Tag Archives: Gypsy Witch 45 Order Jack of Clubs

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Correctly Predict Birth of Baby

The more you practice with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards the easier it will become for you to intuitively realize when “system jumping” may be called for. The reading I’ll discuss in today’s post is a powerful example of how this works. I’ll show you the spread, but first, a little background:

The Back Story

Grandson #3’s due date was exactly one week ago. Except he was born exactly two weeks ago. Exactly one day after the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards said he’d arrive…


Daughter #2 had discovered she was pregnant in late September. Naturally, her first question to her astrologer – tarot card reading mother was “What am I having? A boy or a girl?”

I decided to cast a horary astrology chart (a chart based on the date, time and place of the question) to get the answer. The chart strongly suggested “male.”

Daughter #2, who already had a boy and was not-so-secretly wanting a girl, was skeptical. She asked if I could do another chart. I put her off, explaining it was “too soon” to ask the same question again. Several weeks later, however, after she’d scheduled her 20-week sonogram, I couldn’t help but take a look at the event chart calculated for the date, time and place of this procedure. Once again, this second chart strongly suggested “male.”

Both astrology charts were confirmed as accurate when the sonogram results came in: Daughter #2 was definitely having a boy! The doctor gave a due date of May 22nd. The pregnancy progressed smoothly and before we knew it, it was May…

Fast Forward

By early May, everyone in the family was baby-focused. Baby, baby, baby. When would he get here? Daughter #2 expected me to know. I gave her some “probable birth windows” based on Moon transits to her natal chart, but protested I couldn’t really get more specific than that.

One “birth window” came and went and we were in the middle of the second one with no indications that labor was about to commence. On the morning before Grandson #3 was born, having had resigned myself to the probability that he’d be coming later rather than sooner, I poured a cup of coffee and sat down to do my daily card draw. I had nothing on my mind. No questions. No nagging concerns. I selected the Gypsy Witch cards on a whim and asked one of my usual generic questions: “Heads up/ need to know/ will happen.”

Q: Heads Up/ Need to Know/ Will Happen


Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 29 Mouse (6 of Spades) - 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) - 46 Railroad (2 of Clubs) - 21 Stork (7 of Hearts) - 30 Rod (10 of Spades) - 3 House (6 of Hearts) http://livingwithcards.com
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Correctly Predict Birth of Baby: 29 Mouse (6 of Spades) – 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) – 46 Railroad (2 of Clubs) – 21 Stork (7 of Hearts) – 30 Rod (10 of Spades) – 3 House (6 of Hearts)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards by Systems, U S Games published by United States Games Systems Cards


I almost fell out of my chair.

Journal entry showing Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards prediction of baby's birth: 29 Mouse (6 of Spades) - 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) - 46 Railroad (2 of Clubs) - 21 Stork (7 of Hearts) - 30 Rod (10 of Spades) - 3 House (6 of Hearts) http://livingwithcards.com
Journal entry showing Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards prediction of baby’s birth: 29 Mouse (6 of Spades) – 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) – 46 Railroad (2 of Clubs) – 21 Stork (7 of Hearts) – 30 Rod (10 of Spades) – 3 House (6 of Hearts)


I immediately grasped the cards’ message, “Baby is coming!”, before figuring it out logically from examining the cards that made up the spread. In retrospect, I think the first clue was the playing card insets and images on 21 Stork and 3 House. I’ll get to that shortly.

You can see from the graphics above, I chose to use a basic Lenormand Line of 5, with the addition of the Base Card (the bottom card of the shuffled deck), which is my usual practice. I typically consider the central, or hinge, card first, in conjunction with the Base Card, to give an overall feel on the theme of the reading. Because 46 Railroad is not a traditional Lenormand card, I had to consider the “fortune” inscribed thereon:

“The railroad forecasts a long journey; if near 44 a serious accident; if near 29 a robbery.”

But the playing card insets on 46 Railroad and 3 House told another story: a benefit given or received (2 of Clubs); a male loved one (6 of Hearts).

Additionally, the playing card inset on 21 Stork (an image associated with childbirth in and of itself) is 7 of Hearts which is the “second chance,” “second time around” or “second occurrence” card. I read 7 of Hearts + 6 of Hearts as “second male loved one” (my daughter’s second baby, a boy) being delivered (Stork) and coming home (House).

Playing cards 6 of Spades - Jack of Clubs - 2 of Clubs - 7 of Hearts - 10 of Spades - 6 of Hearts http://livingwithcards.com
Playing cards 6 of Spades – Jack of Clubs – 2 of Clubs – 7 of Hearts – 10 of Spades – 6 of Hearts


Noting that Mice + Rod (Whip) could symbolize physical exertion or exhaustion and 6 of Spades + 10 of Spades could literally refer to “water breaking,” not to mention that Gypsy Witch 45 Order actually contains the word ‘labor’ in its “fortune,” the meaning of the cards couldn’t seem clearer. In this particular card spread, 46 Railroad, the “long journey,” was the nine months of pregnancy itself, which was ending, as indicated by labor pains (Mice, Rod, Order). The Stork was on its way, a male loved one (6 of Hearts) soon to be born and come home (House).

