Tag Archives: employment advice

Tarot Card Guidance: Possibilities Spread

Everyone has areas of life in which they’d like to see a more positive outcome. I developed the Possibilities Tarot Card Spread to help you explore in more depth what may be available to you in a particular life area and what you may need to do or avoid in order to bring a more desired outcome into your reality.

First I’ll show you the layout, then I’ll show you an example of the spread in action.

Possibilities Tarot Card Spread Layout
Possibilities Tarot Card Spread
Possibilities Tarot Card Spread – http://livingwithcards.com



Tarot card reading tip: if the situation you wish to explore is frightening, disturbing or emotionally overwhelming, do your best to calm yourself down and consciously intend to draw cards that will give you true and helpful guidance before you shuffle and draw the cards.


Example of the Possibilities Tarot Card Spread: Employment Situation

Background: Female A is an older woman who is absolutely miserable in her job. When she started the position, she had high hopes it would make good use of her creative skills, but to her dismay, she found herself being assigned clerical, entry-level work well below her skill level, which she detested. Her supervisor seemed aloof and disinterested in the daily office drama, and she found her co-workers to be dishonest and untrustworthy. Despite the fact there was absolutely nothing she liked about the job, the thought of being jobless terrified her, so she stayed. She seemed desperate for a way out, but feared nothing might be “out there” for her, and besides, she didn’t have any idea of where to start looking.

The Tarot Card Reading for Female A:

While thinking about Female A’s situation and consciously intending to access helpful information, I shuffled the cards and then cut the deck into seven separate piles (one for each position), selecting the top card from each pile in sequential order. My question was: “Regarding Female A’s employment situation, what possibilities are now available to her?”

Q: What Possibilities are Available for Female A’s Employment Situation?

Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords - 6 of Cups - Queen of Swords - 3 of Swords - XVIII-The Moon - IV-The Emperor - 8 of Wands
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords – 6 of Cups – Queen of Swords – 3 of Swords – XVIII-The Moon – IV-The Emperor – 8 of Wands

Morgan Greer Tarot Deck


Positions 1 and 2 – Possibilities Currently Available and Reason / Basis for the Possibility: 6 of Swords and 6 of Cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords - 6 of Cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords – 6 of Cups

I tend to read these two positions together. 6 of Swords is a card that is associated with moving away from the past. When this card is drawn, it is likely that the querent will be the one who makes the first move rather than let circumstances make the move for her. In other words, 6 of Swords suggests that a change in the way she is thinking about things (Swords = thoughts) will prompt her to seek a new job more in keeping with her desires. 6 of Swords also suggests that as she mentally (Swords) loosens herself from of grip of her situation, she may find that things start improving. Additionally, the card hints at the possibility of receiving help from unexpected sources.

The reason for, or basis of, the possibility is shown by 6 of Cups, which indicates that Female A’s creative skills and abilities still exist. She didn’t lose them, even though she is not currently using them. 6 of Cups also suggests that Female A (possibly because of her age) could be thinking her best days are behind her, which could certainly become her reality if she persists on believing such a disempowering thought. In essence, the possibility of distancing herself from the past and moving on to better things in the employment arena (6 of Swords) is dependent on her recognition that she does in fact possess valuable skills and talents and that her best days could be ahead of her and not behind her (6 of Cups). The two cards placed together suggest she could now become open to believing this possibility could be true for her.

Position 3 – What Helps: Queen of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot - Queen of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot – Queen of Swords

Clear, non-emotional thinking is of the essence. The Queen of Swords counsels that the querent should emotionally detach from her current situation and admit and declare, to herself and to the Universe, that she wants — and deserves — to be free of what has become an unacceptable condition. She should mentally (Swords) affirm that she deserves to use her gifts, talents and skills in a supportive environment. She would be best served by focusing (Swords) on what she wants and ruthlessly disengage (Swords) from all negative thinking about the situation.

Position 4 – What Hinders: 3 of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 3 of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords is a card of emotional pain. In Position 4, it counsels that continued focus on negative and/or painful feelings will only prolong the painful and unpleasant situation in which the querent currently finds herself. The 3 of Swords confirms, whether she realizes it or not, that the querent is living within an abusive situation and that it is now necessary to remove the cause of her pain and let go what no longer serves her, if she is to have any chance at a happier, healthier work situation.

Position 5 – The Deduction: XVIII-The Moon
Morgan-Greer Tarot: XVIII-The Moon
Morgan-Greer Tarot: XVIII-The Moon

As the Deduction, XVIII-The Moon suggests the querent has been holding on to a very unhappy work situation because her fears of what the future might bring have been greater than her desire to change her circumstances. Unfortunately, these fears have probably kept her up at night as well as generated feelings of anxiety and insecurity. To put things right and start moving in a more positive direction, there is a need for the querent to face her fears and deconstruct them so she can accurately distinguish between what is real and what is only an illusion. XVIII-The Moon counsels that the querent would be better served by tuning into her intuition, actively seeking and working with the insights that come to her.

