All posts by Mary Hawkins

Tarot Guidance: What I Need What I Want Spread

Mid-morning or so, I was thinking random, not particularly productive thoughts, when I caught myself in the act.

I noticed I was feeling somewhat frustrated and annoyed with myself. My to-do list was growing by the moment and I didn’t feel like tackling one thing on it. Other than that, I couldn’t seem to figure out why I was feeling out of sorts. I decided to throw a What I Need / What I Want Tarot spread to cast a little light on the matter.


What I Need What I Want Tarot Spread 10 of Pentacles - Knight of Swords - Ace of Swords
What I Need What I Want Tarot Spread
10 of Pentacles – Knight of Swords – Ace of Swords

Universal Waite Tarot Deck (c) 1971, 1991 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


10 of Pentacles in the What I Need position indicates financial security. Specifically, a safety net.

Knight of Swords in the What I Want position suggests I should engage in logical, non-emotional action or activities that are clearly focused on my goals.

Ace of Swords in the Advice position tells me a decision is needed.

The Tarot spread suggests that I make a decision (Ace of Swords) to engage in positive, logical, goal-oriented activities (Knight of Swords) in order to achieve my need, which is financial security and the development of a safety net (10 of Pentacles).

* * * * * * * * * * *

Although I really didn’t have any preconceived notions on subject matter prior to pulling the cards, I must say I was impressed. Recently retired from the work force, my goal is to develop and monetize this blog in order to eventually supplement my Social Security income. This will provide the financial security / safety net I need. The What I Need / What I Want Tarot Spread had succinctly pointed out what I should focus on to get me where I needed and wanted to be.

The cards I drew focused my conscious mind on a game plan that made perfect sense for me. I should take consistent, logical, clearly focused, goal-oriented actions and trust in my eventual success. Knowing the Universe loves symbolic gestures, I followed up immediately by writing this post. Then I printed the spread and taped it near my computer because I don’t want to lose track of the guidance I received.

* * * * * * * * * * *

It just so happens, in this draw, what I needed and what I wanted coincided, which was serendipitous. If the cards had fought each other, indicating that my needs and wants were at odds, I would probably have wanted to throw another spread to help me clarify how I might resolve the discrepancy.



Mary Hawkins

Lenormand and Tarot Combo Reading: Employment Advice

Male X is a 29 year old husband and father who’s been working as a maintenance man at a property management company for the past two years. When he became frustrated and disillusioned with his job, he applied for, and was offered, a similar position at better pay, with a competitor. When he told his company he was leaving, they counter-offered, matching the competitor’s pay. After going back and forth, unable to come to a decision, his worried wife contacted me for a reading. She wanted to know which job was the better choice, for both her husband and their family.

I decided to consult the Lenormand and the Tarot to see what advice and insights they could supply concerning the two jobs.

First, let’s see what the Lenormand cards had to say:

Job #1 (current job)

Blaue Eule Lenormand 9 Bouquet - 35 Anchor - 28 Gentleman
9 Bouquet – 35 Anchor – 28 Gentleman


Job #2 (potential new job)

Blaue Eule Lenormand 30 Lilies - 20 Garden - 6 Clouds
30 Lilies – 20 Garden – 6 Clouds

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand (c) 2008 Konigsfurt-Urania


Lenormand was quite direct about Job #1, showing Male X’s professional skills (Bouquet) as a maintenance man (Anchor + Gent). The cards also reflected that the company appreciated his skills (Bouquet) and that there was likely longevity (Anchor) for him at their company. The overall impression I got about Job #1 was that of stability (Anchor) and appreciation for his services (Bouquet).

Lenormand was equally descriptive regarding Job #2. While the company seemed to have pure motives (Lilies) in presenting itself as a pleasant and enjoyable workplace (Lilies + Park), such a presentation was deceptive or not what it seemed to be (Clouds). I got the impression things might change here (and not for the better), and a future with this company was unpredictable at this time (Clouds).

Wanting to get additional information and insight, I consulted the Tarot:

I decided to cast an Options Spread where three cards for each option are drawn. Underneath each option, I drew a card to give insight or advice on what Male X should consider before making a decision. The final card suggests the Probable Outcome.