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 45 Order Jack of Clubs http://livingwithcards.com
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 45 Order Jack of Clubs


Very interestingly, the card numbers in this spread added up to 174 which reduces to 12, which equals 12 Children in the Gypsy Witch card deck. This was the clincher for me that my interpretation was on target.

29 + 45 + 46 + 21 + 30 + 3 = 174 = 1 + 7 + 4 = 12 = 12 Children

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 12 Children (Queen of Diamonds) http://livingwithcards.com
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 12 Children (Queen of Diamonds)



Note Regarding 46 Railroad: With 29 Mouse in the spread, not to mention 3 House, “robbery” could have been a reasonable deduction, but my mind did not go there. The way the cards were interacting, labor and delivery (ending the “long journey” of pregnancy) seemed to be the only correct interpretation based on the energies surrounding my current reality. This is one of the intricacies of “system jumping” with the Gypsy Witch. It’s more an intuitive leap of the mind than a conscious decision to “try this or that” technique and see what pops out. The more you work with these cards, the easier that becomes.




Just as the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards predicted, Grandson #3 was born within 25 hours of the card throw. I don’t know which blew me away more: the stunning accuracy of the Gypsy Witch or holding my stunningly gorgeous newborn grandson in my arms. And while I didn’t deliberately set out to combine divination techniques, the Gypsy Witch cards with their remarkable “system jumping” abilities, facilitated my doing so.


The Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards are worth their weight in gold. In my 25+ years as a card reader I have not found another divination deck on the market that can match the Gypsy Witch‘s uncanny ability for accurate prediction.

While authorship of the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards is attributed to Mlle. Lenormand herself, I can’t help but suspect some unknown, unnamed protegee was actually responsible for collecting and categorizing Mlle. Lenormand’s secrets and transforming them into the ingenious, if not magickal, card system we know today as the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards.

Perhaps it was the Gypsy Witch ….


Mary Hawkins

Note: If you’ve missed my previous posts on the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards, you can click on the links below or use the Gypsy Witch link under Categories in the side bar to your right.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 1

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 2

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 3

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 4

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 5

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 6

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 7

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Meanings and Combinations: 24 Hand in Hand

Forensic Cartomancy: Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Offer Possible Clues to Gabriella Doolin Murder

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Meanings and Combinations: 44 The Broken Glass

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Meanings and Combinations: 24 Hand in Hand

Seventeen of the 52* Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards depict images not contained in a normal Lenormand card deck. As far as I can determine, there is little information available on the internet that illuminates the meanings of these 17 cards. For those of us interested in understanding this deck, all we can do is continue to work with the cards and begin to develop our own compendium of meanings and combinations, based on how the cards seem to be speaking to us. The Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Card I will be discussing in today’s post is number 24 Hand in Hand.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

A Little Background Information on the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Each of the 52* Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards consists of five elements:

  1. Playing card inset
  2. Number
  3. Title
  4. Image
  5. Prophecy

Which, or how many, of these elements is important in any particular card draw depends on the question asked and the circumstances surrounding the question. According to the general rules of cartomancy with playing cards, “red is good and black is bad.” As card readers and diviners, however, we must keep in mind that the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards do not follow the rules and some of the red cards in this deck carry a more sinister vibration, for example, 11 Fox (Ace of Hearts) and 36 Cat (8 of Hearts).

By Itself, Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand is a Fully Positive Card

As an individual card, Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand expresses in a fully positive manner: the playing card inset, King of Hearts, is positive. The number vibration 24/6 is positive. The card title, Hand in Hand, connotes cooperation and agreement. The image depicts a friendly handshake between a man and a woman. The “fortune” or “prophecy” suggests trust, cooperation, fidelity and general good fortune. Unless it is surrounded or hemmed in by cards of a more negative nature, Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand gives a “yes” answer to a yes-or-no question and casts a favorable light on whatever subject you are asking the cards to discuss.

The Numerology of Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand

The second element shared by the 52* Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards is the number assigned to each individual card. Some cards resonate more strongly with their assigned number than others, and Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand is one of them.

From a numerological standpoint, Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand strongly resonates to the 24/6 vibration, which is a fortunate love and family vibration. It is magnetic, favorable, and altogether lovely. Some other qualities associated with the 24/6 vibration include: social and financial success; sound business judgment; practicality in money matters; creativity (a creative mind); clairvoyancy; interest in and support of family matters; gain (in all areas); and love.

Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand Meanings and Keywords

connection; engagement; attraction; cooperation; agreement; bond; friendship; equality; fidelity; yin and yang; balance (or lack thereof with negative cards); favor; success; tipping the balance; trustworthy; “let’s shake hands on it;” a meeting of the minds; “wink, wink, nudge, nudge;” on the same page

Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand Card Combinations

24 Hand in Hand and 38 Flames – [+] “friendship will warm into love” (per the fortune on the card); an attractive or timely proposition (“strike while the fire is hot,” time to move quickly on an opportunity)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 38 Flames (7 of Diamonds)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 38 Flames (7 of Diamonds)

24 Hand in Hand and 47 Bride – [+] marriage or [-] divorce, depending on how far away the two cards are from each other and what cards are in-between

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 47 Bride (King of Spades)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 47 Bride (King of Spades)

24 Hand in Hand and 45 Order – [+] “favor will be found with superiors” (per the fortune on the card); business success; a promotion

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 45 Order (Jack of Clubs)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 45 Order (Jack of Clubs)

24 Hand in Hand and 48 Money Safe – [+] “financial success” (per the fortune on the card); hitting the jackpot; a sound investment; a substantial raise in pay; Note: 48 Money Safe is a directional card. If it lies to the left of 24 Hand in Hand, it connotes financial loss.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 48 Money Safe (3 of Diamonds
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 48 Money Safe (3 of Diamonds)

24 Hand in Hand and 6 Coffin – [-] ending, loss or deterioration of what once was a supportive or amicable friendship, relationship, circumstance or situation; someone you know, like and/or trust is “giving you a headache”

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 6 Coffin (5 of Spades)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 6 Coffin (5 of Spades)

24 Hand in Hand and 9 Birds – [+] a friendly conversation; meeting with like-minded others; friendly chit-chat, texts, emails, phone calls from or with people you like; [-] someone you trust is talking behind your back; stress between friends; a stressed-out loved one; anxiety over a relationship, circumstance or situation you thought was secure

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 9 Birds (Ace of Diamonds)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 9 Birds (Ace of Diamonds)

24 Hand in Hand and 13 Snake – [-] “frenemy;” deception by someone you trusted; a problem or complication coming up among friends

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 13 Snake (8 of Clubs)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 13 Snake (8 of Clubs)

24 Hand in Hand and 22 Book – a secret relationship, an affair; finding out something you didn’t know about a person, situation or circumstance you thought was supportive; successful studies; successful project; keeping secrets from a loved one; secret pact or agreement

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 22 Book (Jack of Hearts)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards: 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) and 22 Book (Jack of Hearts)



Are you experimenting with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards? Have you discovered additional or alternative meanings and/or combinations for Gypsy Witch 24 Hand in Hand? If so, please leave a comment and let me know how this card has revealed itself to you! 🙂

Also, if you haven’t already done so, you can read the previous posts in this series by clicking on the links below or by selecting the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards category tab in the sidebar to your right.

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 1

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 2

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 3

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 4

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 5


Mary Hawkins

*Note: There are actually 55 cards in the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck: 52 playing cards, the Joker, and two “extra” Jokers, one red and one black (3 Jokers total).

Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Part 4

The more I work with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards, the more I enjoy them.

I mentioned in Part 2 of this series that the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards do not follow the rules. While all 52 playing cards (plus 3 Jokers) are in the deck and they can be read as such, the cards also depict 35 of the 36 Lenormand images, causing one to assume they can be read that way as well. Until you discover the card numbers assigned are not the same and the playing card insets are different as well. What’s with that?

Gypsy Witch 27 Dog (4 of Diamonds) vs Lenormand 18 Dog (10 of Hearts)
Gypsy Witch 27 Dog (4 of Diamonds) vs Lenormand 18 Dog (10 of Hearts)


And then you might notice, if you make Gypsy Witch #43 Lightning (6 of Clubs) equal Lenormand 36 Cross (6 of Clubs) which works for me, there are still 16 additional images that are not contained in a regular Lenormand deck. Hmmmm. And on top of that, there are “fortunes” or “prophecies” written on each of the 52 cards. (There are no “fortunes” or “prophecies” written on the three Joker cards.)

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) - 49 Eye (4 of Spades) - 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) - 38 Flames (7 of Diamonds)
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards 45 Order (Jack of Clubs) – 49 Eye (4 of Spades) – 24 Hand in Hand (King of Hearts) – 38 Flames (7 of Diamonds)


So, what gives? Do you read them as playing cards? Lenormand cards? Oracle cards? Do you have to choose one system or another? Can you blend them together and, if so, how? “Everybody” knows playing cards are read differently from Lenormand cards. And Oracle cards seem to have their own sets of rules, depending on the deck.

Since there isn’t much of anything online (that I’ve been able to find) about how to read / work with this deck, I can only share with you my own experiences and encourage you to “take what works and leave the rest behind” as you develop your own personal relationship with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards.

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

As this series continues, I’ll examine different aspects of the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards and share my insights as we go along. Here and there, I’ll throw in a reading I’ve done to illustrate or clarify whatever it is I’m discussing. If you have questions or comments, please jump in 🙂

Note:  If you’d like to read the previous parts of this series, click the links below or select ‘Gypsy Witch’ in the Category tab to your right: 
Reading with the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Mary Hawkins