Tag Archives: 3 Ship

Lenormand Cards Confirm Death of a Pet

This is an entry from my daily journal:


On August 3, 2013, I asked the Lenormand cards,

‘What is in my immediate future – the next 35 days or so?’

I pulled:

30 Lilies - 8 Coffin - 3 Ship - 18 Dog - 13 Child - 2 Clover
30 Lilies – 8 Coffin – 3 Ship – 18 Dog – 13 Child – 2 Clover

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


Here’s how I interpreted the cards:

Death of a pet. My dear kitty Sasha is on her way out. Dog + Child = puppy, small pet. (Dog can refer to pets in general, including cats.)

She’s old (Lilies), small (Child), a pet (Dog), and she’s on her way out (Coffin + Ship).

Clover indicates 2 months / 2 weeks / 2 days.


What Actually Happened:

My sweet, little 18 year old kitty, Sasha, had been losing weight over the summer at an alarming rate, and I was just beginning to realize she’d lost her hearing as well. I knew something was up. Despite the cards I had drawn, I remained in denial. I wasn’t ready to let her go.

Sasha took a turn for the worse approximately two weeks (Clover) after the date of the draw. The week of 8/19 was very bad. By Sunday, 8/25, it was certain she was dying. On Monday, 8/26, I called a local vet and arranged to bring her in for euthanasia. Sasha was given a lethal injection at 10:45 am on Monday, 8/26/2013.


Sasha Michelle Kitty 1995 - 2013
Sasha Michelle Kitty
1995 – 2013


I cried all day.

All week.

On and off through September, and into October…

Approximately two months later (Clover), Charlie and Midnight came into my home and my life.


Charlie & Midnight
Charlie & Midnight


Charlie and Midnight are Rescue Kitties, abandoned when their family pulled up stakes and left town. Charlie, the orange guy, is about 3 or 4 years old and as friendly and cuddly and playful as can be. Midnight, an older, toothless gent of about 7, purrs up a storm, eats like there’s no tomorrow, and wakes me up every morning by poking his paw in my face . I still miss my sweet Sasha, and always will, but I’ve grown to love my new Kitty Boys.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Garden, Ship, Cross

One bitterly cold, dreary day last month, I awoke with one of my usual morning headaches (3.5 on a scale of 1 to 5). After chugging down two ibuprofens with a cup of black coffee, I proceeded to do my daily draw using the (rather enchanting) Enchanted Lenormand oracle cards by Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee.

Too unmotivated to ask a focused question, I simply asked the cards to tell me how my day would go.

I drew:

20 Garden - 3 Ship - 36 Cross
20 Garden – 3 Ship – 36 Cross

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here is the meaning I scribbled down in my journal that made the most sense:

Socializing/ frivolity (Garden), taking a break / moving away from (Ship) responsibilities / hardships/ duties / deadlines (Cross).

In other words, just goofing off….

Ha! I smirked. We’ll see about that! There were plenty of items on my to-do list I could tackle — if I set my mind to it.


Feedback: Wouldn’t you know, this is exactly what happened. I didn’t do anything I was “supposed” to do. I frittered the day away and completely avoided my duties/ responsibilities, despite knowing in advance the day was likely to play out this way and I could have changed the outcome through awareness.

This is part of the beauty of being able to read cards. You can increase your awareness of the prevailing energies and with this knowledge, if you make conscious choices and decisions, you have the opportunity to alter the outcome.

Obviously, I did not practice what I preach on that particular gloomy day.


Mary Hawkins