Options Tarot Spread Employment Advice
Options Tarot Spread Employment Advice

Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck (c) 1985 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Job #1 is shown by VII-Chariot, XIX-Sun and Knight of Cups, while what should be considered is signified by the 4 of Swords.

All three cards describing Job #1 are positive, giving the sense of a reputable (XIX-Sun), take-charge (VI-Chariot) type of company that has Male X’s best interests at heart (Knight of Cups).

The 4 of Swords as insight or advice suggests Male X might feel stuck in neutral at Job #1. He may feel tired and discouraged and long for a change of pace.

Job #2 is shown by 2 of Cups, 10 of Swords and 7 of Swords. What should be considered is described by 4 of Pentacles.

I almost had to slap my head at how literal these cards spoke to me: “First they woo you (2 of Cups), then they stab you in the back (10 of Swords). There is deception (7 of Swords) surrounding Job #2. Beware.”

The 4 of Pentacles as insight or advice suggests Male X, despite the discouragement he feels about Job #1, may feel too scared to make a change at this time. Perhaps he will want to hold on to what he already has.

Ace of Wands as the Probable Outcome suggests that a new chapter will begin. This could be a raise or promotion (Job #1), or a new job (Job #2). You can see the Tarot did not make the decision for Male X, but rather, leaves it up to him after he considers the advice and insights in the spread.


What actually happened?

Before consulting with the wife, I also ran a horary astrology chart which indicated Job #1 was more stable and that Job #2 possibly might not be able to live up to its promises. The chart also suggested that Male X may have “pre-decided” on Job #2 (probably due to his frustrations with Job #1). I gave this information to the wife, along with my interpretations of the Lenormand and Tarot cards, being very careful not to paint Job #2 in a totally negative light, because I did not want to influence Male X’s decision. I did suggest, however, that perhaps Male X could talk things out with his current employer, since the cards seemed to indicate the company was reputable and had his best interests at heart.

I counseled that in the long run, bettering himself either via specialized education or moving up in the company was more important than either one of these jobs. She agreed, and the consultation ended.

I heard back from Male X’s wife a few days later. She told me not only did Male X ultimately decide to stay with Job #1, but he also wanted to pursue an educational program that would enable him to earn more money in an entirely different profession in which he had genuine interest.

As of this date, Male X has taken the first step to a new career by attending an informational workshop for the educational program he is interested in pursuing, and seems satisfied with his decision to stay with Job #1.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Daily Draw: Coffin, Cross, Storks

We each have our crosses to bear. Mine include frequent morning headaches which I rate in my daily journal on a scale of 1 (not so much) to 5 (just shoot me now).

This morning I got hit with a 4.

The headache, which had started around 4:00 a.m., was so painful I almost didn’t pull cards (the key word being ‘almost’). The ibuprofen I’d taken (chugged down with the requisite cup of black coffee) hadn’t made a dent. How I even  managed to shuffle the deck can only be explained by sheer force of habit.

Here’s what I drew:

8 Coffin 36 Cross 17 Storks
8 Coffin – 36 Cross – 17 Stork

Mlle. Lenormand Jeu de destin No. 194115 (c) 1986 Piatnik


The first two cards were appropriately literal. COFFIN can indicate a headache and COFFIN + CROSS certainly can suggest a headache of monumental proportions. The third card, STORK, was hopeful, indicating relief, as this card often indicates changes, usually for the better.

I wound up going back to bed for a couple hours, and by the time I got back up, thankfully, the headache had dissipated, allowing me to continue on with my day.

In retrospect, I’m glad the daily draw hadn’t been more complicated. My head was hurting way too much to bother trying to figure out much more information than these three cards provided.


Mary Hawkins

Lenormand Cards Answers Question about Honesty

This morning, randomly, I started thinking about the recent rash of TV commercials that start with the word “honestly” and how much they annoy me.

“Honestly? Who can say they don’t want to be tan?” (Kardashians tanning commercial)

“Honestly? I’m a little old fashioned. I love chalk and erasers…” (Microsoft Surface commercial)

Honestly?! Ask me how fast I can press the mute button…

Then I got to thinking. Why does the word “honestly” annoy me so much? Could it be because sometimes I’m not completely honest with myself, embarrassing as that might be to admit? It then occurred to me that maybe the Lenormand cards could give good insight into what we might have to gain if we were willing to be brutally honest with ourselves.