Position 6 – The Probable Outcome: IV-The Emperor
Morgan-Greer Tarot: IV-The Emperor
Morgan-Greer Tarot: IV-The Emperor

IV-The Emperor is about order and management. In the Probable Outcome position, it suggests that the Universe is already in the process of orchestrating a desirable change, even though the querent can’t actually see it yet. This would be a good time for her to step up her efforts, visualizing and affirming what she really wants, namely, a new employment situation that would give her the opportunity to use her talents and skills in a supportive, friendly workplace. Through continued, focused intention, she could attract the conditions she is looking for. Interestingly, this card literally suggests a new boss — a desired probable outcome in itself.

Position 7 – The Next Step: 8 of Wands
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 8 of Wands
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 8 of Wands

The first thought that came to mind when I saw this card is that if she hasn’t already started, the querent should immediately begin sending out her resume and networking with anyone and everyone for job leads. 8 of Wands is a positive indication of new opportunities (including a new job offer), rushes of creative inspiration, new friends and a world of possibilities that can open up once she frees her mind of negative, painful 3 of Swords thinking.

Clarification: XII-The Hanged Man
Morgan-Greer Tarot - XII-The Hanged Man
Morgan-Greer Tarot – XII-The Hanged Man

As clarification, XII-The Hanged Man confirms that a change in perspective would do the querent a world of good. If she is willing to give up her old way of looking at things (i.e., giving up negative beliefs), she can turn her life around, making way for desirable new opportunities to come into her life.


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Card Job Prediction Using 5 Pointed Star Spread

An unemployed female querent recently ran into a former employer who had always thought well of her work. After some catch-up conversation and general chit-chat, he said he might be able to offer her a position with his new company — if he could convince them to take her on. The obstacle, it seemed, was the company’s frugal nature and their unwillingness to spend money “unnecessarily.” Despite being put off by the mixed message, the querent was curious to know if she might expect a job offer from this company in the near future.

I decided to cast a 5 Pointed Star Tarot spread using a significator card to describe the major theme of the reading, and chose the Universal Waite Tarot Deck to perform the reading.

After a thorough shuffle while concentrating on the querent’s situation and question, I drew the following cards:

5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread with Significator
5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread with Significator using Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Universal Waite Tarot Deck – U.S. Games Systems, Inc. (c) 1971, 1991


Significator card: the central card, Ace of Pentacles, describes the theme of the reading. As the significator, Ace of Pentacles aptly describes a new opportunity such as a new job offer, exactly mirroring what was on the querent’s mind. I took the card as confirmation the spread was valid and that I had correctly tuned into the querent’s situation.


Position #1 – King of Cups

The card in this position describes the basis of the question. It reveals the issue under consideration, but will not affect the outcome.

King of Cups in Position #1 describes a professional man who most likely has the querent’s best interests at heart. He is trustworthy, creative, and may possibly have a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces (Cups) sun sign. I felt this card was describing the querent’s former employer and his role in possibly helping her secure new employment.


Position #2 – 5 of Wands

The card in this position reveals the querent’s thoughts or mindset regarding the matter, whether she anticipates success or failure, what she may fear and/or what is causing concern.

5 of Wands in Position #2 describes the querent’s beliefs and expectations. I think she expects a “fight” between her former employer and whoever has the authority to make a hiring decision. That doesn’t mean she expects he won’t “win,” simply that he’ll have to put on quite the show to get them to come around to his point of view. Either way, the querent likely believes getting the higher-ups to agree to hire her will be challenging to say the least.


Position #3 – King of Wands

The card in this position reveals additional information about the situation, of which the querent may or may not be aware, that needs to be considered.

King of Wands in Position #3 could refer to the former employer’s immediate superior. Notice the King of Wands is literally above the King of Cups in the Tarot spread — he is “higher up.” He also seems to look away to the left, distancing himself from the situation described by the rest of the cards. He is disinterested and not terribly invested in the outcome. I notice that the Ace of Pentacles and the 3 of Cups are also “beneath” him in a diagonal direction. It seems to me he would consider the amount of money the company would have to pay to the querent for her skills and services should they take her on to be relatively insignificant (Ace = 1 = small amount of money (Pentacles).


Position #4 – 3 of Cups

The card in this position answers the question. This card may also provide advice and/or guidance on how to handle the situation.

3 of Cups is a card of celebration and could be indicating that the querent may in fact soon be “celebrating” her landing of a new position. It could also be a timing card, indicating the “celebration” would occur within “three weeks” or “three months.” Finally, 3 of Cups could also suggest part-time (as opposed to full-time) employment; something the querent may want to consider.


Position #5 – XXI-The World

The card in this position shows the Probable Outcome, going beyond the answer found in Position #4, to a final conclusion.

As a major arcana card, XXI-The World carries extra weight, auguring fulfillment and/or successful completion of a goal. It suggests that all will go well and that the “celebration” suggested by 3 of Cups in Position #4 will indeed take place.



