Tag Archives: 3 of Swords

Tarot Card Guidance: Possibilities Spread

Everyone has areas of life in which they’d like to see a more positive outcome. I developed the Possibilities Tarot Card Spread to help you explore in more depth what may be available to you in a particular life area and what you may need to do or avoid in order to bring a more desired outcome into your reality.

First I’ll show you the layout, then I’ll show you an example of the spread in action.

Possibilities Tarot Card Spread Layout
Possibilities Tarot Card Spread
Possibilities Tarot Card Spread – http://livingwithcards.com



Tarot card reading tip: if the situation you wish to explore is frightening, disturbing or emotionally overwhelming, do your best to calm yourself down and consciously intend to draw cards that will give you true and helpful guidance before you shuffle and draw the cards.


Example of the Possibilities Tarot Card Spread: Employment Situation

Background: Female A is an older woman who is absolutely miserable in her job. When she started the position, she had high hopes it would make good use of her creative skills, but to her dismay, she found herself being assigned clerical, entry-level work well below her skill level, which she detested. Her supervisor seemed aloof and disinterested in the daily office drama, and she found her co-workers to be dishonest and untrustworthy. Despite the fact there was absolutely nothing she liked about the job, the thought of being jobless terrified her, so she stayed. She seemed desperate for a way out, but feared nothing might be “out there” for her, and besides, she didn’t have any idea of where to start looking.

The Tarot Card Reading for Female A:

While thinking about Female A’s situation and consciously intending to access helpful information, I shuffled the cards and then cut the deck into seven separate piles (one for each position), selecting the top card from each pile in sequential order. My question was: “Regarding Female A’s employment situation, what possibilities are now available to her?”

Q: What Possibilities are Available for Female A’s Employment Situation?

Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords - 6 of Cups - Queen of Swords - 3 of Swords - XVIII-The Moon - IV-The Emperor - 8 of Wands
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords – 6 of Cups – Queen of Swords – 3 of Swords – XVIII-The Moon – IV-The Emperor – 8 of Wands

Morgan Greer Tarot Deck


Positions 1 and 2 – Possibilities Currently Available and Reason / Basis for the Possibility: 6 of Swords and 6 of Cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords - 6 of Cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 6 of Swords – 6 of Cups

I tend to read these two positions together. 6 of Swords is a card that is associated with moving away from the past. When this card is drawn, it is likely that the querent will be the one who makes the first move rather than let circumstances make the move for her. In other words, 6 of Swords suggests that a change in the way she is thinking about things (Swords = thoughts) will prompt her to seek a new job more in keeping with her desires. 6 of Swords also suggests that as she mentally (Swords) loosens herself from of grip of her situation, she may find that things start improving. Additionally, the card hints at the possibility of receiving help from unexpected sources.

The reason for, or basis of, the possibility is shown by 6 of Cups, which indicates that Female A’s creative skills and abilities still exist. She didn’t lose them, even though she is not currently using them. 6 of Cups also suggests that Female A (possibly because of her age) could be thinking her best days are behind her, which could certainly become her reality if she persists on believing such a disempowering thought. In essence, the possibility of distancing herself from the past and moving on to better things in the employment arena (6 of Swords) is dependent on her recognition that she does in fact possess valuable skills and talents and that her best days could be ahead of her and not behind her (6 of Cups). The two cards placed together suggest she could now become open to believing this possibility could be true for her.

Position 3 – What Helps: Queen of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot - Queen of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot – Queen of Swords

Clear, non-emotional thinking is of the essence. The Queen of Swords counsels that the querent should emotionally detach from her current situation and admit and declare, to herself and to the Universe, that she wants — and deserves — to be free of what has become an unacceptable condition. She should mentally (Swords) affirm that she deserves to use her gifts, talents and skills in a supportive environment. She would be best served by focusing (Swords) on what she wants and ruthlessly disengage (Swords) from all negative thinking about the situation.

