Tag Archives: 3 of Cups

Tarot and the Law of Attraction Part 2

You don’t have to work with Tarot cards for very long before you begin noticing that, for the most part, they are reflecting the energies and vibrations surrounding the situation and circumstances at the time of the question. If you are somewhat skeptical that this is true, try throwing a Tarot spread when you are feeling out-of-sorts and/or conflicted. Betcha a buck the cards you pull will be just as out-of-sorts and/or conflicting as you are feeling.

This is a good thing. It is instant confirmation that you are focused on something you do not want. You say you want the tarot cards to give you an objective, clear, comprehensible answer to your question but all you have gotten back from them is gobbley-gook. A reading that makes no sense at all. This immediately tells you that you are focused on the lack of what you want.

In Part 1 of this series, I told you I would show you a simple Tarot card spread that could help you identify what you are really focusing upon. This knowledge can help you consciously direct your thoughts so that you may get better at creating deliberately rather than by default. And once you really start getting the hang of how to do that, you’ll find you’ll be bringing more of what you want (and less of what you don’t want) into your life.


The Law of Attraction Tarot Card Spread

The Law of Attraction Tarot Card Spread works best when you’ve been living with a situation or circumstance long enough to determine that things just don’t seem to going the way you wish they would and you’d like a fresh insight on what you need to do to get the energy flowing in a more positive direction.

While shuffling a favorite deck of Tarot cards, think about the situation or circumstance upon which you are seeking guidance. The question should be open-ended, such as “What’s going on for me in this situation and where am I headed?”

When you feel ready, cut the shuffled deck into six separate piles and place the top card of each pile into the corresponding slot shown on the diagram below:


Law of Attraction Tarot Card Spread http://livingwithcards.com
Law of Attraction Tarot Card Spread – Living with Cards



Q: What’s Going On for Me in this Situation and Where Am I Headed?

Position 1 – What-Is: This card will reflect the dynamics of your current situation. Sometimes this card will be quite literal, such as pulling the 10 of Swords while wondering why you just can’t seem to get past a devastating break-up that occurred a few months ago.

Robin Wood Tarot: 10 of Swords
Robin Wood Tarot: 10 of Swords

Other times, you might have to think about what the card is saying to you.  Consider the suit of this card. Cups could be pointing to an emotional aspect of the situation, Pentacles to a physical aspect, Swords to a mental aspect, and Wands to a spiritual aspect.

Position 2 – What You Want: The card in this position will show you an aspect of what you’d like to see happen. Again, the card could be quite literal. In keeping with the devastating break-up theme, perhaps VI-The Lovers or 2 of Cups may show up.

Robin Wood Tarot: 2 of Cups
Robin Wood Tarot: 2 of Cups

Typically, you will pull a card that points out some aspect or quality of what you are telling yourself you want to happen.

Position 3 – Where You Are Focused: This is the critical card to pay attention to. It will show you whether you are focused on what you say you want or upon the lack of what you say you want. Continuing with the devastating break-up example, 5 of Cups in Position 3 suggests you may be focused on what you’ve lost and not upon being part of the happy couple depicted by the 2 of Cups in Position 2.

Robin Wood Tarot: 5 of Cups
Robin Wood Tarot: 5 of Cups

Position 4 – Where Your Focus is Taking You: You shouldn’t have much trouble interpreting the card that lands in this position. Using the devastating break-up example, drawing the 7 of Swords, II-The High Priestess or XVIII-The Moon could clearly point to the probability that you are deceiving yourself on some level, or refusing to listen to your inner knowing.

Robin Wood Tarot: 7 of Swords - II-The High Priestess - XVIII-The Moon
Robin Wood Tarot: 7 of Swords – II-The High Priestess – XVIII-The Moon

Position 5 – Advice or Comment: The card that shows up in this position will often emphasize what action you need to take or avoid in order to get back on track. 9 of Cups could be as simple as the suggestion to find more things in your life to focus on that would make you happy, while 3 of Cups may give you the idea that reaching out to friends could be helpful. Don’t be afraid to follow your intuitive promptings as you examine this card.

Robin Wood Tarot - 9 of Cups - 3 of Cups
Robin Wood Tarot – 9 of Cups – 3 of Cups

Position 6 – Something Worth Considering: This is a card of additional assistance and/or insight from your Inner Being. Perhaps the 9 of Pentacles for this position could suggest a focus on self-sufficiency. Even though you may prefer to be in a relationship, cultivating a belief that you are whole (and not broken) with or without a partner could be the first step on your road to recovery and, eventually, a more fulfilling relationship.

Robin Wood Tarot: 9 of Pentacles
Robin Wood Tarot: 9 of Pentacles

Because the Tarot is masterful at identifying and mirroring back to you the thoughts and feelings you are putting out to the universe, the essence of which, by the Law of Attraction, must be returned back to you, it is an excellent tool for self-discovery and self-empowerment.


Mary Hawkins

Intuitive Tarot Technique: Secret Message from your Inner Being

If you’ve ever wrestled over an issue or situation and wished your Higher Self would just jump out and give you some advice, you might want to give this tarot card technique a try. For best results, try it with a tarot deck you like, but don’t normally work with.

Begin by shuffling the cards, thinking about the topic or area of concern for which you seek guidance. Consider as many aspects of the situation as you can bring to mind, then ask your cards an open-ended question such as:

“How can I …?”
“What do I need to consider about …?”
“How might it go for me if …?”
“What advice can you give me about …?”

When you feel ready, quickly flip over each card of the thoroughly shuffled deck, placing those that appeal to you face down in a separate pile. DON’T THINK ABOUT THIS TOO HARD!! Just flip over cards and if you like the card for any reason whatsoever, place it face down in a separate pile.