I thought it was interesting that 5 of Wands in Position #2 could also be referring to the King of Cups‘ beliefs and expectations. He likely would see pitching the querent’s employability to the company higher-ups as a game — one he was fully confident in winning. The querent quickly confirmed that sounded “just like” her former employer — a caring, trustworthy man who also happened to be a Scorpio (King of Cups)!

I put a three month time limit on this spread prior to casting. If I get future feedback from the querent as to what ultimately happened, I’ll update this post.


Mary Hawkins


Lenormand and Tarot Combo Reading: Employment Advice

Male X is a 29 year old husband and father who’s been working as a maintenance man at a property management company for the past two years. When he became frustrated and disillusioned with his job, he applied for, and was offered, a similar position at better pay, with a competitor. When he told his company he was leaving, they counter-offered, matching the competitor’s pay. After going back and forth, unable to come to a decision, his worried wife contacted me for a reading. She wanted to know which job was the better choice, for both her husband and their family.

I decided to consult the Lenormand and the Tarot to see what advice and insights they could supply concerning the two jobs.

First, let’s see what the Lenormand cards had to say:

Job #1 (current job)

Blaue Eule Lenormand 9 Bouquet - 35 Anchor - 28 Gentleman
9 Bouquet – 35 Anchor – 28 Gentleman


Job #2 (potential new job)

Blaue Eule Lenormand 30 Lilies - 20 Garden - 6 Clouds
30 Lilies – 20 Garden – 6 Clouds

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand (c) 2008 Konigsfurt-Urania


Lenormand was quite direct about Job #1, showing Male X’s professional skills (Bouquet) as a maintenance man (Anchor + Gent). The cards also reflected that the company appreciated his skills (Bouquet) and that there was likely longevity (Anchor) for him at their company. The overall impression I got about Job #1 was that of stability (Anchor) and appreciation for his services (Bouquet).

Lenormand was equally descriptive regarding Job #2. While the company seemed to have pure motives (Lilies) in presenting itself as a pleasant and enjoyable workplace (Lilies + Park), such a presentation was deceptive or not what it seemed to be (Clouds). I got the impression things might change here (and not for the better), and a future with this company was unpredictable at this time (Clouds).

Wanting to get additional information and insight, I consulted the Tarot:

I decided to cast an Options Spread where three cards for each option are drawn. Underneath each option, I drew a card to give insight or advice on what Male X should consider before making a decision. The final card suggests the Probable Outcome.


Options Tarot Spread Employment Advice
Options Tarot Spread Employment Advice

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Job #1 is shown by VII-Chariot, XIX-Sun and Knight of Cups, while what should be considered is signified by the 4 of Swords.

All three cards describing Job #1 are positive, giving the sense of a reputable (XIX-Sun), take-charge (VI-Chariot) type of company that has Male X’s best interests at heart (Knight of Cups).

The 4 of Swords as insight or advice suggests Male X might feel stuck in neutral at Job #1. He may feel tired and discouraged and long for a change of pace.

Job #2 is shown by 2 of Cups, 10 of Swords and 7 of Swords. What should be considered is described by 4 of Pentacles.

I almost had to slap my head at how literal these cards spoke to me: “First they woo you (2 of Cups), then they stab you in the back (10 of Swords). There is deception (7 of Swords) surrounding Job #2. Beware.”

The 4 of Pentacles as insight or advice suggests Male X, despite the discouragement he feels about Job #1, may feel too scared to make a change at this time. Perhaps he will want to hold on to what he already has.

Ace of Wands as the Probable Outcome suggests that a new chapter will begin. This could be a raise or promotion (Job #1), or a new job (Job #2). You can see the Tarot did not make the decision for Male X, but rather, leaves it up to him after he considers the advice and insights in the spread.


What actually happened?

Before consulting with the wife, I also ran a horary astrology chart which indicated Job #1 was more stable and that Job #2 possibly might not be able to live up to its promises. The chart also suggested that Male X may have “pre-decided” on Job #2 (probably due to his frustrations with Job #1). I gave this information to the wife, along with my interpretations of the Lenormand and Tarot cards, being very careful not to paint Job #2 in a totally negative light, because I did not want to influence Male X’s decision. I did suggest, however, that perhaps Male X could talk things out with his current employer, since the cards seemed to indicate the company was reputable and had his best interests at heart.

I counseled that in the long run, bettering himself either via specialized education or moving up in the company was more important than either one of these jobs. She agreed, and the consultation ended.

I heard back from Male X’s wife a few days later. She told me not only did Male X ultimately decide to stay with Job #1, but he also wanted to pursue an educational program that would enable him to earn more money in an entirely different profession in which he had genuine interest.

As of this date, Male X has taken the first step to a new career by attending an informational workshop for the educational program he is interested in pursuing, and seems satisfied with his decision to stay with Job #1.


Mary Hawkins