Tag Archives: IX-The Hermit

Double Carded Tarot Card Spread for Problem Solving

Suppose you have a problem. Not just some trivial, inconsequential, problem that will ultimately resolve itself in a day, a week, a month. I’m talking about a problem of consequence. An issue, problem or circumstance that’s been impacting your health, wealth, peace of mind, marriage, career, family dynamics … your very quality of life … over a period of time.

In today’s post, I’ll show you a simple tarot card spread you can try that was specifically designed to provide deeper insights into difficult, ongoing problems, as well as point out solutions and what steps to take next.

“The Querent, a female, has experienced increasing frustration with her ongoing inability to turn a deeply-loved hobby into an income source…”


The question:

“Why Am I Having This Problem and What Can I Do About It?”


Double Carded Tarot Spread for Problem Solving - Living With Cards © 2019
Double carded tarot card spread for problem solving – Living With Cards © 2019

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Double Carded Tarot Spread for Problem Solving

Instructions: Shuffle the cards thoroughly while thinking about your question/ problem/ situation. When ready, cut the deck into three stacks. Take the top card from each stack and lay it out left to right as shown in the image. Place the bottom card from each stack below the corresponding top image.

Double carded tarot card spread for problem solving - Living With Cards © 2019 http://livingwithcards.com
Double carded tarot card spread for problem solving – Living With Cards © 2019

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Column 1

The top card in column 1 shows the Problem/ Question/ Concern (or the aspect of the problem/ question/ concern that the cards wish to discuss) and the bottom card shows its underlying basis, reason or cause. Because the cards in column 1 denote a problem, cards that are normally positive should be read as if they were reversed.

Column 1: IX-The Hermit and 9 of Cups - Double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards © 2019 http://livingwithcards.com
Column 1: IX-The Hermit and 9 of Cups

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Here, while the Querent believes she can or should be relying on herself to resolve her issues (IX-The Hermit), her problem is being exacerbated by a negative expression or influence of the 9 of Cups. This could include overindulgence/ addictive behaviors, wishful thinking, focusing on disappointments over lack of fulfillment in financial matters, or other negative interpretations of 9 of Cups. Because the suit of Cups is associated with the Water element, there is a strong emotional component in play. Because 9 of Cups symbolizes an underlying factor of the problem, the Querent may not be consciously aware of how emotions are impacting her situation. In essence, her ability to rely on herself (IX-The Hermit) to resolve her issues has been disabled because she’s constantly being undermined by emotional influences of which she’s likely not aware (negative 9 of Cups).

Column 2

The top card in column 2 gives the answer or solution, supported by the message contained in the bottom card. Here we see 8 of Wands supported by the Queen of Swords.

Column 2: 8 of Wands and Queen of Swords from double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Column 2: 8 of Wands and Queen of Swords

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

In general, 8 of Wands points to the end of a period of stagnation and delay, something which would surely bring great relief to the Querent. It is also a strong communications card and could suggest something as simple as beginning to promote oneself and one’s offerings to the public, whatever those may be. As the underlying card, the Queen of Swords suggests that the Querent adopt a head-over-heart attitude concerning her problem and not let her emotions and feelings (negative 9 of Cups) interfere with her goal of swiftly putting into motion (8 of Wands) a plan that could release her from a situation that is keeping her boxed in, frustrated, socially isolated and (probably) lonely (IX-The Hermit).

Column 3

The top card in column 3 gives advice on how to proceed, supported by the message contained in the bottom card. Here we see the 8 of Pentacles supported by the Knight of Swords.