Q: How Can I … (Insert Your Question Here) ?

Morgan-Greer Tarot cards: Queen of Pentacles, XVII-The Star, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands
Selected cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck: Queen of Pentacles, XVII-The Star, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands

Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

When you’re done flipping through the cards, pick up the pile of cards you selected (they should all be face down) and without looking at them and without changing the order in which you selected them, count how many you have.

The number of cards you selected correlates with the Major Arcana card of the same number, with 22 equaling 0-The Fool.

So, if like the example above, you pulled 5 cards, that would equal V-The Hierophant.  Seven cards would equal VII-The Chariot and 16 cards would equal XVI-The Tower.

If you managed to pull more than 22 cards, simply reduce to a number totaling 22 or less. For example, 27 cards = 2 + 7 = 9 = IX-The Hermit.

Now comes the fun part 🙂

Since you obviously looked at each card as you were flipping them, you will probably know right away whether the Major Arcana card that correlates with the number of cards you selected is in the shuffled deck or in the selection pile. Simply pick up the correct pile, find the card and take the one before it and the one after it as well: this is the Secret Message from your Inner Being, regardless of which pile it’s in.

The Secret Message:

Secret Message cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot: King of Cups, V-The Hierophant, 9 of Wands
Secret Message cards from the Morgan-Greer Tarot: King of Cups, V-The Hierophant, 9 of Wands

Consider how the Secret Message from your Inner Being relates to the question you asked. If you have the time, consider turning over the cards you selected and read them separately and/or in combination with the Secret Message cards for more insight regarding the topic at hand. Time and again, I’ve found this particular tarot technique almost always brings some degree of insight I either didn’t have or couldn’t seem to put my finger on prior to casting the cards.


Mary Hawkins

Tarot Card Job Prediction Using 5 Pointed Star Spread

An unemployed female querent recently ran into a former employer who had always thought well of her work. After some catch-up conversation and general chit-chat, he said he might be able to offer her a position with his new company — if he could convince them to take her on. The obstacle, it seemed, was the company’s frugal nature and their unwillingness to spend money “unnecessarily.” Despite being put off by the mixed message, the querent was curious to know if she might expect a job offer from this company in the near future.

I decided to cast a 5 Pointed Star Tarot spread using a significator card to describe the major theme of the reading, and chose the Universal Waite Tarot Deck to perform the reading.

After a thorough shuffle while concentrating on the querent’s situation and question, I drew the following cards:

5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread with Significator
5 Pointed Star Tarot Spread with Significator using Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Universal Waite Tarot Deck – U.S. Games Systems, Inc. (c) 1971, 1991


Significator card: the central card, Ace of Pentacles, describes the theme of the reading. As the significator, Ace of Pentacles aptly describes a new opportunity such as a new job offer, exactly mirroring what was on the querent’s mind. I took the card as confirmation the spread was valid and that I had correctly tuned into the querent’s situation.


Position #1 – King of Cups

The card in this position describes the basis of the question. It reveals the issue under consideration, but will not affect the outcome.

King of Cups in Position #1 describes a professional man who most likely has the querent’s best interests at heart. He is trustworthy, creative, and may possibly have a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces (Cups) sun sign. I felt this card was describing the querent’s former employer and his role in possibly helping her secure new employment.


Position #2 – 5 of Wands

The card in this position reveals the querent’s thoughts or mindset regarding the matter, whether she anticipates success or failure, what she may fear and/or what is causing concern.

5 of Wands in Position #2 describes the querent’s beliefs and expectations. I think she expects a “fight” between her former employer and whoever has the authority to make a hiring decision. That doesn’t mean she expects he won’t “win,” simply that he’ll have to put on quite the show to get them to come around to his point of view. Either way, the querent likely believes getting the higher-ups to agree to hire her will be challenging to say the least.


Position #3 – King of Wands

The card in this position reveals additional information about the situation, of which the querent may or may not be aware, that needs to be considered.

King of Wands in Position #3 could refer to the former employer’s immediate superior. Notice the King of Wands is literally above the King of Cups in the Tarot spread — he is “higher up.” He also seems to look away to the left, distancing himself from the situation described by the rest of the cards. He is disinterested and not terribly invested in the outcome. I notice that the Ace of Pentacles and the 3 of Cups are also “beneath” him in a diagonal direction. It seems to me he would consider the amount of money the company would have to pay to the querent for her skills and services should they take her on to be relatively insignificant (Ace = 1 = small amount of money (Pentacles).


Position #4 – 3 of Cups

The card in this position answers the question. This card may also provide advice and/or guidance on how to handle the situation.

3 of Cups is a card of celebration and could be indicating that the querent may in fact soon be “celebrating” her landing of a new position. It could also be a timing card, indicating the “celebration” would occur within “three weeks” or “three months.” Finally, 3 of Cups could also suggest part-time (as opposed to full-time) employment; something the querent may want to consider.


Position #5 – XXI-The World

The card in this position shows the Probable Outcome, going beyond the answer found in Position #4, to a final conclusion.

As a major arcana card, XXI-The World carries extra weight, auguring fulfillment and/or successful completion of a goal. It suggests that all will go well and that the “celebration” suggested by 3 of Cups in Position #4 will indeed take place.



I thought it was interesting that 5 of Wands in Position #2 could also be referring to the King of Cups‘ beliefs and expectations. He likely would see pitching the querent’s employability to the company higher-ups as a game — one he was fully confident in winning. The querent quickly confirmed that sounded “just like” her former employer — a caring, trustworthy man who also happened to be a Scorpio (King of Cups)!

I put a three month time limit on this spread prior to casting. If I get future feedback from the querent as to what ultimately happened, I’ll update this post.


Mary Hawkins