Tag Archives: 9 of Wands

Intuitive Tarot Technique: Secret Message from your Inner Being

If you’ve ever wrestled over an issue or situation and wished your Higher Self would just jump out and give you some advice, you might want to give this tarot card technique a try. For best results, try it with a tarot deck you like, but don’t normally work with.

Begin by shuffling the cards, thinking about the topic or area of concern for which you seek guidance. Consider as many aspects of the situation as you can bring to mind, then ask your cards an open-ended question such as:

“How can I …?”
“What do I need to consider about …?”
“How might it go for me if …?”
“What advice can you give me about …?”

When you feel ready, quickly flip over each card of the thoroughly shuffled deck, placing those that appeal to you face down in a separate pile. DON’T THINK ABOUT THIS TOO HARD!! Just flip over cards and if you like the card for any reason whatsoever, place it face down in a separate pile.


Q: How Can I … (Insert Your Question Here) ?

Morgan-Greer Tarot cards: Queen of Pentacles, XVII-The Star, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands
Selected cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck: Queen of Pentacles, XVII-The Star, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands

Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

When you’re done flipping through the cards, pick up the pile of cards you selected (they should all be face down) and without looking at them and without changing the order in which you selected them, count how many you have.

The number of cards you selected correlates with the Major Arcana card of the same number, with 22 equaling 0-The Fool.

So, if like the example above, you pulled 5 cards, that would equal V-The Hierophant.  Seven cards would equal VII-The Chariot and 16 cards would equal XVI-The Tower.

If you managed to pull more than 22 cards, simply reduce to a number totaling 22 or less. For example, 27 cards = 2 + 7 = 9 = IX-The Hermit.

Now comes the fun part 🙂

Since you obviously looked at each card as you were flipping them, you will probably know right away whether the Major Arcana card that correlates with the number of cards you selected is in the shuffled deck or in the selection pile. Simply pick up the correct pile, find the card and take the one before it and the one after it as well: this is the Secret Message from your Inner Being, regardless of which pile it’s in.

The Secret Message:

Secret Message cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot: King of Cups, V-The Hierophant, 9 of Wands
Secret Message cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot: King of Cups, V-The Hierophant, 9 of Wands

Consider how the Secret Message from your Inner Being relates to the question you asked. If you have the time, consider turning over the cards you selected and read them separately and/or in combination with the Secret Message cards for more insight regarding the topic at hand. Time and again, I’ve found this particular tarot technique almost always brings some degree of insight I either didn’t have or couldn’t seem to put my finger on prior to casting the cards.


Mary Hawkins