Lenormand Cards Predict Art Show Sales: Coffin, Mice, Ring, Garden, Clover, Fish

I love it when the Lenormand cards turn out to be literal. You know, like when 18 Dog actually turns out to be a dog, or when 13 Child is actually a child.

I had such an experience this morning when I threw a Lenormand Line of 5 to get a “heads up” on how my son’s art show opening reception this evening would go.


My son is an emerging artist who’s recently completed his second year of a three year graduate fine arts program out of state. In the past, he’s had some success showing and selling his work at regional venues. He’s back in town for a few weeks and the opening reception for his latest art show is this evening.

Beyond curious as to know what the sales potential for tonight’s festivities might be, I couldn’t help but throw a Lenormand Line of 5 with the Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand cards this morning to get the skinny.

Q: Art Show Reception Sales Potential


Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand 8 Coffin - 23 Mice - 25 Ring - 20 Garden - 2 Clover http://livingwithcards.com
Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand 8 Coffin – 23 Mice – 25 Ring – 20 Garden – 2 Clover – 34 Fish

Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand Orakelkarten – blaue Eule

The spread starts out with some fears and worries, perhaps some pre-show jitters, about low attendance or potential lack of sales (COFFIN + MICE). The central or hinge card, 25 Ring, however, augers “contracts,” and in combination with 34 Fish, these are likely sales. (FISH, in and of itself, is a money card, confirming that the cards are indeed addressing a money question.)


Note: As usual, I included the Base Card (bottom card of the shuffled deck), which I’ve found gives extra insight to the Lenormand Line of 5. In my experience, the base card either modifies the hinge (central) card or clarifies the focus of the reading. In this spread, it does both.


20 Garden can be interpreted as “a public event” and here represents the art show itself. 2 Clover ending the Lenormand Line of 5 suggests success and a positive, likely profitable, outcome.

In a nutshell, “stresses and fears that attendance may be low or that sales might be poor (COFFIN + MICE) will dissolve/ dissipate/ end (COFFIN). My son will “get lucky” and likely experience a profitable outcome (CLOVER). The show (GARDEN) will bring in sales (RING + FISH)”.

To gain clarification and/or additional information, I quickly added up the cards’ numerical values and reduced the sum to a number equaling 36* or less:

8 + 23 + 25 + 20 + 2 + 34 = 112 = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 = 4 House


* 36 is the number of cards in a Lenormand deck. If I had been using a Tarot deck, I would have reduced the sum to a number equaling 22 or less, the number of Tarot cards in the Major Arcana.



I then found 4 House in the remaining deck and selected it along with the card before and the card after.


Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand 10 Scythe - 4 House - 31 Sun http://livingwithcards.com
Blaue Eule (Blue Owl) Lenormand 10 Scythe – 4 House – 31 Sun


SCYTHE is literally “a cut.” HOUSE symbolizes the venue. Literally, “the house gets a cut” (their commission on sales) and everyone walks away happy (SUN).

I was pleased with the card draw and can hardly wait to see how this goes. I’ll let you know! 🙂

Stay tuned,


Mary Hawkins


Woo Hoo!! Opening night was a success! SUN and CLOVER came through with flying colors 🙂 — Attendance was fabulous, sales were made (so oh yeah, the house got its cut), opportunities for future shows at other venues are likely, the gallery owner is extending the show dates … all in all very positive and my son is very pleased at how things went.