate a potentially slow and possibly challenging recovery (Mountain + Clover). Rider as the base card suggested I will get an update on the situation sometime this week.

While Clover at the end of the Line of 5 is encouraging and suggestive of recovery, I know this card has a temporary influence, so I can’t help but worry a bit about my friend’s long term prospects.

On the other hand, perhaps Clover is simply saying that this old boy will luck out & be sent home as good as new. I think I’d rather focus on that outcome for now.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Daily Draw: Garden, Key, Scythe, Sun, Heart, Anchor

When I pull morning cards, I usually focus on receiving information about what will happen or what I need to know.

Lately, the cards seem to want to keep talking about my son’s progress as he applies to grad schools and today’s draw was no exception.

I drew:

20 Garden - 33 Key - 10 Scythe - 31 Sun - 24 Heart - 35 Anchor
20 Garden – 33 Key – 10 Scythe – 31 Sun – 24 Heart – 35 Anchor

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


Yesterday my son had an online interview with one of the three grad schools he applied to. It was a very important meeting (Garden + Key). There will be a swift decision (Scythe) that most likely will be positive (Sun) and happy/ emotionally fulfilling (Heart).

I think they thought quite well of him (Sun + Heart) and liked what he has to offer.

Using the mirror technique, Garden + Heart suggests an “engagement party” and Key + Sun suggests they were impressed with his accomplishments thus far.

Scythe as the hinge card with Anchor supporting it suggests a permanent (Anchor) decision (Scythe) to take him on. Even though the decision itself may be swift, it could take a while (Anchor is a “slow” card) to get the decision (Scythe) — but with the line ending in Sun and Heart, I think the decision will be very positive.

I’ll update when I know more (probably 4-6 weeks from now).


Mary Hawkins