Tag Archives: 8 of Swords

Double Carded Tarot Card Spread for Problem Solving

Suppose you have a problem. Not just some trivial, inconsequential, problem that will ultimately resolve itself in a day, a week, a month. I’m talking about a problem of consequence. An issue, problem or circumstance that’s been impacting your health, wealth, peace of mind, marriage, career, family dynamics … your very quality of life … over a period of time.

In today’s post, I’ll show you a simple tarot card spread you can try that was specifically designed to provide deeper insights into difficult, ongoing problems, as well as point out solutions and what steps to take next.

“The Querent, a female, has experienced increasing frustration with her ongoing inability to turn a deeply-loved hobby into an income source…”


The question:

“Why Am I Having This Problem and What Can I Do About It?”


Double Carded Tarot Spread for Problem Solving - Living With Cards © 2019
Double carded tarot card spread for problem solving – Living With Cards © 2019

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Double Carded Tarot Spread for Problem Solving

Instructions: Shuffle the cards thoroughly while thinking about your question/ problem/ situation. When ready, cut the deck into three stacks. Take the top card from each stack and lay it out left to right as shown in the image. Place the bottom card from each stack below the corresponding top image.

Double carded tarot card spread for problem solving - Living With Cards © 2019 http://livingwithcards.com
Double carded tarot card spread for problem solving – Living With Cards © 2019

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Column 1

The top card in column 1 shows the Problem/ Question/ Concern (or the aspect of the problem/ question/ concern that the cards wish to discuss) and the bottom card shows its underlying basis, reason or cause. Because the cards in column 1 denote a problem, cards that are normally positive should be read as if they were reversed.

Column 1: IX-The Hermit and 9 of Cups - Double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards © 2019 http://livingwithcards.com
Column 1: IX-The Hermit and 9 of Cups

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Here, while the Querent believes she can or should be relying on herself to resolve her issues (IX-The Hermit), her problem is being exacerbated by a negative expression or influence of the 9 of Cups. This could include overindulgence/ addictive behaviors, wishful thinking, focusing on disappointments over lack of fulfillment in financial matters, or other negative interpretations of 9 of Cups. Because the suit of Cups is associated with the Water element, there is a strong emotional component in play. Because 9 of Cups symbolizes an underlying factor of the problem, the Querent may not be consciously aware of how emotions are impacting her situation. In essence, her ability to rely on herself (IX-The Hermit) to resolve her issues has been disabled because she’s constantly being undermined by emotional influences of which she’s likely not aware (negative 9 of Cups).

Column 2

The top card in column 2 gives the answer or solution, supported by the message contained in the bottom card. Here we see 8 of Wands supported by the Queen of Swords.

Column 2: 8 of Wands and Queen of Swords from double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Column 2: 8 of Wands and Queen of Swords

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

In general, 8 of Wands points to the end of a period of stagnation and delay, something which would surely bring great relief to the Querent. It is also a strong communications card and could suggest something as simple as beginning to promote oneself and one’s offerings to the public, whatever those may be. As the underlying card, the Queen of Swords suggests that the Querent adopt a head-over-heart attitude concerning her problem and not let her emotions and feelings (negative 9 of Cups) interfere with her goal of swiftly putting into motion (8 of Wands) a plan that could release her from a situation that is keeping her boxed in, frustrated, socially isolated and (probably) lonely (IX-The Hermit).

Column 3

The top card in column 3 gives advice on how to proceed, supported by the message contained in the bottom card. Here we see the 8 of Pentacles supported by the Knight of Swords.

Column 3: 8 of Pentacles and Knight of Swords - double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Column 3: 8 of Pentacles and Knight of Swords

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

In the context of the question, 8 of Pentacles, a card of cultivation, implies that whatever it is that one is devoting their time and effort to will pay off in the long run. As such, it accurately mirrors the Querent’s situation; she’s certainly put a lot of time and effort into her creative projects over the years and has been wanting to lay down a financial foundation based on her skills. 8 of Pentacles is a reminder that such endeavors take time but eventually pay off should one remain dedicated. The Knight of Swords points out that the Querent will need to stay steadfastly committed to her goals and, like the Queen of Swords, reiterates the advice of following her head, not her heart, as she proceeds. Decisiveness and clear vision is of the essence.

Additional Information or Factors to be Considered Cards

For a continuation of advice or to receive additional guidance from the cards, turn the three stacks over and read, in order, the bottom cards:

Additional Guidance Cards: 8 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles and 6 of Pentacles - double carded tarot spread for problem solving - Living With Cards http://livingwithcards.com
Additional Guidance Cards: 8 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles and 6 of Pentacles

Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Here we see the 8 of Swords (interference), the Knight of Pentacles (slow and steady progress) and the 6 of Pentacles (financial success and gain). The message is clear: the Querent is the cause of her own problem; she is doing this to herself (8 of Swords), likely because she has let her fears and negative thinking blind her to options that others can see clearly. This is the “trap of your own making” card and it succinctly shows the Querent how she’s been shooting herself in the foot. The advice follows: the Knight of Pentacles is the “plan the work, work the plan” card and the 6 of Pentacles assures the probability of financial gain should she do so, particularly if the Querent’s offerings benefit others. This is the route the cards advise taking to achieve the goal.

The double carded tarot card spread for problem solving with additional guidance cards has given the Querent plenty of food for thought. Whether she heeds and acts upon the advice is up to her.



