Tag Archives: Daily Draw

Lenormand Daily Draw: Garden, Key, Scythe, Sun, Heart, Anchor

When I pull morning cards, I usually focus on receiving information about what will happen or what I need to know.

Lately, the cards seem to want to keep talking about my son’s progress as he applies to grad schools and today’s draw was no exception.

I drew:

20 Garden - 33 Key - 10 Scythe - 31 Sun - 24 Heart - 35 Anchor
20 Garden – 33 Key – 10 Scythe – 31 Sun – 24 Heart – 35 Anchor

Mystical Lenormand (c) 2005, 2007 – AGM-Muller


Yesterday my son had an online interview with one of the three grad schools he applied to. It was a very important meeting (Garden + Key). There will be a swift decision (Scythe) that most likely will be positive (Sun) and happy/ emotionally fulfilling (Heart).

I think they thought quite well of him (Sun + Heart) and liked what he has to offer.

Using the mirror technique, Garden + Heart suggests an “engagement party” and Key + Sun suggests they were impressed with his accomplishments thus far.

Scythe as the hinge card with Anchor supporting it suggests a permanent (Anchor) decision (Scythe) to take him on. Even though the decision itself may be swift, it could take a while (Anchor is a “slow” card) to get the decision (Scythe) — but with the line ending in Sun and Heart, I think the decision will be very positive.

I’ll update when I know more (probably 4-6 weeks from now).


Mary Hawkins



Lenormand Daily Draw: Book, Tower, Rider, Coffin, Birds, Anchor

This morning I pulled the following cards for my daily draw:

Lenormand cards 26 Book - 19 Tower - 1 Rider - 8 Coffin - 12 Birds - 35 Anchor
26 Book – 19 Tower – 1 Rider – 8 Coffin – 12 Birds – 35 Anchor

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand (c) 2008 Konigsfurt-Urania


At first I thought the cards were giving a message about my son’s upcoming online interview with one of the grad schools he applied to. The cards seemed to suggest that the University (Book + Tower) would provide him with a reassuring update (Rider + Anchor) after the online interview ended (Coffin + Birds).

But then it occurred to me, maybe the cards were commenting on something else entirely…

My son is an emerging artist. His work has been featured in several local and regional art shows over the past couple years. Last week, to his shock, he discovered a local business had stolen one of his images (probably copied it from his blog) and used it in an advertisement poster which they then placed in their front window.

Needless to say, my son was not happy.

My son’s girlfriend’s mother works for a law firm and he asked her to discuss the situation with one of the attorneys. My son doesn’t want to start a lawsuit. He just wants the company to take down the artwork they stole from him.

In that light, I read the cards as follows:

The law firm (Book + Tower) provides reassuring news (Rider + Anchor) about ending (Coffin) the advertising (Birds).

It could take a few days before either of these situations resolve. The online interview with the University is Thursday, and it may take a few days after that to hear back from them. It also may take a few days before the law firm responds to my son’s request for advice.

I’ll update once I know the results.


Mary Hawkins

Update 2/28/2014: The cards began manifesting quickly. By late afternoon on the day of the draw, I learned the lawyers (Book + Tower) were all over the “stolen art” situation like crows on roadkill. They told my son (via his girlfriend’s Mom) they would draft a cease and desist letter (Rider + Anchor as encouraging or supportive news) instructing the business owner to take down the advertising (Coffin + Birds).

My son received the draft and the letter was mailed out to the business owner today.

As far as the interview with the University (Book + Tower), my son received an encouraging email (Rider + Anchor as supportive feedback) after the interview ended (Coffin + Birds).

Looks like the cards killed (Coffin) two birds (Birds) with one stone — so to speak!


Lenormand Daily Draw: Coffin, Cross, Storks

We each have our crosses to bear. Mine include frequent morning headaches which I rate in my daily journal on a scale of 1 (not so much) to 5 (just shoot me now).

This morning I got hit with a 4.

The headache, which had started around 4:00 a.m., was so painful I almost didn’t pull cards (the key word being ‘almost’). The ibuprofen I’d taken (chugged down with the requisite cup of black coffee) hadn’t made a dent. How I even  managed to shuffle the deck can only be explained by sheer force of habit.

Here’s what I drew:

8 Coffin 36 Cross 17 Storks
8 Coffin – 36 Cross – 17 Stork

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


The first two cards were appropriately literal. COFFIN can indicate a headache and COFFIN + CROSS certainly can suggest a headache of monumental proportions. The third card, STORK, was hopeful, indicating relief, as this card often indicates changes, usually for the better.

I wound up going back to bed for a couple hours, and by the time I got back up, thankfully, the headache had dissipated, allowing me to continue on with my day.

In retrospect, I’m glad the daily draw hadn’t been more complicated. My head was hurting way too much to bother trying to figure out much more information than these three cards provided.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Heart, Woman, Child, Letter, Birds

On a Friday morning in early January, I drew the following cards for my daily draw:


24 Heart - 29 Woman - 13 Child - 27 Letter - 12 Birds
24 Heart – 29 Woman – 13 Child – 27 Letter – 12 Birds

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here is my interpretation, straight from my journal:

I think I will hear from my younger daughter today. Heart + Woman speaks of an affectionate woman or a woman I am fond of, and Child suggests she is younger rather than older. Child could also be literal, referring to her son / my grandson.

I think she will text me (Letter) and maybe call me on the phone (Birds).

Here’s what happened:

School was cancelled. My younger daughter (Heart + Woman + Child) texted (Letter) to see if I would babysit my grandson (Child) while she conducted a tutoring session (she’s a teacher). A few minutes later, she texted again, telling me the tutoring session was cancelled and wanting to know if she could come over for coffee. A few minutes after that, she sent a  third text, telling me she wanted to run a few errands and maybe she’d see me later.

So a flurry (Birds) of texts (Letter) from my affectionate younger daughter (Heart + Woman + Child), with mention of her son (Child).

She never did come over, but then again, 1 Rider didn’t show up in the spread.

The morning cards proved to be quite literal.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Garden, Ship, Cross

One bitterly cold, dreary day last month, I awoke with one of my usual morning headaches (3.5 on a scale of 1 to 5). After chugging down two ibuprofens with a cup of black coffee, I proceeded to do my daily draw using the (rather enchanting) Enchanted Lenormand oracle cards by Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee.

Too unmotivated to ask a focused question, I simply asked the cards to tell me how my day would go.

I drew:

20 Garden - 3 Ship - 36 Cross
20 Garden – 3 Ship – 36 Cross

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here is the meaning I scribbled down in my journal that made the most sense:

Socializing/ frivolity (Garden), taking a break / moving away from (Ship) responsibilities / hardships/ duties / deadlines (Cross).

In other words, just goofing off….

Ha! I smirked. We’ll see about that! There were plenty of items on my to-do list I could tackle — if I set my mind to it.


Feedback: Wouldn’t you know, this is exactly what happened. I didn’t do anything I was “supposed” to do. I frittered the day away and completely avoided my duties/ responsibilities, despite knowing in advance the day was likely to play out this way and I could have changed the outcome through awareness.

This is part of the beauty of being able to read cards. You can increase your awareness of the prevailing energies and with this knowledge, if you make conscious choices and decisions, you have the opportunity to alter the outcome.

Obviously, I did not practice what I preach on that particular gloomy day.


Mary Hawkins