Column 3: 8 of Pentacles and Knight of Swords - double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Column 3: 8 of Pentacles and Knight of Swords

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

In the context of the question, 8 of Pentacles, a card of cultivation, implies that whatever it is that one is devoting their time and effort to will pay off in the long run. As such, it accurately mirrors the Querent’s situation; she’s certainly put a lot of time and effort into her creative projects over the years and has been wanting to lay down a financial foundation based on her skills. 8 of Pentacles is a reminder that such endeavors take time but eventually pay off should one remain dedicated. The Knight of Swords points out that the Querent will need to stay steadfastly committed to her goals and, like the Queen of Swords, reiterates the advice of following her head, not her heart, as she proceeds. Decisiveness and clear vision is of the essence.

Additional Information or Factors to be Considered Cards

For a continuation of advice or to receive additional guidance from the cards, turn the three stacks over and read, in order, the bottom cards:

Additional Guidance Cards: 8 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles and 6 of Pentacles - double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Additional Guidance Cards: 8 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles and 6 of Pentacles

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Here we see the 8 of Swords (interference), the Knight of Pentacles (slow and steady progress) and the 6 of Pentacles (financial success and gain). The message is clear: the Querent is the cause of her own problem; she is doing this to herself (8 of Swords), likely because she has let her fears and negative thinking blind her to options that others can see clearly. This is the “trap of your own making” card and it succinctly shows the Querent how she’s been shooting herself in the foot. The advice follows: the Knight of Pentacles is the “plan the work, work the plan” card and the 6 of Pentacles assures the probability of financial gain should she do so, particularly if the Querent’s offerings benefit others. This is the route the cards advise taking to achieve the goal.

The double carded tarot card spread for problem solving with additional guidance cards has given the Querent plenty of food for thought. Whether she heeds and acts upon the advice is up to her.



Mary Hawkins

Note: the Princes in the Crowley-Thoth tarot deck correlate to Knights in Rider-Waite style decks. I have referred to the Prince of Swords and the Prince of Disks in the above example as their Rider-Waite equivalents, the Knight of Swords and the Knight of Pentacles since most readers are more familiar with the Rider-Waite system.

Tarot Advice for Health Issue

The querent is a female in her mid-60s who has been experiencing some health issues. She is skeptical of allopathic medicine because she feels such practitioners tend to “treat the symptoms and not the cause,” and because she “doesn’t want to start taking a bunch of drugs.” Recently she heard about  a female chiropractor with an intuitive, energetic approach and she wants to know if this individual could help her resolve her issues.

I decided to throw a Five Pointed Star tarot spread with a significator* to get some insight into her question.

[Note: in addition to representing either the querent (the person asking the question) or the quesited (that which is inquired about), a significator card can give insight regarding the major theme of the question.]


Tarot Health Issue - 5 Pointed Star Spread with Significator
Tarot Health Issue – 5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread with Significator and Clarification Card


Significator card: the central card, 8 of Pentacles, describes the theme of the reading. For a health related question, this card suggests an imbalance (8) of some sort may be causing the physical (Pentacles) issues the querent is experiencing.

Position #1 – Queen of Pentacles:

The card in this position describes the basis of the question. It reveals the issue under consideration, but will not affect the outcome. I felt the Queen of Pentacles was describing the chiropractor the querent was considering consulting as an intuitive, practical, results-oriented professional with a hands-on manner. In fact, out of the 78 cards of the Tarot, I can think of no other card which would better describe a female chiropractor!

Position #2 – 6 of Pentacles:

The card in this position reveals the querent’s thoughts or mindset regarding the matter, whether she anticipates success or failure, what the querent may fear and/or what is causing concern. Typically, the card in this position shows how the querent is influencing the question by her thoughts. 6 of Pentacles in this position suggests an equitable exchange of money for services rendered and also indicates the querent expects to receive valuable assistance from this practitioner. In other words, the querent’s mindset regarding this practitioner is positive and she is anticipating positive results.

Position #3 – 10 of Swords:

The card in this position reveals additional information about the situation, of which the querent may or may not be aware, that needs to be considered. 10 of Swords in Position #3 speaks to the querent’s displeasure with allopathic practices and emphasizes a change of doctors or an alternative therapy may be warranted.