Position 4 – What Hinders: 3 of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 3 of Swords
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords is a card of emotional pain. In Position 4, it counsels that continued focus on negative and/or painful feelings will only prolong the painful and unpleasant situation in which the querent currently finds herself. The 3 of Swords confirms, whether she realizes it or not, that the querent is living within an abusive situation and that it is now necessary to remove the cause of her pain and let go what no longer serves her, if she is to have any chance at a happier, healthier work situation.

Position 5 – The Deduction: XVIII-The Moon
Morgan-Greer Tarot: XVIII-The Moon
Morgan-Greer Tarot: XVIII-The Moon

As the Deduction, XVIII-The Moon suggests the querent has been holding on to a very unhappy work situation because her fears of what the future might bring have been greater than her desire to change her circumstances. Unfortunately, these fears have probably kept her up at night as well as generated feelings of anxiety and insecurity. To put things right and start moving in a more positive direction, there is a need for the querent to face her fears and deconstruct them so she can accurately distinguish between what is real and what is only an illusion. XVIII-The Moon counsels that the querent would be better served by tuning into her intuition, actively seeking and working with the insights that come to her.

Position 6 – The Probable Outcome: IV-The Emperor
Morgan-Greer Tarot: IV-The Emperor
Morgan-Greer Tarot: IV-The Emperor

IV-The Emperor is about order and management. In the Probable Outcome position, it suggests that the Universe is already in the process of orchestrating a desirable change, even though the querent can’t actually see it yet. This would be a good time for her to step up her efforts, visualizing and affirming what she really wants, namely, a new employment situation that would give her the opportunity to use her talents and skills in a supportive, friendly workplace. Through continued, focused intention, she could attract the conditions she is looking for. Interestingly, this card literally suggests a new boss — a desired probable outcome in itself.

Position 7 – The Next Step: 8 of Wands
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 8 of Wands
Morgan-Greer Tarot: 8 of Wands

The first thought that came to mind when I saw this card is that if she hasn’t already started, the querent should immediately begin sending out her resume and networking with anyone and everyone for job leads. 8 of Wands is a positive indication of new opportunities (including a new job offer), rushes of creative inspiration, new friends and a world of possibilities that can open up once she frees her mind of negative, painful 3 of Swords thinking.

Clarification: XII-The Hanged Man
Morgan-Greer Tarot - XII-The Hanged Man
Morgan-Greer Tarot – XII-The Hanged Man

As clarification, XII-The Hanged Man confirms that a change in perspective would do the querent a world of good. If she is willing to give up her old way of looking at things (i.e., giving up negative beliefs), she can turn her life around, making way for desirable new opportunities to come into her life.


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Card Advice on Asking Questions

When it comes to reading tarot cards, a good rule of thumb to follow is:

If you don’t really want to know the answer, don’t ask the question.

If you choose to ignore this advice, one of three things will surely happen.

1. The cards will pick up on your subconscious hopes and wishes and reflect back to you what you want to hear. At first glance, you might feel joy and relief. Then you’ll get that “hey, wait a minute…that can’t be right” feeling and self doubt will kick in…

Q: Does X like me the way I like him?

A: You are the sunshine of his life. He sees you two as a couple. Your dreams will come true.

Your gut response: “Yeah, right…”.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XIX-The Sun - 2 of Cups - 9 of Cups
XIX-The Sun – 2 of Cups – 9 of Cups

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


2. The cards will pick up on your subconscious worries and fears and deliver worst case scenarios, sending you screaming for that carton of rocky road ice cream stashed at the back of the freezer (or for whatever your go-to comfort food happens to be).

Q: Does X like me the way I like him?

A: No way. He is lying to you. He will break your heart and leave you crying.

Your gut response: “Aw, come on … it couldn’t possibly be this bad…”

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 7 of Swords - 3 of Swords - 5 of Cups
7 of Swords – 3 of Swords – 5 of Cups

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


3. The cards, having picked up on your subconscious, vibrational broadcast that you don’t really want to know the answer, will arrange themselves in some gobbly-gook fashion, all but indecipherable, no matter how many times you reshuffle and draw again.

