Tag Archives: Bicycle Club Tattoo playing cards

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards Predict Help is on the Way!

When I woke up this morning, a look out the window quickly revealed that Mother Nature had dumped at least a foot of snow in my driveway.

Undaunted, I bundled up and stepped outside, ready to brave the elements, optimistically focusing on snow removal success.

Silly me.

A half hour later, frozen to the bone with little to show for my work, I dragged myself back inside, fixed a cup of coffee and sighed. Wondering if I could expect any help, I picked up my Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards deck and threw an Answer Spread.*

“If I Ask, Will I Get Any Help Shoveling the Driveway Today?”

The Answer:

Answer Spread with Bicycle Club Tattoo playing cards 2 of Hearts - Ace of Diamonds - King of Hearts - 8 of Clubs - 6 of Diamonds - 3 of Diamonds http://livingwithcards.com
Answer Spread* with Bicycle Club Tattoo playing cards 2 of Hearts – Ace of Diamonds – King of Hearts – 8 of Clubs – 6 of Diamonds – 3 of Diamonds

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards

Preliminarily, five red cards looked to be a good sign, as did two red cards in the “Answer” column (column 2). I also noted no spades were present, suggesting “no problems.” Just as I was about to begin delineating the spread, Daughter #1 called to let me know she, her hubby and their snowplow were on the way to shovel me out!!!

To say this was serendipitous would be an understatement. 🙂

Later, still smiling over my good fortune, I looked over the spread I’d cast and jotted down the following notes:

Column 1: Circumstances Leading Up to the Question

Answer Spread Column 1: 2 of Hearts - 8 of Clubs http://livingwithcards.com
Answer Spread Column 1: 2 of Hearts – 8 of Clubs

Column 1 of the Answer Spread represents the situation or circumstances leading up to the question. It can show the very recent past or the actual current circumstances.

Here we see the 2 of Hearts and 8 of Clubs. The 2 of Hearts can symbolize a family member or loved one and the 8 of Clubs can symbolize thoughts, discussions, or thinking about taking some action. The cards in Column 1 succinctly expressed that I was thinking about asking my daughter for help but had not yet done so.


Column 2: The Answer

Answer Spread Column 2: Ace of Diamonds - 6 of Diamonds http://livingwithcards.com
Answer Spread Column 2: Ace of Diamonds – 6 of Diamonds

Column 2 of the Answer Spread answers the question. Here we see double Diamonds suggesting great energy is in play, as well as quick results. Diamonds often symbolize money but that is not applicable to my question, so we’ll go with thoughts, energy and immediacy.

In the context of my question, the Ace of Diamonds suggests a new thought or communication, written or verbal, to be given or received. The number 6 suggests harmony and the 6 of Diamonds can refer to psychic energy, among other things. The sense I got from this combination was that a message, thought or communication of some sort (Ace of Diamonds) would show that my loved ones (2 of Hearts) and I were “on the same page,” or psychically attuned (6 of Diamonds) in some way. It so happened that even as I was thinking of asking (8 of Clubs) for help from a family member (2 of Hearts), I received a phone call offering the very assistance I was about to ask for!

Column 3: Something that may affect the Outcome, or Clarification of the Answer

Answer Spread Column 3: King of Hearts - 3 of Diamonds http://livingwithcards.com
Answer Spread Column 3: King of Hearts – 3 of Diamonds

Column 3 of the Answer Spread gives additional information that often helps explain the answer found in Column 2. Sometimes it describes why the answer is what it is. The bottom card in Column 3 is called the Pivot Card because often the answer “pivots” on whatever that card represents. Here, the Pivot Card is the 3 of Diamonds, topped by the King of Hearts.

It was easy to see that the King of Hearts represented my son-in-law, a generous, kind-hearted family man. Because I sometimes (but not always) equate the 3 of Diamonds with the Tarot 3 of Wands, which is the “ships coming in” card, it was easy for me to make the jump to “snowplow coming in.” Column 3 clearly showed my son-in-law (King of Hearts) and his snowplow coming to my rescue!

Once again, I’m happy to report, the Answer Spread* came through with flying colors. Give it a try on your next question if you haven’t already done so, and to those of you living in snow zones, may your driveways stay clear!


