Tag Archives: Joker

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 4

The more I work with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards, the more I enjoy them.

I mentioned in Part 2 of this series that the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards do not follow the rules. While all 52 playing cards (plus 3 Jokers) are in the deck and they can be read as such, the cards also depict 35 of the 36 Lenormand images, causing one to assume they can be read that way as well. Until you discover the card numbers assigned are not the same and the playing card insets are different as well. What’s with that?

Gypsy Witch 27 Dog (4 of Diamonds) vs Lenormand 18 Dog (10 of Hearts)
Gypsy Witch 27 Dog (4 of Diamonds) vs Lenormand 18 Dog (10 of Hearts)


And then you might notice, if you make Gypsy Witch #43 Lightning (6 of Clubs) equal Lenormand 36 Cross (6 of Clubs) which works for me, there are still 16 additional images that are not contained in a regular Lenormand deck. Hmmmm. And on top of that, there are “fortunes” or “prophecies” written on each of the 52 cards. (There are no “fortunes” or “prophecies” written on the three Joker cards.)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) - 49 Eye (4 of Spades) - 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) - 38 Flames (7 of Diamonds)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) – 49 Eye (4 of Spades) – 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) – 38 Flames (7 of Diamonds)


So, what gives? Do you read them as playing cards? Lenormand cards? Oracle cards? Do you have to choose one system or another? Can you blend them together and, if so, how? “Everybody” knows playing cards are read differently from Lenormand cards. And Oracle cards seem to have their own sets of rules, depending on the deck.

Since there isn’t much of anything online (that I’ve been able to find) about how to read / work with this deck, I can only share with you my own experiences and encourage you to “take what works and leave the rest behind” as you develop your own personal relationship with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

As this series continues, I’ll examine different aspects of the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards and share my insights as we go along. Here and there, I’ll throw in a reading I’ve done to illustrate or clarify whatever it is I’m discussing. If you have questions or comments, please jump in 🙂

Note:  If you’d like to read the previous parts of this series, click the links below or select ‘Gypsy Witch’ in the Category tab to your right: 
Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Mary Hawkins