Q: Does X like me the way I like him?

A: Insights, inspirations, hopes fulfilled, new enterprise or beginning, success, completion, goals achieved, job well done .

Your gut response: “Huh??!!”

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck XVII-The Star - Ace of Wands - XXI-The World
XVII-The Star – Ace of Wands – XXI-The World

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


You can avoid the above scenarios by only asking questions for which you are ready to hear the answer. Another approach would be to rephrase your questions — especially about subjects in which you may have an emotional investment — in ways that feel more empowering and less fated.

The tarot is exceptionally good at providing deep insight into your situation/ circumstance/ issue. Instead of asking questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No,” practice phrasing your questions in empowering ways. Empowering questions such as “What’s the most important thing I need to know about [situation/ circumstance/ issue]?” or “What’s the best approach I can take regarding this [situation/ circumstance/ issue]?” are much more helpful and considerably less stress-provoking than the typical yes-or-no questions people tend to ask.

 * * * * * * * * * *

A great spread for ascertaining helpful advice and guidance is a variation of “The Veil” spread described in the Tarot de Marseille LWB (little white book). The first three positions are per the instructions. I added positions 4 and 5 because I think the additional information is helpful.

Position #1: What you are seeing.

Position #2: The Veil, or what you are not seeing, or the reason you are not seeing the entire truth.

Position #3: The truth, or how things really are.

Position #4: The advice.

Position #5: The Probable Outcome if you follow the advice.



Pertinent background leading up to the question: Recent blood work shows my cholesterol’s too high and the doctor’s scale confirms my bathroom scale is accurate (sigh).

My question: “What am I seeing / not seeing concerning my health and what is the truth?”

 The Veil Spread with Extra Positions

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Queen of Pentacles - 8 of Pentacles - II-The High Priestess - Ace of Swords - 0-The Fool
Queen of Pentacles – 8 of Pentacles – II-The High Priestess – Ace of Swords – 0-The Fool

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Position #1: What I am seeing.

Queen of Pentacles - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
Queen of Pentacles – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

QUEEN OF PENTACLES: I am seeing myself as healthy. After all, my cholesterol is not that high, and my weight is not that excessive.  The doctor didn’t even lecture me about either one. I want to believe I am healthy enough.

Position #2: The Veil, or what I am not seeing.

8 of Pentacles
8 of Pentacles – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

8 OF PENTACLES: Eight is the number that signifies balance vs. imbalance, and pentacles are physical. As such, they are often related to health issues. There is some type of imbalance going on, likely physical, whether I want to admit it or not.

Position #3: The truth, or how things really are.

II-The High Priestess - Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
II-The High Priestess – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

II-THE HIGH PRIESTESS: I am not listening to my gut feelings surrounding this issue. I am ignoring the inner voice that keeps nagging me that all is not well and that I really need to start doing something about it, preferably sooner rather than later.

Position #4: The Advice.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck Ace of Swords
Ace of Swords – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

ACE OF SWORDS: I need to find ways to release pent-up emotions, stress, anxieties and worries. Working out on a regular basis will go a long way in helping me bring my physical and mental energies back into balance. Exercise needed!

Position #5: The Probable Outcome if I follow the Advice.

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck 0-The Fool
0-The Fool – Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck

0-THE FOOL: A new beginning, starting afresh. All things are possible, jump in with both feet. Improved health.


I had to admit the cards were right. I told myself, the next time I got a flyer from a local gym offering promotional pricing, I’d join. And wouldn’t you know it, a flyer from the fitness center closest to my house arrived in the afternoon mail…

 * * * * * * * * * *

I’d really like to encourage you to ask questions that help you sort things out, empower you, and lead you to your own conclusions. The answers you’ll receive by taking this approach will be much more insightful and helpful than any yes-or-no answers could ever hope to be.


Mary Hawkins