Here’s a phrasing you might use if you want to give this approach a try:

If I were being honest with myself about [situation/ circumstance/ issue], I would realize .

For example, say you were having a relationship issue. You could ask:

If I were being honest with myself about my relationship with X, I would realize …

Or a job situation:

If I were being honest with myself about the current dynamics at my workplace, I would realize…

If you’re willing to drop your defenses and really look at yourself, you could use this basic wording for insight on how you might be shooting yourself in the foot or hiding your head in the sand in just about any situation/ circumstance or issue that’s causing you concern. Of course, it goes without saying, if you really don’t want to know the answer, don’t ask the question…

On that note, here’s a personal example:

I decided to use the honesty phrasing in a Line of 5 Lenormand layout where the situation/ circumstance/ issue would be my own card reading abilities.

If I were being honest with myself about my own card reading abilities, I would realize…


25 Ring - 32 Moon - 06 Clouds - 21 Mountain - 19 Tower - 22 Paths
25 Ring – 32 Moon – 06 Clouds – 21 Mountain – 19 Tower – 22 Paths

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) (c) 2008 Konigsfurt – Urania


I immediately see my commitment (Ring + Moon) to Lenormand. I also see confusion (Clouds) that’s blocking (Mountain) my progress (Tower) or clouding (Clouds) my judgement (Tower).

If I look at the clarification card* in relation to the central card of the spread, it’s easy to see I’m confused (Clouds) over which path (Paths) to take/ school to go with, and that my tendency to mix meanings from the different schools is holding me up (Mountain) and clouding (Clouds) my judgement (Tower).


*Clarification cards are a tarot reading technique, not a Lenormand reading technique. Some Lenormand experts teach that using a base card (bottom card of the deck) or another clarification card in a Lenormand reading is simply not necessary. Others take a harsher viewpoint, stating it pollutes the integrity of the reading.

I disagree. I often use the base card as a clarification card in a Lenormand Line of 5, and it usually provides useful insights regarding the reading.

You might want to try the technique for yourself and determine whether it works for you.



I’ve been working with Lenormand cards for almost six years now, and my “hit rate” is not as high as I’d like it to be. If I’m going to be honest with myself, I’ll admit I tend to cherry pick meanings from the various Lenormand schools, using meanings that suit my purposes at the time of the reading.

The cards in this “Honesty Spread” made it clear: if I were being honest with myself, I’d realize that choosing one particular Lenormand approach and sticking with it would improve my accuracy — at least for now. I could always make a different decision later on, should circumstances warrant.


Mary Hawkins




Lenormand Cards Daily Draw: Heart, Woman, Child, Letter, Birds

On a Friday morning in early January, I drew the following cards for my daily draw:


24 Heart - 29 Woman - 13 Child - 27 Letter - 12 Birds
24 Heart – 29 Woman – 13 Child – 27 Letter – 12 Birds

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle – Caitlin Matthews & Virginia Lee


Here is my interpretation, straight from my journal:

I think I will hear from my younger daughter today. Heart + Woman speaks of an affectionate woman or a woman I am fond of, and Child suggests she is younger rather than older. Child could also be literal, referring to her son / my grandson.

I think she will text me (Letter) and maybe call me on the phone (Birds).

Here’s what happened:

School was cancelled. My younger daughter (Heart + Woman + Child) texted (Letter) to see if I would babysit my grandson (Child) while she conducted a tutoring session (she’s a teacher). A few minutes later, she texted again, telling me the tutoring session was cancelled and wanting to know if she could come over for coffee. A few minutes after that, she sent a  third text, telling me she wanted to run a few errands and maybe she’d see me later.

So a flurry (Birds) of texts (Letter) from my affectionate younger daughter (Heart + Woman + Child), with mention of her son (Child).

She never did come over, but then again, 1 Rider didn’t show up in the spread.

The morning cards proved to be quite literal.


Mary Hawkins