Mary Hawkins

Note: the Princes in the Crowley-Thoth tarot deck correlate to Knights in Rider-Waite style decks. I have referred to the Prince of Swords and the Prince of Disks in the above example as their Rider-Waite equivalents, the Knight of Swords and the Knight of Pentacles since most readers are more familiar with the Rider-Waite system.

Tarot Clarification Cards Address Relationship Issue

You can almost always glean additional and helpful information from a Tarot spread by pulling clarification cards. While there are many ways to select clarification cards, below I will outline my preferred method.

First, let’s take a look at a simple 7 card Overview Spread* that reads fairly straightforwardly. Later, we’ll add the clarification cards.


Tarot spread, overview spread, card positions, livingwithcards.com
The Overview Spread – card positions

Card 1: Significator or Theme Card (Represents the Querent or describes an important aspect about the topic under consideration)

Cards 2 & 6: The Recent Past / Current Influences

Card 3: What is Above You (Describes what’s weighing on the Querent’s mind at the time of the reading)

Cards 4 & 7: Near Future/ What Happens Next

Card 5: What is Below You (Describes what the Querent dreads, doesn’t want to think about or wants to avoid)


The template above shows how to lay out the spread once you’re done shuffling the cards in your usual manner while thinking about the topic you’d like the cards to discuss. You can preselect Card 1 if you like (for example, choose the King or Queen who normally represents you, or choose VI-The Lovers for a relationship overview), or let the deck choose for you. I usually let the deck pick the Significator or Theme Card, but please do whatever feels comfortable to you. You’ll still get a valid reading.



In the following example, the Querent (person asking the question) was a single female who found herself unexpectedly pregnant. She wanted to know if marriage (which she and the man had discussed as an option) was a good idea. I drew the following cards:

Overview tarot spread Universal Waite tarot deck
Overview Spread – Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Card 1 – Significator or Theme Card: III-The Empress

Cards 2 & 6 – The Recent Past / Current Influences: 10 of Wands + 2 of Wands

Card 3 – What is Above You (What’s Weighing on Your Mind at the Time of the Reading): 8 of Swords

Cards 4 & 7 – Near Future/ What Happens Next: 3 of Pentacles + 4 of Swords

Card 5: What is Below You (What You Are Avoiding, Dreading or Don’t Want to Think About): 7 of Wands


Since the Querent was indeed pregnant, III-Empress as the Significator or Theme Card was certainly appropriate. I quickly noted, however, a lack of cards in the spread suggesting marriage and/or happiness.

10 of Wands and 2 of Wands in the Recent Past position (Cards 2 + 6) suggested feelings of overwhelm and off-centeredness. 8 of Swords in the Above position (Card 3) suggested a sense of entrapment, awkwardly countered by the independent, go-it-alone vibe presented by 7 of Wands in the Below “Don’t Want to Think About It” position (Card 5).

I noted that the Wands cards, which in general can indicate hope and inspiration, were in the Recent Past and Below positions (Cards 2, 6 and 5) while cards from the suit of Swords (indicating fear and worry) showed up in the Above position (Card 3) and as the last card of the Near Future (Card 7).

The child itself did not seem to factor in (no Pages), and once again I’ll mention the lack of cards indicating love, marriage, cooperation and/or happiness.

The Overview Spread confirmed the Querent’s sense of feeling conflicted. With 3 of Pentacles and 4 of Swords in the Near Future position (Cards 4 + 7), it seemed likely that any potential growth of the relationship between her and the baby’s father would come to a halt. Perhaps they would agree to take a break from each other. This interpretation seemed to be supported by 7 of Wands in the “Don’t Want to Think About It” Below position (Card 5) which speaks to what one is avoiding, dreading or not wanting to consider. I got the sense the querent didn’t want to admit to herself (let alone the baby’s father) that she would prefer to remain independent.

Before I went any further, I wanted to see the clarification cards, knowing they would either support or refute my intuitions.


How I Use Numerology to Calculate Tarot Clarification Cards

Each Major Arcana card has its own value, 0 – 22.

Each Minor Arcana card 1 – 10 has its own value.

In my system, Kings = 11, Queens = 12, Knights =13 and Pages = 14. Some readers do the reverse. Either way it’s up to you, just be consistent.


In this reading there were no court cards so the math was easy enough. I added up the numerical values of the cards in the layout and reduced the total to a number equaling 22 or below. Here, the cards added up to 37, which equals 3 + 7 = 10 = X-Wheel of Fortune.

The next step was to find X-Wheel of Fortune in the remaining deck and pull it out, along with the card before and the card after, giving me a three-card clarification:

Tarot clarification cards VII-Chariot, X-Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Pentacles
Tarot Clarification Cards


VII-The Chariot continued with the theme of independence and wanting to do one’s own thing while 5 of Pentacles suggested hardship and more restriction. X-Wheel of Fortune in the middle suggested to me the course had not yet been set. While I felt the fate of this relationship was in the querent’s hands (Chariot), that didn’t guarantee the change would be positive (especially with 5 of Pentacles following the Wheel). “Sleeping on it” (4 of Swords) was not bad advice. She owed it to herself to carefully consider her options and desires in light of what would ultimately prove best for all parties.


Mary Hawkins

*I learned the Overview Spread from The Art of Cartomancy website by Kapherus, which is now back online, I’m happy to say 🙂