Position #4 – 10 of Pentacles:

The card in this position answers the question. This card may also provide advice and/or guidance on how to handle the situation. As “The Answer,” 10 of Pentacles suggests satisfaction with the treatment the querent will receive from the chiropractor, and that contracting her will be a good investment of the querent’s money.

Position #5 – 8 of Cups:

The card in this position shows the Probable Outcome, going beyond the answer found in Position #4, to a final conclusion. 8 of Cups in Position #5 points to the issue of balance vs. imbalance (8), likely in hormones (Cups). My sense was that the chiropractor would be successful in identifying hormonal imbalances in the querent’s body, which, once identified, could be corrected.


I note that four of the six cards in this draw are Pentacles, which is a physical suit dealing with money and health. Interestingly, both issues were on the querent’s mind — her health issues and the money she might need to spend to address them. Additionally, IX-The Hermit as the clarification card is associated with the zodiacal sign of Virgo, a physical Earth sign associated with health.

Queen of Pentacles in Position #1 described the chiropractor as a practical and results-oriented, intuitive professional woman and 6 of Pentacles in Position #2 showed the querent’s expectations that she would receive good value for her money by consulting this practitioner. 10 of Swords in Position #3 suggested the querent felt she was “the end of her rope” concerning her issues and that it was time to try an alternative therapy. 10 of Pentacles in the 4th Position confirmed contracting the chiropractor would be an excellent investment that promised a satisfactory outcome in resolving her health issues. 8 of Cups in Position #5 suggested the treatments would uncover a hormonal (Cups) imbalance (8) which could then be addressed. Finally, IX-Hermit as the Clarification Card suggested that a health (Virgo) issue needed to be further analyzed and that she had been intuitively guided to this particular practitioner. I encouraged her to act on her intuitions.


Mary Hawkins

Shining the Light Spread Using Tarot Cards

This is a simple yet effective spread that will give you insight and guidance on a situation, issue or circumstance that is concerning you.

I’m using the Tarot Cards for this example but it could easily be adapted to any card deck including Lenormand, an oracle deck or playing cards.

Shining the Light Spread Using Tarot Cards Instructions:

1. Write down a brief, honest synopsis of the circumstance, issue or situation that is concerning you. (If you’re tempted to skip this step, don’t. You won’t have to write a book — just a few words or sentences will do, and the act of writing will help you focus on exactly what it is you want to know.)

2. Mix the tarot cards while thinking about your circumstance, issue or situation. Ask the cards to “shine the light” and give you some useful advice.

3. Continue mixing the tarot cards until it feels like you’re done. (Trust me, you will know when to stop.) Then turn the deck face up and search for IX-THE HERMIT. Select the cards to the immediate left and right and place all three cards face up on the table.

Here’s an example:

A 49 year old female querent who was unhappy at her day job wanted to know if she could turn her creative hobbies into a money making venture that would eventually be able to support her.

I asked a few questions to help her clarify the matter, then mixed the cards, asking them to “shine the light” and give the querent some practical guidance .

After turning the deck face up, I found IX-THE HERMIT and selected the cards to the immediate left and right:


Knight of Cups - IX Hermit - Page of Swords
Knight of Cups – IX Hermit – Page of Swords

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Knight of Cups is associated with creative ventures. It can indicate a need for faith in oneself and also speaks to following the path with heart. Page of Swords suggests a need for logical thinking and decisive action. In this tarot card reading, IX-THE HERMIT shines the light on the message, “if you have faith in yourself, follow your passions, pursue a path that is personally meaningful to you, and act decisively, you can achieve your goal.”

The key word in this message is “can.” The cards aren’t predicting the querent will achieve her goal, simply that she can. The suit of Swords is comparable to the playing card suit of Spades, which often correlates with worries, problems or fears. When a tarot card spread — even a short one like this example — ends in a card from the suit of Swords, it often indicates that the querent may encounter problems.


Mary Hawkins