Mary Hawkins

*I learned the Answer Spread from The Art of Cartomancy blog by Kapherus.

Answer Spread Using Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards

Over the weekend I found myself at Target searching for a birthday present for Grandson #2 when I spotted this playing card deck in one of the toys & games aisles:

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards (c) 2013 The United States Playing Card Company
Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards (c) 2013 The United States Playing Card Company

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards

Do I have to tell you how long it took me to grab it off the shelf and toss it in my shopping cart?!

Yep. About two & a half seconds.

Despite a busy day, I just had to give these cards a try. I decided to throw an Answer Spread*, which can give a quick yes or no answer to a simple question. I was most curious to learn how these cards would respond to my energies.


My son is away at graduate school in a different state. A couple weeks ago he mentioned the possibility of coming home for a visit later this month. I’ve been trying not to think about it because I don’t want to stoke my expectations and then be disappointed.

But with this brand new (not to mention very cool) card deck sitting on my kitchen table, I couldn’t help myself. I just had to ask!

The Question

“Will my son come home for a visit by or before the end of October?”

The Answer

The Answer Spread using Bicycle Club Tattoo playing cards 7 of Diamonds - 10 of Diamonds - 6 of Diamonds - 6 of Hearts - King of Hearts - 8 of Diamonds
7 of Diamonds – 10 of Diamonds – 6 of Diamonds – 6 of Hearts – King of Hearts – 8 of Diamonds

Bicycle Club Tattoo Playing Cards

The first thing I note is all the cards are red. This in itself is an excellent indication of a “yes” answer.

I also note there are two sixes in the spread which can indicate that all works out in a satisfactory manner. This is another indication of a “yes” answer.

Out of six cards, four are diamonds. This suggests money is a major factor in whether or not the trip back home will take place, information that certainly resonates with me, since my son’s funds are limited. In fact, the pivot card (8 of Diamonds) is a card of budgeting and in that position shows finances are a key factor in his decision.

Column #1 – Recent Past or Current Situation

The Answer Spread Column 1 - 7 of Diamonds - 6 of Hearts
7 of Diamonds – 6 of Hearts

The Answer Spread is read in columns. The left-most column shows the recent past or current situation. Here we have the 7 of Diamonds topped by the 6 of Hearts.

The 6 of Hearts, a young male who is much loved, refers to my son. I see he has the 7 of Diamonds, a lucky money card above him, which makes me think this column shows his hopes or thoughts that he’ll have the money to make this trip.


Column #2 -The Answer

The Answer Spread Column 2 The Answer 10 of Diamonds King of Hearts
10 of Diamonds – King of Hearts

The 10 of Diamonds, among other things, symbolizes a trip by air or an airplane. In general, Diamonds topped by Hearts suggests a happy conclusion. I am not sure why the King of Hearts in particular showed up in this spot. I don’t think it refers to my son (he would be the Jack of Hearts). Perhaps some kindly man who has my son’s best interests at heart will be instrumental in seeing that he gets an airplane ticket home.



 Column #3 – Additional Information

Answer Spread Column 3 Additional Information 6 of Diamonds 8 of Diamonds
6 of Diamonds – 8 of Diamonds

6 of Diamonds + 8 of Diamonds suggests to me that my son will not be talking about any budgeting or financial difficulties he may have. No matter how much he’d like to make this trip, he’s not going to ask his mother for money. The cards in this column hint that if I really want to see him, perhaps I should consider sending some money to fund the cause.



The cards certainly seem to give a positive answer. Obviously, I won’t know for sure if this trip is a go until later in the month, and I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to send a little cash his way to hedge my bets.

On another note, I really enjoyed working with the Bicycle Club Tattoo playing card deck and plan to use it again. If you see this deck in your travels, scoop it up! If you can’t find it, you can order it at the link below.


Mary Hawkins

*I learned the Answer Spread from The Art of Cartomancy blog by Kapherus. Sadly, this excellent site that teaches how to read playing cards is no longer available to the public. If I hear any news about Kapherus rejoining the internet community, I’ll let you know.